similar to: error message explanation for lmer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "error message explanation for lmer"

2005 Dec 13
what does this warnings mean? and what should I do?
I use lmer to fit a mixed effect model.It give some warnings.what does this warnings mean? and what should I do? > (fm2.mlm <- lmer(qd ~ edu + jiankang + peixun +hunyin + cadcj + age + age2 + sex + dangyuan + Comp.1 + Comp.2+trust.cz1 +(trust.cz1|commid), data = individual,na.action = "na.exclude",family="quasibinomial")) Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
2005 Aug 18
Error messages using LMER
Dear All, After playing with lmer for couple of days, I have to say that I am amazed! I've been using quite some multilevel/mixed modeling packages, lme4 is a strong candidate for the overall winner, especially for multilevel generzlized linear models. Now go back to my two-level poisson model with cross-classified model. I've been testing various different model specificatios for the
2005 Nov 21
singular convergence with lmer function i lme4
Dear R users, I am trying to fit a GLMM to the following dataset; tab a b c 1 1 0.6 199320100313 2 1 0.8 199427100412 3 1 0.8 199427202112 4 1 0.2 199428100611 5 1 1.0 199428101011 6 1 0.8 199428101111 7 0 0.8 199527103011 8 1 0.6 199527200711 9 0 0.8 199527202411 10 0 0.6 199529100412 11 1 0.2 199626201111 12 2 0.8 199627200612 13 1 0.4 199628100111 14 1 0.8
2007 Apr 11
Why warnings using lmer-model with family=binomial
Hi all! My question is why, and what I can do about that I sometimes, but not always, get warning-messages like nlminb returned message singular convergence (7) in: LMEopt(x = mer, value = cv) or IRLS iterations for PQL did not converge when trying to fit a model looking like this: lmer<-(cbind(Diseased,Healthy)~Fungus+(1|Family)+(1|Fungus:Family), family="binomial") to four
2008 Jul 06
Error: cannot use PQL when using lmer
> library(MASS) > attach(bacteria) > table(y) y n y 43 177 > y<-1*(y=="y") > table(y,trt) trt y placebo drug drug+ 0 12 18 13 1 84 44 49 > library(lme4) > model1<-lmer(y~trt+(week|ID),family=binomial,method="PQL") Error in match.arg(method, c("Laplace", "AGQ")) : 'arg' should be one of
2007 Apr 11
help with lmer,
Hi R-users: New to R and I am trying to run a GLM with random effects. I have 3 replicates ('Replicate) of counts of parasites ('nor.tot.lep') before and after an experiment ('In.Out'). When I run lmer I get the error messages (16 of each) below... > lmer(nor.tot.lep ~ In.Out + (In.Out|Replicate),data=coho, family =tweedie(var.power = 1, + link.power = 1)) Generalized
2007 Jan 26
R crash with modified lmer code
Hi all, I've now got a problem with some modified lmer code (function lmer1 pasted at end) - I've made only three changes to the lmer code (marked), and I'm not really looking for comments on this function, but would like to know why execution of the following commands that use it almost invariably (but not quite predictably) leads to the R session terminating. Here's the command
2005 Nov 02
nlminb failed to converge with lmer
Dear all, I'm building binomial mixed-model using lme4 package. I'm able to obtain outputs properly except when I include two particular variables: date (from 23 to 34; 1 being to first sampling day) and Latitude (UTM/100 000, from 55.42 to 56.53). No "NA" is any of those variables. In those cases, I get the warning message: "nlminb failed to converge" I tried to
2007 Nov 30
lmer and method call
Hello all, I'm attempting to fit a generalized linear mixed-effects model using lmer (R v 2.6.0, lmer 0.99875-9, Mac OS X 10.4.10) using the call: vidusLMER1 <- lmer(jail ~ visit + gender + house + cokefreq + cracfreq + herofreq + borcur + comc + (1 | code), data = vidusGD, family = binomial, correlation = corCompSymm(form = 1 | ID), method = "ML") Although the model fits, the
2005 Apr 18
lmer question
Hi -- I'm using lmer for binomial data. I am trying to replicate estimates provided by Agresti (2002, Categorical data analysis, Wiley) using abortion data in table 10.13 (estimates provided in table 12.3 p. 505). I fit the same model using these three commands: a1 <- lmer(resp ~ sex + option1 + option2 + (1|id), data=abort,family=binomial, method = c("AGQ")) a2 <-
2006 Feb 27
question about lmer--different answers from different versions of R?
