On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 07:10:42PM +0100, Erik Logtenberg wrote:
> I gave both of my vpn routers an IP in the range, and
> used the Subnet-directive to inform tinc of this. This works fine, I can
> ping both hosts from both sides of the vpn.
[...]> When I try to ping an IP on the other end of the VPN, I get the following:
> # ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> From icmp_seq=1 Destination Net Unknown
> Note that there is no lag. This error comes from the local end of the
> VPN tunnel. I checked everything, from route tables to firewall
> configuration. I can only assume that tinc gives these errors, probably
> because it doesn't know about these subnets.
Yes, tinc will generate ICMP packets for unknown or unreachable destinations.
Indeed, since you only supplied Subnets for the range, it does
not know about and therefore doesn't know how to route those
> I think this should just work. The route to is configured
> with the other vpn router as gateway, so as far as tinc is concerned, it
> should just forward the traffic to that host (which by itself is
> reachable) and let the other side care about routing the traffic
> further. With ospf this is always configured correctly on both sides, so
> it should always work.
The problem is that in the default mode, tinc will act as a layer 3 router. A
gateway route only makes sense on layer 2 networks. If you send a packet to, there is no mention of 172.16.100.x at all in the IP packets, so
tinc does not know that you want those packets forwarded via a gateway.
> Is there any way to have tinc allow this traffic?
Yes, use Mode = switch to let tinc act as a layer 2 switch. Then your gateway
routes will work as you intended. You also do not need the Subnet statements
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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