Given that dhcp is a big part of pxelinux, maybe someone here can help.
What dhcp client can just echo all the settings that it gets from the server?
this should work: dhcpcd -d -T but it just gives me my MAC.
In case anyone can just fix my problem: I am trying to construct a hostname,
trying to figure out how to quickly test my /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.
this works:
option host-name=concat("dhcp-", binary-to-ascii(10, 8, "-",
leased-address)) ;
That creates dhcp-192-168-1-177
not not:
option host-name=concat("dhcp", substr(binary-to-ascii(10, 8,
leased-address),11,3)) ;
I would like it to create dhcp177.
I am thinking instead of substr() I should just do "leased-address AND
0xff", but
not sure the syntax.
Given that this isn't the last time I will be messing with dhcp, I would
like to know how to test.
Carl Karsten