Hi Guus,
A Raspberry-specific image is needed because once you build a docker image,
it contains the binaries to run your app, and Raspbery Pi has an ARM
architecture, not x86. So you need an image to run on each architecture.
Yes, there are a lot of Tinc images published, but I found no one that
builds tinc from sources. I started using jenserat/tinc image first, but it
uses the Tinc version packaged for debian in the debian:experimental
repository, so there is no way to use the exact Tinc version you want. The
Dockerfile is also simpler becasue it doesn't have the compilation step.
Also, first time you run this image, you need to initialize the
client/server and generate the private keys and up/down config scripts.
I needed to have control over which Tinc version I'm using, so I came up
with a new Tinc image that compiles Tinc from source, in the specified
version I need. I also wanted to automate as much as I could the tinc
initilization process. My image auto-generates the client keys in case they
are needed. The only thing you need to do once the container runs is to do
tinc import and export of the client keys.
I wasn't aware of the -o option of tinc daemon... My bad... I will use this
config option instead of env-vars on future releases, but I'll still need
to specify the IP and subnet for the up and down configuration scripts...
I've just published version 1.1pre14 and 1.1pre15 versions to dockerhub,
but I can publish more if it's useful for someone, or you can build your
own modifying the Dockerfile.
El mié., 13 sept. 2017 a las 12:51, Guus Sliepen (<guus at tinc-vpn.org>)
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:56:10PM +0000, Guillermo Bisheimer wrote:
> > Just wanted to mention that I've published a docker image of tinc
> 1.1pre15
> > for the raspberry pi 2/3.
> >
> > It was compiled from source on a raspberry 3 and published as
> > byscontrol/tinc-rpi
> along
> > witht the configuration instructions.
> >
> > The latest tag refers to 1.1pre15 only, but I can publish other
> as
> > well if needed.
> Nice. But why is a Raspberry-specific image necessary?
> Looking at your Dockerfile, it should build just as well for any
> architecture supported by Debian or any of its derivatives.
> I see that there are actually quite a lot of images for tinc on Docker
> Hub. The most popular one is jenserat/tinc. It seems it's somewhat
> simpler than yours. In particular, it's missing a configure.sh script
> that parses environment variables. However, where you say something like
> "-e TINC_NAME:client1", which gets parsed by your configure.sh
> with jenserats's version you just add "-o Name=client1" as an
> to the docker run command, which is then directly interpreted by tinc.
> It's also less typing and more flexible than your approach.
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
> Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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*Ing. Guillermo Bisheimer*
*B&S Sistemas de Control y Equipamientos*
Av. de los Constituyentes 1172
(E3116CIX) Crespo, Entre Ríos
Tel/Fax: (0343) 407-8990 (Nuevo número)
Cel: (0343) 154679052
WEB: bys-control.com.ar
e-mail: gbisheimer at bys-control.com.ar
skype: guillermo.bisheimer
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