This came up before when debian upgrade wanted to remove these because of their being the previous version. Now all the version numbers are consistant. Deborphan lists them as orphans--no longer used! So ... are all these provided in the "main" wine library and these packages actually orphans? If so, why are they still around? If not, what is going on? Packages are from the locations instucted on the winehq site.
David Baron schrieb:>This came up before when debian upgrade wanted to remove these because of >their being the previous version. Now all the version numbers are consistant. >Deborphan lists them as orphans--no longer used! > >So ... are all these provided in the "main" wine library and these packages >actually orphans? If so, why are they still around? If not, what is going on? > >Packages are from the locations instucted on the winehq >site. > >Dear David! As I've been trying to tell you before this is a problem of having the same package names for different packages, one the one hand those from the repositories on any debian mirror, and on the other hand those from, more precisely you probably have this line //deb binary/// in your sources.list (as is instructed at If you just look at the contents of this directory in your browser you will see something like this: Index of /apt/binary Name <> Last modified <> Size <> Description <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [DIR] Parent Directory <> 11-Feb-2005 03:16 - [CMP] Packages.gz <> 11-Mar-2005 15:46 1k GZIP compressed docume> [ ] Release <> 11-Mar-2005 15:44 1k [ ] libwine-dev_0.0.2005..> <> 11-Mar-2005 15:43 1k [ ] libwine_0.0.20050310..> <> 11-Mar-2005 15:43 1k [ ] wine-dev_0.0.2005031..> <> 11-Mar-2005 15:46 2.2M [ ] wine_0.0.20050310-1_..> <> 11-Mar-2005 15:43 13.7M [ ] winetools_2.1.1-1_al..> <> 11-Mar-2005 15:43 373k ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80 Now if you just compare these filesizes with the ones from the debian repositories, e.g. libwine 11268.8 kB, libwine-dev 2438.6 kB, wine 1244.8 kB; you will see that the contens of any package from winehq and debian are totally different. For example since libwine and libwine-dev from are both only 1 k in size I guess they're just dummy packages that the wine and wine-dev (which doesn't even exists in the debian repositories) depend on. So you have to decide wether you want these packages from sourceforge in which case you should pinpoint them in aptitude, because I'm almost certain you have an etnry for a debian mirror in your sources.list. If you don't want to have the version from a debian mirror, only the packages listed above are needed because the functionality provided by libwine-cups, libwine-alsa, etc. from the debian repository should all be included in the package wine from They are only split into separate packages on in the debian repository for convenience so you don't have to have libwine-cups installed if you're not running cups or libwine-alsa if you're not running alsa. However if you want the version from a debian mirror (because it is thoroughly tested and packaged especially for maximum debian compatibility by a debian package maintainer) you should remove the line with from your sources.list and optionally compile the most recent version from winehq from source if you also want to have the most recent version for testing purposes. I hope I've gotten the message across this time and if I'm just not understanding your question please forgive me. Shouts., Roman.
Thanks for your reply. As you and other respondants noted, the libwine-* stuff is on Debian and no longer relevant to the winehq packages on sourceforge.. There were also libwine and libwine-dev dummy packages which I assume kept the debian stuff around, even though it was not needed. I removed them. In fact, now, deborphan listed all those libwine-* packages as orphaned. I have removed them. The latest wine from the sourceforge does not complain I do not necessarily want to pin the latest and greatest because any upgrades will not show up. Since I would assume the sourceforge packages will have higher version numbers than anything on Debian, I can treat accordingly.