Am 04.09.2019 um 22:18 schrieb Ady Ady via Syslinux:>> I am trying to setup a PXE server for two Debian releases (stretch and
>> buster) using their respective network boot images (netboot.tar.gz),
>> which I extracted into subdirectories of the TFTP server's root
>> ??? ??? debian
>> ??? ??? ??? buster
>> ??? ??? ??? ??? debian-installer
>> ??? ??? ??? ??? ldlinux.c32 ->
>> debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/ldlinux.c32
>> ??? ??? ??? ??? pxelinux.0 -> debian-installer/i386/pxelinux.0
>> ??? ??? ??? ??? pxelinux.cfg -> debian-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg
>> ??? ??? ??? ???
>> ??? ??? ??? stretch
>> ??? ??????? ??? debian-installer
>> ??? ??????? ??? ldlinux.c32 ->
>> debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/ldlinux.c32
>> ??? ??????? ??? pxelinux.0 -> debian-installer/i386/pxelinux.0
>> ??? ??????? ??? pxelinux.cfg -> debian-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg
>> ??? ??????? ???
>> ??? ??? pxelinux.0
>> ??? ??? pxelinux.cfg
>> ??? ??? ??? default
>> ??? ??? syslinux
>> ??? ??? ??? ldlinux.c32
>> ??? ??? ??? libutil.c32
>> ??? ??? ??? menu.c32
>> The directory syslinux contains files copied from the host's
>> syslinux-common. The host OS is Raspbian stretch.
>> pxelinux.cfg/default looks like:
>> ??? MENU TITLE PXE Remote Boot
>> ??? DEFAULT syslinux/menu.c32
>> ??? PROMPT 0
>> ??? LABEL Debian_9_i386
>> ??????? MENU LABEL Debian 9 Stretch Network Installer (i386)
>> ??????? CONFIG
>> debian/stretch/
>> ??? LABEL Debian_10_i386
>> ??????? MENU LABEL Debian 10 Buster Network Installer (i386)
>> ??????? CONFIG debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
>> debian/buster/
>> Booting Debian stretch on a PXE client works fine. But trying to boot
>> Debian buster results in an error:
>> ??? Undef symbol FAIL: init_fpu
>> ??? Failed to load libcom32.c32
>> ??? Failed to load COM32 file
>> debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/vesamenu.c32
>> Stretch and buster use incompatible versions of syslinux. And PXE is
>> requesting ldlinux.c32 before switching to the working directory
>> debian/buster specified by CONFIG. So instead of
>> debian/buster/ldlinux.c32, syslinux/ldlinux.c32 is used. Here is and
>> excerpt from the TFTP server's log:
>> ??? in.tftpd[12160]: RRQ from filename /ldlinux.c32
>> ??? in.tftpd[12161]: RRQ from filename
>> ??? in.tftpd[12162]: RRQ from filename
>> /debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
>> ??? in.tftpd[12163]: RRQ from filename
>> /debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/menu.cfg
>> ??? ...
>> ??? in.tftpd[12184]: RRQ from filename
>> /debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/vesamenu.c32
>> ??? in.tftpd[12185]: RRQ from filename
>> /debian/buster/libcom32.c32
>> ??? in.tftpd[12186]: RRQ from filename
>> /debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/libcom32.c32
>> How do I have to configure PXE to make it use the "right"
version of
>> ldlinux.c32?
> For troubleshooting, are you willing to perform a minor test?
> To be clear, the following test does not completely resolve a/the
> (potential) conflict between Syslinux's versions, but perhaps it might
> still improve the current situation.
> 1_ Copy (not link, not move, actual copy) the file:
> debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/ldlinux.c32
> to:
> debian/buster/debian-installer/i386/ldlinux.c32
> (where pxelinux.0 is actually located)
> 2_ Change the link, from:
> ??? debian
> ? ??? buster
> ? ? ??? debian-installer
> ? ? ??? ldlinux.c32 ->
> debian-installer/i386/boot-screens/ldlinux.c32
> to:
> ??? debian
> ? ??? buster
> ? ? ??? debian-installer
> ? ? ??? ldlinux.c32 ->
> debian-installer/i386/ldlinux.c32
> (where pxelinux.0 is actually located)
> 3_ After performing the above two steps, please re-test netbooting
> Buster and report back.
> Any changes? Does it go further? Does it fail in the same exact manner
> as before? Is the TFTP server's log exactly the same as before?
> Regards,
> Ady.
I'll happily run any test.
Relocating ldlinux.c32 as you suggested didn't have any visible effect
on the boot process. Error message and TFTP log entries are the same.