Du?ko Rusmir wrote:> Hello
> I have since about 2 weeks a problem with programm AD3000Edit from
> Wolfgang Litzinger.
> It is a verry simple programm without using of windoze registry.
> This was the first app which I have run succsefully with Wine for
> over 2 Years without any probs.
> App write:
> Runtime eroor 216 at 00002DE8
> err:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
> "/windows/D/Windows/fonts/desktop.ini" err =
> 55err:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
> "/windows/D/Windows/fonts/modern.fon" err = 2
These errors don't matter (you should be getting them with other
programs too).
> Wine failed with return code 216
> With any others app I don't have this errors.
Did you read documentation/cvs-regression.sgml ?
My real email is akamail.com@dclark (or something like that).