Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "graphing and scrolling"
2006 Jul 29
fancier plotting
thank you for talking the time to help me with this.
I have a sequence of numbers in a file and an equal sequence of various character, say(a b c d) each occurs more than once. I need to plot the numbers so that numbers corresponding to a in the other sequence would have green dots, those corresponding to b a red dot, nothing on c and blue square for d. i.e
2 a show a green dot
4 b show a
2007 Sep 13
smooth scrolling with windows() function
I have a large plot that I would like to display in a graphics device with
scroll bars. I therefore decided to use the windows function like so...
mag<- length(tick)
windows(height=mag/8, width=10, rescale="fixed")
However, when I use the scroll bars the device (i guess) is re-drawing the
plot. Is there any way in which I can get it to 'smooth scroll'?
Kind regards,
2006 Mar 20
create a gui with a button to change graphic?
Hello everybody,
I am wondering if it is possible to create a gui to plot a time series
that is very big, it's an EEG signal of 20mins. What I would like to do
is plot the first 5mins, then have a button on the gui that plots the
next 5mins when pushed.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance !
2006 Apr 17
autoscall the y-axis
Dear R users
I need to auto scale the left y axis in the code below, so that when
I scroll left or right the left y-axis scale changes to accumulate the
range of the displayed data with in the max hight of the y-axis.
also how can I make the crosshair horizontal since it is only
vertical in this code. this code with a kind help from
"Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D."
2003 May 06
bitmap images in tcltk
Dear R-help list members,
I'm writing a package using tcltk. Thanks to Peter Dalgaard's excellent
work on the tcltk package, almost everything has gone very smoothly. I'm
stymied, however, by the following problem:
I want to incorporate a bitmap image, stored as an xbm file, in a widget.
To take a simple example,
top <- tktoplevel()
2012 May 24
set tkscale by tkentry
Hi, I am working under Windows and I am using R2.11
I want to use tkscale in my GUI. As the interval is quite big, I can't set
the scale to a certain specific value. Therefore I want to add tkentry to
allow the user to set tkscale to a certain value.
Here is the code
tkpack(m1<-tkscale(tt,from=306870.00, to=3026741, label="alpha",
2010 Jun 11
Windows, OSX and Linux: updating a graphic device and double buffering
Hello there,
I'm struggling with the base graphics system on different
operating systems.
I would like to get an animation effect by re-plotting with the plot
function. See the attached code example: move the slider
quick from one side to the other.
I experience different levels of success, depending on which OS I use.
- Linux (Ubuntu >9.10, R 2.9.2-3): Each plot command gets
2007 Apr 18
Problem with ?curve
Dear all R gurus,
I have following syntax:
y = c(1:10)
chippy <- function(x)
y[5] = x
curve(chippy, 1, 20, n=200)
But I am getting error while executing :
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
'x' and 'y' lengths differ
In addition: Warning message:
number of items to
2011 Jun 03
tkrplot Newbie
I am trying to write a tcltk based program that plots/manipulates
xts/xoo time series objects.
I have the code I used from
## http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/~wettenhall/RTclTkExamples/tkrplot.html :
getSymbols("^GSPC", from = "1960-01-01")
Myhscale <- 2.5 # Horizontal scaling
2008 Mar 24
as.numeric with tclvalue redux
Hi again R People:
This works fine:
> library(tcltk)
> a <- tclVar("4.5")
> as.numeric(tclvalue(a))
[1] 4.5
> #But if you have:
> b <- tclVar("pi")
> as.numeric(tclvalue(b))
[1] NA
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Is anyone aware of a way around this, please?
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an
application to be launched from within an app bundle, or
(alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork.
Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite
easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any
command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an
application to be launched from within an app bundle, or
(alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork.
Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite
easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any
command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2012 Sep 24
eval and tcltk : target of assignment expands to non-language object
Hi everyone,
I have a problem to assign a value with tcl/tk
ths is the code ( it should be simple to understand) :
print(paste("tclvalue(val",id,")",sep="")) # ok
2012 Aug 29
Problem Installing a Package
I have just installed the latest version of R on a openSUSE 12.1 system
running on an ORacle VM VirtualBox and have encountered a problem with
installing ChemometricsWithR. Here is the output:
> library("compiler")
> install.packages("ChemometricsWithR")
Installing package(s) into ?/home/computation/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-
(as ?lib? is unspecified)
2012 Aug 24
Error while installing gsubfn_0.6-4.tar.gz for R 2.15.1
I am getting the follwoing error while installing gsubfn_0.6-4.tar.gz library for R. R version is 2.15.1 and i am installing on Redhat linux version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 (mockbuild at x86-002.build.bos.redhat.com<mailto:mockbuild at x86-002.build.bos.redhat.com>) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50))
* installing to library ?/home/mapred/installables/R/library?
* installing
2008 Aug 11
tkentry that exits after RETURN?
I can set up an entry widget (thanks to an old
post by Barry Rowlingson) that gets a password and
exits when the user clicks on the "OK" button.
Anyone have any clever ideas for returning/
destroying the window when the user types a carriage
return/ENTER in the text window? I've messed around
a little with validate, validatecommand, but don't
see any obvious way to do it ...
2004 Mar 19
loop through files in a dir
I have data in many files in a directory, how can I
loop through the files in a given dir in-order-to
build a data.frame?
2015 Jan 14
Is the tcltk failure in affylmGUI related to R bug 15957
I maintain the package affylmGUI. It works when installed on many
previous versions of R. I have today tested exactly the same code under
R-2.15.3, R-3.0.2, R-3.1.0, R-3.1.1, R-3.1.2 and R-devel.
I have also tested the versions of affylmGUI downloaded by biocLite for
each version of R and the same result applies.
I have no errors under 2.15.3, 3.0.2, 3.1.0 and 3.1.1. The following
2004 Jun 30
help with tclVar
Hi, I can' t load a variable tcltk declared with tclVar, why is this?, the
exmple above explain me ,Thanks Ruben
> f<-function(){
+ a<<-"pipo"
+ }
> f()
> a
[1] "pipo"
> tclvalue(a)
Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ..., PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class =
"tclObj") :
[tcl] can't
2003 Sep 09
charge a vector with variables and to use as variable in a checkbutton?
hello, how i cant to charge in form dynamic a checkbutton, try to do it
with a vector be charged automaticamente but not
works, for example
if (i==1) {b1<-tkcheckbutton
("b1"))}else if (i==2) {b1<-tkcheckbutton