I have been using PXELINUX for a few years now to boot our school's PCs. For a while I've had the school logo and blank background fill the screen to make it look more professional, but that means I can't see the hardware address or IP address a machine gets. Is there a way to insert the hardware address somewhere on the screen other than when PXELINUX first starts up and blurts out a pile of text? I'm thinking worst case I might be able to insert it into the boot prompt, maybe printed on the line above. Would that be easy to do? Tim B ********************************************************************** This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain privileged information or confidential information or both. If you are not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender. **********************************************************************
Geert Stappers
2007-May-09 21:35 UTC
[syslinux] PXELinux - Can I show the hardware address?
Op 09-05-2007 om 11:44 schreef Tim Bates:> Is there a way to insert the hardware address somewhere on the screen > other than when PXELINUX first starts up and blurts out a pile of text? > I'm thinking worst case I might be able to insert it into the boot > prompt, maybe printed on the line above. Would that be easy to do?It is :-) There are functions in pxelinux.0 that get the hardware address convert that address in a string print a string Cheers Geert Stappers -- All programmers are optimists