Hello all, This is a bit off topic but I am sure many of you can answer it. I use speex and speex-wb in my VOIP application. With speex [at 8 KHz] bitrate is arround 30KBPS, including UDP,RTP headers. This is OK for me and I get good quality audio. Problem is, if call is made from a HIGH END machine [like P4 3.2 GHz with good soundcard] to a LOW END machine [like P3 550 MHz], high end pc sends at more bitrate than as usual [arround 31Kbps].And apparently low end PC receives this HIGH bitrate. So, slow end PC receives audio packets at arround 8100 Hz but it is confiured for 8000 Hz. So there are overflows in the directsound buffer at receiver end at periodic interval [in my case after every 30 sec], than I flush the buffer which makes some distortion. What should be approapriate solution for this resynch problem? Thanks Shantanu __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around mail.yahoo.com