similar to: Extending a data frame

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Extending a data frame"

2004 Mar 17
What library is coxreg?
Dear mailing list, I'm trying to run the sample program about coxreg in the eha package. But the command is not recognized. I tried the boot and also the survival library. Hope you can help me solve this little problem. Thank you. Jei ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. University of the
2005 Sep 04
Question regarding lmer with binary response
Dear all, dear Prof. Bates, my dependent variable (school absenteeism, truancy[1]) is a binary response for which I am trying to compute an unconditional mixed effects model. I've got observations (monday, wednesday and friday) nested in individuals (ID2), which were nested in classes (KID2) and schools (SID), i.e. a 4-level mixed effects model. In short, I was trying without success. I
2004 Nov 27
bridge and dynamically adding hosts to zones
Hi, I''ve set up a bridge which connects two parts of the same subnet with each other. I''ve set up everything as described in the Documentation and it works very nicely. However: I have a problem with adding hosts to zones dynamically. The zone I want to add hosts to is called ''work''. Since only the bridge br0 is defined in /etc/shorewall/interfaces
2010 Aug 29
Feature request: put NewEnvironment and R_NewhashedEnv into API
Hi, as Seth Falcon in 2006, I also need to create new environments from package C code. Unfortunately, both NewEnvironment and R_NewHashedEnv are not yet part of the public API, if I understand correctly. Is it planned to add at least one of these functions to the public API in the near future? May I submit a patch? Otherwise I would need to re-implement much of the functionality of R
2003 Nov 02
barchart in lattice
Dear all, I have two factors 'country' and 'status' which I would like to plot via barchart (lattice). 'status' consist of three different levels and should be the grouping variable, i.e. there should be drawn three different panels and within each panel a barchart of 'country'. barchart(daten$COUNTRY|daten$STATUS),
2009 Sep 01
Cannot connect from Windows 2000 to Samba 3.4.0 on Li nux ....
Some default setting have changed. Use: testparm -v from your various versions of samba to detect which parameters may be causing you issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tony Hoover, Network Administrator KSU - Salina, College of Technology and Aviation (785) 826-2660 "Don't Blend in..."
2007 Jun 17
[ggplot2] Change color of grid lines
Hi, I am making myself familiar with ggplot2 (I really like the examples at <>). One thing that really annoys me is the default use of white grid lines and a gray background [1, 2]. I simply would like to have black grid lines and a white background. No problem, I thought, "This is R. There is no if. Only how." (fortune("Simon Blomberg")).
2006 Aug 24
metaplot and meta.summaries
Hello, After looking through the archive and documentation for quite some time, I'd be very happy about some help with metaplot and meta.summaries. metaplot: --------- Can I change the label size? I've got 126 values and the intersection of the labels makes it impossible to read them. Why do I have to give sumse (Standard Error) and sumnn (Precision) of the summary estimate? I can
2008 Jun 06
Error Message (PR#11602)
Hello! My Name is Jan Matthias and I am from Cologne University in Germany. I have= problems with R , version 1.9.1. I also use the package tcltk and follow the instructions from a command fil= e which i will send with. My problem is that the program always stops at the same step, showing diffe= rent Error Messages sometimes. My Hope is that you have a suggestion what t= he problem is and how
2004 Dec 05
host list in /etc/shorewall/hosts: interface ignored
Hi, the new function ''shorewall show zones'' in 2.2.0-Beta showed a thing which is (in my view) either abug or not documented. If I have a line in /etc/shorewall/hosts which reads work br0:eth0:,, then "show zones" has the output work br0:eth0: br0: br0: That is, the
2000 Oct 30
SOM (Self-organizing map)
Does anyone know of any SOM library for R? or any stand alone freeware? A search from google returns SOM_PAK 3.1 developed at Helsinki University of Technology. Is there newer version? Jun -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
2003 Nov 04
line breaks in recode
Dear all, it seems to be that 'recode' can't handle any line breaks in its code. The following command causes no problem: datameta$smpid.r <- recode(datameta$smpid,"c(101,25,167,45,75)=25;c(104,51)=51") But if I type ... datameta$smpid.r <-recode(datameta$smpid, "c(101,25,167,45,75)=25; c(104,51)=51") ... the result is a syntax error.
