On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 01:03:56PM +0200, Dariusz Bajszczak wrote:
> I have problem with lost packets in tinc connection. I have tinc VPN
with about 60 nodes (central node with tinc 1.0.20 and 59 nodes with tinc 1.0.9
connecting with central). Everything works fine except 2 nodes. In this nodes I
observed about 90 % packet loss in connection to central. In the logs (debug
level 5) I don't see any errors. I tested connection with iperf (server in
central node). When I use iperf over tinc, 90% packet is lost (10 kbits/s
speed), without tinc (with the same protocols and ports, udp and tcp port 654)
everything is ok (4 Mbit/s). All nodes have the same version of tinc, identical
configuration (except ip address) and firewall. I need help.
Did you check the logs of the central node AND of the two problematic nodes? Is
there anything different about those two nodes than the 57 other 1.0.9 nodes?
If those things don't give you any answers, could you send me the tinc.conf
the central node and the two problem nodes, their host config files, and the
contents of tinc-up on those three nodes? That would give us a better idea of
your configuration.
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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