To whom it may concern: I am using lmer for a statistical model that includes non-normally distributed data and random effects. I used this same function in the most recent version of R as of fall 2005, and have re-done some of the same analyses using all of the same files, but with the newest version of R (2.2.1). I get answers that are not exactly the same (although I do get the same
2006 Jun 09
binomial lmer and fixed effects
Hi Folks, I think I have searched exhaustively, including, of course R-help (D. Bates, S. Graves, and others) and but I remain uncertain about testing fixed effects with lmer(..., family=binomial). I gather that mcmcsamp does not work with Do we rely exclusively on z values of model parameters, or could we use anova() with likelihood ratios, AIC and BIC, with (or without)
2006 Sep 06
Help on estimated variance in lme4
Dear all, I get an error message when I run my model and I am not sure what to do about it. I try to determine what factors influence the survival of voles. I use a mixed-model because I have several voles per site (varying from 2 to 19 voles). Here is the model: ### fm5 <-lmer(data=cdrgsaou2, alive~factor(pacut)+factor(agecamp)+factor(sex)+ResCondCorp+(1|factor(cdrgsa ou2$ids)),
2005 Dec 14
Fitting binomial lmer-model, high deviance and low logLik
Hello I have a problem when fitting a mixed generalised linear model with the lmer-function in the Matrix package, version 0.98-7. I have a respons variable (sfox) that is 1 or 0, whether a roe deer fawn is killed or not by red fox. This is expected to be related to e.g. the density of red fox (roefoxratio) or other variables. In addition, we account for family effects by adding the mother
2007 Apr 12
GLM with random effects
Hi R-Users, I have 3 replicates ('Replicate) of counts of parasites ('nor.tot.lep') before and after an experiment ('In.Out'). I am trying to treat the three replicates as a random effect in order to determine if the main effect (In.Out) significantly influences my dependent variable (nor.tot.lep) after the variance explained by the replicates is accounted for. I have
2006 Mar 23
warning message using lmer()?
Dear all, I use lmer to fit a mixed effect model.It give some warnings. What can I do about this? Here is the function and the warning message: > model.growth.mcas5 <- lmer(response ~ monthElapsed + (monthElapsed|studentID), + data= mcas5, family=binomial(link="logit"), method='ML') Warning messages: 1: nlminb returned message false convergence (8) in:
2006 Dec 31
zero random effect sizes with binomial lmer
I am fitting models to the responses to a questionnaire that has seven yes/no questions (Item). For each combination of Subject and Item, the variable Response is coded as 0 or 1. I want to include random effects for both Subject and Item. While I understand that the datasets are fairly small, and there are a lot of invariant subjects, I do not understand something that is happening
2005 Dec 14
glmmADMB: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using AD Model Builder
Dear R-users, Half a year ago we put out the R package "glmmADMB" for fitting overdispersed count data. Several people who used this package have requested additional features. We now have a new version ready. The major new feature is that glmmADMB allows Bernoulli responses with logistic and probit links. In addition there
2005 Dec 09
lmer for 3-way random anova
I have been using lme from nlme to do a 3-way anova with all the effects treated as random. I was wondering if someone could direct me to an example of how to do this using lmer from lme4. I have 3 main effects, tim, trt, ctr, and all the interaction effects tim*trt*ctr. The response variable is ge. Here is my lme code: dat <-
2007 Dec 28
logistic mixed effects models with lmer
I have a question about some strange results I get when using lmer to build a logistic mixed effects model. I have a data set of about 30k points, and I'm trying to do backwards selection to reduce the number of fixed effects in my model. I've got 3 crossed random effects and about 20 or so fixed effects. At a certain point, I get a model (m17) where the fixed effects are like this