2003 Nov 18
Problems installing lattice
Dear all, I am not able to install the lattice package. After finishing the installation, I got the following error massage: -------------------snip--------------------------- Delete downloaded files (y/N)? y Warning message: argument `lib' is missing: using /usr/local/lib/R/site-library in: install.packages("lattice") > library(lattice) Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc,
1999 Aug 26
error bars on barplots
Hello again I'm trying to put error bars onto a barplot. I've tried something that Bill Simpson suggested a while ago, ie: x<-c(1,2,3,4,5) y<-c(1.1, 2.3, 3.0, 3.9, 5.1) ucl<-c(1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.1, 5.3) lcl<-c(.9, 1.8, 2.7, 3.8, 5.0) plot(x,y, ylim=range(c(lcl,ucl))) arrows(x,ucl,x,lcl,length=.05,angle=90,code=3) #or segments(x,ucl,x,lcl) but I can't get it to work on a
2006 May 15
Hi All, I am using RGui 2.3.0 library(stats) and using K-means Clustering to cluster data.matrix.(DDset) DDset (matrix 575 x 2) Exams (character) Slot (numeric) AAW326 35 BWA345 45 ............... ..... ZXE 453 67 DDset[,2] [1] 29 37 24 7 22 22 21 24 26 31 39 21 17 7 24 37 26 33 7 31 39 29 24 20 2 [26] 40 8 16 1 31 6 32 2
2003 May 09
Locked files and DOS application
Hello. I have a DOS application which works with database files. The problem is, that Samba doesn't "unlock" the files when DOS app finishes its work. So files stay locked: 27690 DENY_NONE 0x3 RDWR EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /home/samba/FAK/P_RACI03.DBT Fri May 9 13:27:09 2003 27741 DENY_NONE 0x3 RDWR NONE /home/samba/FAK/MATPOD03.DBF Fri May
2000 Jul 04
nlme errors ?
Dear friends. Below is ouput directly from the help on qqnorm.lme.html It do not seem to work as expected - on win98, R 1.1, although the regression is undertaken, so qqnorm misunderstands, or what ? library(nlme) data(Orthodont) fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ age | Subject) # normal plot of standardized residuals by gender qqnorm(fm1, ~ resid(., type = "p") | Sex,
1999 Dec 20
Hi, under RW0.651 and RW0.091 I found > x <- data.frame(char=I(letters[1:3]), num=1:3, log=c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), fak=factor(letters[24:26])) > x char num log fak 1 a 1 TRUE x 2 b 2 FALSE y 3 c 3 NA z > > x[1,1] <- 'a' > x[1,1] [1] "1" > > x$char[1] <- 'a' > x$char[1] [1] "a" > >
2005 Oct 25
Beginner question on apply()
Dear all, I am an beginner with R and I have a question concerning apply(). My problem is as follows: I have data on four variables (x1,x2,x3,x4) with missing values for x1 and x2. > data[1:9,] x1 x2 x3 x4 1 NA NA 10 1 2 NA NA 8 3 3 NA NA 13 7 4 9 9 9 9 5 11 14 20 10 6 14 14 14 15 7 6 6 6 8 8 4 4 4 19 9 12 12 12 8 ..... I would like to replace the missing values
2008 Feb 11
Multiple homedir entries in smb.conf ?
Hi list, is it possible to add multiple homedir templates to smb.conf ? I have a running linuxsystem where homefilesets are mounted from different windows-servers to subdirs like: /home/server01/home/USERNAME /home/server02/home/USERNAME /home/server03/home/USERNAME The users come via winbind. In the smb.conf the entry for the homedir: template homedir = /home/%U So how is it possible to