Hi everybody, similar to someone who posted a request the other day I have a strange memory-problem under wine (SuSE 8.0 - KDE 3.0 - wine 20011226-67). I installed a version of digibib. This is a SW for reading digitalized books. It runs fine. I can read all the books I've got out of this series (about 15). Just with one of them the problem occurs. This is a relative big edition of an encyclopedia. When I try to read this one, the following happens: Digibib starts and says 'reading data' just like with the other books. Then somewhere in the middle of the process it stops reading and the whole system seems to hang. Nothing more happens. I have to kill wine. After that the system seems to have lost RAM. I asked the people who made digibib. They say this special book has got a lot of index-data to be read. So they know of memory problems with computers with not enough RAM. But my system is a AMD K7 w 700 Mhz and 256MB Ram. Have you got any idea? -- Bis dann Helmut And we all shine on