Somebody made it possible to use DirectShow video codecs in OGG framework... Now get ready for DivX OGG files :) <> -- Jernej Simoncic, ICQ: 26266467 The intelligence of any discussion diminishes with the square of the number of participants. -- Walinsky's Law <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.
Wow! Looking forward to a DivX ;) of fight club with the commentery soundtrack included too! BTW can additional sound channels be encoded at a different rate to the main stereo channels? love Freya --- Jernej_Simonèiè <> wrote:> Somebody made it possible to use DirectShow video > codecs in OGG > framework... Now get ready for DivX OGG files :) > > <> > > -- > Jernej Simoncic, > > ICQ: 26266467 > > The intelligence of any discussion diminishes with > the square of the > number of participants. > -- Walinsky's Law > > > --- >8 ---- > List archives: > Ogg project homepage: > To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to > '' > containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. > No subject is needed. > Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will beignored/filtered. <p>__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions! --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.
Can someone repost the Siren Ogg RC2 plugin that Jack posted back on December 10, 2001? I tried accessing it through the link in his post but it seems to no longer be available. Thanks in advance. Patrick <p><p><p><p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.