Le 31 Aug 00 ? 12:26, Winfried Theis ?crivait:
> you may try hclust in mva it does have plot.hclust as default plotting
> routine which does a dendrogram.
plot.hclust with a result of hierclust produces a strange figure with
an orphan vertical line (with my data) while with hclust it works
> functions "diana" and "agnes" in the library cluster
which do both hierarchicle
> clustering and have default plot routines which offer a dendrogram as well
> another useful graphic called "banner" for details see Kaufman
and Rousseeuw
> (1990) "Finding Groups in Data", Wiley, New York.
It seems impossible to use plot.agnes with a result of hierclust.
In fact my question about availability of dendrogram plotting *with
hierclust* is motivated by a memory issue. As far as I understand
hierclust is the only one which manages large data set (bign) (but I
have not tried it yet with my "large" data sets (n>10,000).
A more troubling issue is that I have checked the same data (18 obs,
3 var) with the 3 functions and the same method (ward). This does
not give the same results (height) and the same
hierarchy:> library(mva)
> library(multiv)
> library(cluster)
> h<-hclust(dist(col),method="ward")
> hc<-hierclust(data.matrix(col),method=1)
> ag<-agnes(col,method="ward")
> h$height
[1] 0.005221242 0.009670544 0.010135010 0.017487202 0.019811790
0.028691132 [7] 0.030891092 0.035334642 0.051179115 0.056848540
0.057858657 0.073317828
[13] 0.152969145 0.228699576 0.269021808 0.659097143
0.756180840> hc$height
[1] 1.363068e-05 9.811893e-05 5.135922e-05 1.001958e+00 1.962535e-04
[6] 3.071681e-04 4.115905e-04 1.301867e-03 8.769330e-04 1.061292e-03
[11] 1.673812e-03 1.859374e-03 9.444782e-03 2.431675e-02 2.924522e-02
[16] 7.656077e-02 9.686475e-02 > ag$height
[1] 0.005221242 0.046071504 0.009670544 0.029152501 0.220530047
0.383204909 [7] 0.017487202 0.060143295 0.010135010 0.121114212
0.028691132 0.423073789
[13] 0.019811790 0.035322842 0.051418163 0.183578860 0.057858657
Charles RAUX,
Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports
CNRS-Universit? Lumi?re Lyon 2-ENTPE
email : charles.raux at let.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr
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