Hello Friends, once more. We got pxelinux run with win 2000 dhcp. It works really fine. there a not problems at all. Now we want to get it run also under novell, but we want to use the novell dhcp, we don't need the tftpd from novell, we want to use a tfptd on another machine (a simple micrsoft tfptd). As we found out, novell does not support the dhcp options (67 = bootserver, 68 = bootfile), But novell has a build in functionality for booting from images. So we activated this option (on the dhcp) for our test subnet and specified the bootserver ip and name the the bootfile (from our ms-tfpdd) We have also the option 60 put to PXEClient on the dhcp. So now, when we start a client, it cries out the error message ProxyDHCP service did not reply to request on port 4011 PXE-E55??? We don't want to use proxydhcp, we want to make it with a simple microsoft tftpd that is running on our install-server-black-box! please help me! thanks markus