Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "cuts and breaks"
2001 May 02
rcode and latex
I have discovered the listings package for including code in your latex
documents. The default languages do not include R or Splus, but the
definition is pretty simple, this is what I did for R:
\lst at definelanguage{R}%
2000 Aug 31
Multiv / hierclust / plclust
I use hierclust (hierarchical clustering) in multiv package. In the
documentation it is said that plclust (plotting a dendrogram) is
available in S-plus. Can I find it anywhere (I have searched through
http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/S and found only quotations of plclust in
multiv) or is it only part of the S package (which I don't have)?
Charles RAUX,
2000 Dec 21
statistical quality control
Hi all,
could anybody tell me whether there exist any packages about statistical
quality control. Thanks very much.
Stefano Tonellato
Stefano Tonellato
Dipartimento di Statistica
Universita' Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Campiello S. Agostin, S. Polo 2347
30125 Venezia - ITALY
Phone +39-041-2577422 Fax +39-041-710355
E-mail stone at unive.it
-------------- next part --------------
2000 Oct 18
Help oo sink
---------------------- Forwarded by Pan Yuming/Extern/AAM on 18.10.2000
12:58 ---------------------------
Pan Yuming
18.10.2000 11:41
To: Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Help oo sink (Document link: Pan Yuming)
Dear professor,
continue with the example i used, i want to save the prediction results but when i run a R file containing the following code, it
2001 Apr 30
R mode for emacs
Hi all,
I wonder if there is a R mode for emacs which highlights the R syntax.
If there is one, I would be interested in downloading the latest version
Olivier MARTIN phone: (33) 04 76 61 53 55
Projet IS2 06 08 67 93 42
INRIA Rhone-Alpes fax : (33) 04 76
2001 May 30
Please, will someone tell me why graphics are not displayed at all when
I use a graphical function. Is there some additional software required
to see the graphics?
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2001 Oct 31
Quick question!
Thanks very much to all who answered my question
yesterday on loops.
Just a further quick question:
If I have this:
for(i in 1:n) {
subset <- data[which(data$id==i),]
which returns the rows where I have the variable ID=1,
how can I tell the same statement to return just
column Y where ID=i?
I have tried this
for(i in 1:n) {
subset <- data[which(data$id==i),data$Y]
but it
2001 Aug 29
Matching Data & Results (Fuzzy-Cluster-Analysis)
i use i.e. the cluster-package and the
fanny-object to construct some cluster's and get
the membership'S for every "Person" & Cluster !
My finally problem is to match efficient the data
and the results's togehter in one table!
Until now i use the ODBC-Package and
save both in a access-file and copy them together,
but i can't be sure that the sorting is the
2001 May 23
Matrix manipulation
Suppose I have a matrix with, say 12 columns.
I would like to extract out column 2 ~ 8 and 11 ~ 12 then combine them together.
I tried with success to extract out the columns by doing:
foo <- test[,2:8]
goo <- test[,11:12]
However then I am having trouble combining foo and goo.
Helps are appreciated!
Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
2002 Jan 04
line up a matrix
Dear all,
I try to rearrange my ref. database (now in Excel!! :( ) for importing it
into a reference manager program (RIS format).
My file basically look like this [3,4]-matrix:
rbind(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), c("e", "f", "g", "h"), c("i", "j", "k", "l"))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
2001 Feb 23
hclust question
Dear all,
I have a question with regard to the use of hclust. I would like to be
able to specify my own distance matrix instead of asking R to compute
the distance matrix for me. It is computationally easier for me this
way. My question is: How can I get hclust to accept this?
2001 Nov 22
Editing R graphics
One of the few things that I miss from Splus is
the ability of interactively add text and symbols to graphics
that have been created by functions. I understand that the best
solution in R is to create a graphic file and use external
software for editing the graphic. I know what to use in the
Win environment, but could anyone suggest what tools would
be appropriate under Linux?
2001 Feb 08
eps file not positioned properly in latex document
Dear People,
I am trying to include a barplot (see code below), in a latex document.
However, the plot appears in totally the wrong position. I know this is
not an R question as such, but the eps file is produced by R and I thought
that perhaps other people had had similar problems and could give me
pointers. Am I doing anything obviously wrong?
Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.
2001 Apr 20
Interacting with R
Dear R folks,
(Running Windows 98, Pentium II, 128 Mb RAM)
I have been using Splus 2000 for about 1.5 years, and have recently begun using R. I love the Open Source philosophy! I may be switching to to Linux soon.
My question:
How do people most often interact with R?
In Splus 2000, I used "Script" windows to write functions. "Script" windows were great because:
2001 Aug 30
Novice User Manual
Dear R users,
I'm a new user of R : in fact , i hadn't used R yet. To say the
truth , I'm used to with graphical interface of windows environment. so R
console reminds me Linux , of which i am afraid of much more. Whatever , i
like to learn about the 7 topics below of "R" or "S+4.5" [is there any
other similar program like these ?]. Thats why i need
2003 Jan 29
Scoping rule problem -- solved
Thanks to some comments from Brian D. Ripley, I found my error:
I should not have given a data argument to lm() after creating a
formula-object. This obviously confused things...
Thanks again, I've really learnt again a bit more on R-programming...
Cheers, Winfried
E-Mail: Winfried Theis <theis at
2004 Mar 25
subsetting based on vector
Dear R users;
I am trying to write a small program which reads in a data set, and selects
observations from certain years before the analysis. I have a problem
including the selection criteria in the header of the program.
Here is the problem;
dataFIT<-function(MODEL, MARGINS, yearConsidered){
NewData <-
2002 Aug 06
help with lagged scatterplot
How do I can make a lagged scatterplot of two variables:
Yt (nao) versus Xt-h (mei)
if they have the following structure:
mei nao
Jan 1950 -1.036 0.55
Feb 1950 -1.133 3.31
Mar 1950 -1.259 0.81
Apr 1950 -1.027 1.60
May 1950 -1.399 -1.73
Jun 1950 -1.366 1.26
Jul 1950 -1.300 -0.87
I've tried with lag.plot but I don't understanf how to use it
Thanks in
2002 Aug 13
One more question...
I need to use the Loess() function in the package modreg. What is the argument
"formula" meant to be?
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2002 Aug 15
sorry!~I have a question
I have a question.
I can find a function about "Gaussian hypergeometric function" in sofeware Maple V.
I need this function to calculate.
Is there a similar function in R ?
Or I have to design such a function.
Jimmy Cheng