-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all I would like to share with all the wine users my appreciation for wine developers. I was able to install and run Eudora 5.1 without any problem. The only problem I encountered was in the setup, where if you choose to run the wizard instead of the advanced setup the system freezes. I'm using wine from the last CVS on a RH Linux 6.2 Thank you again wine developers! - -- Marco Bizzarri - Responsabile Tecnico - Icube S.r.l. Sede: Via Ridolfi 15 - 56124 Pisa (PI), Italia E-mail: m.bizzarri@icube.it WWW: icube.it Tel: (+39) 050 97 02 07 Fax: (+39) 050 31 36 588 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see quantumlab.net/pine_privacy_guard iD8DBQE8WlyWXhfyAQQVoaIRAkEKAJwMl2z/rTX17wfRadRfI7i74/Ek1QCgpB5Q jPwf5pFqHe/U/2BFojXFd5k=TzwP -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----