I've heard a lot of people talk about being able to run Red Alert under
Wine, but I don't seem to be able to do it. I have installed red alert to
/windows/D/wine/games/redalert using
# wine -winver win95 /cdrom/setup.exe
This then runs through the installer OK, but when I try to start RA using:
# cd /windows/D/wine/games/redalert
# wine -winver win95 ra.exe
After a short time, the screen goes blank, the CDROM drives reads the CD for
a couple of seconds, then reads the HDD and then freezes and I have to
reboot. I am running under KDE in SuSE 6.4. I'm installing to a FAT32
partition mounted at /windows/D/.
If anyone could help I would be extreemly grateful.
Many thanks,