Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "New Matrix and lme4: Must reinstall lme4 if got new Matrix"
2010 Jan 10
lme4 and function 'cholmod_start' not provided by package 'Matrix' / Ubuntu
Hello all,
Using Ubuntu 9.04 and R 2.8.1.
For a project I need to use the Zelig package, which in turn wants to
use the lme4 package. When trying to use Zelig and it tries to its required
packages I get the following error message.
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
function 'cholmod_start' not provided by package 'Matrix'
Error in loadModelDeps(model) :
2006 Oct 16
x86_64, acml-3.5.0-gfortran64 and lme4
I am encountering segfaults when checking the lme4 package on an
Athlon64 system if I use the acml blas. R was built as a 64-bit
application using the GCC 4.0.3 compiler suite including gfortran.
The version of acml is 3.5.0 gfortran64.
I do not encounter the segfaults when I compile R with R's built-in
BLAS. The errors occur in the first example in lme4 in a call to
lmer. It looks like
2012 Aug 29
lme4 installation
Being rather inept at all things Linux, I paid a consultant
to fix some things on my computer,? Unforntately, good
help is hard to find.? Here's where I am:
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
? function 'cholmod_l_start' not provided by package 'Matrix'
Error: package/namespace load failed
2006 Oct 03
New versions of Matrix and lme4 packages for R-2.4.0
Versions 0.9975-1 of the Matrix and lme4 packages will soon be available on
CRAN for use with R version 2.4.0 or later.
Purpose of the packages:
The Matrix package provides S4 classes and methods for sparse
and dense matrices. The lme4 package provides functions for fitting
and assessing linear or generalized linear mixed effects models (also
called multilevel models). Like the Matrix package,
2006 Oct 03
New versions of Matrix and lme4 packages for R-2.4.0
Versions 0.9975-1 of the Matrix and lme4 packages will soon be available on
CRAN for use with R version 2.4.0 or later.
Purpose of the packages:
The Matrix package provides S4 classes and methods for sparse
and dense matrices. The lme4 package provides functions for fitting
and assessing linear or generalized linear mixed effects models (also
called multilevel models). Like the Matrix package,
2007 Mar 09
GLMM in lme4 and Tweedie dist.
Hi there,
I've been wanting to fit a GLMM and I'm not completely sure I'm doing
things right. As I said in a previous message my response variable is
continuous with many zeros, so I was having a hard time finding an
appropriate error distribution. I read some previous help mails given to
other people advising them to use the Tweedie distribution. I'm still
not sure if this
2012 Aug 31
using apply with sparse matrix from package Matrix
I was trying to use apply on a sparse matrix from package Matrix,
and I get the error:
Error in asMethod(object) :
Cholmod error 'problem too large' at file ../Core/cholmod_dense.c, line 106
Is there a way to apply a function to all the rows without bumping
into this problem?
Here is a simplified example:
> dim(sm)
[1] 72913 43052
> class(sm)
[1] "dgCMatrix"
2009 Dec 24
Multiple CHOLMOD errors when attempting poisson glmm
I have been attempting to run a poisson glmm using lme4 for some time now
and have had a lot of trouble. I would say 9 times out of 10 I receive the
following warning:
CHOLMOD warning: %h
Error in mer_finalize(ans) :
Cholmod error `not positive definite' at
file:../Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c, line 432
My data are counts of microbe colony forming units (CFUs) collected from
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Estimado Javier Villacampa Gonzáles
Si una persona se toma el trabajo de desarrollar y compartir, como es el
caso de R, seguramente conoce de problemas que tuvo que decidir mientras
escibía el código, y estará agradecido porque hay gente que utiliza su
aporte, su trabajo no fué a la nada, todo lo contrario.
En mi caso un solo autor tuvo una respuesta negativa para con migo.
Javier Marcuzzi
2017 Jan 13
calling native routines in another package (Sec 5.4.2 of Writing R Extensions)
I just (apparently) figured out how to do the stuff described in
Section 5.4.2 of
Writing R Extensions. I put my test toy packages on github
<https://github.com/cjgeyer/linkingTo> for anyone to copy. If anyone
cares to read the README and the bits of code it links to and tell me
anywhere I am wrong, I would be grateful.
But the main point of this e-mail is a complaint about that section
2007 Apr 03
lmer, CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
I am getting a warning message when I am fitting a generalized linear
mixed model (m1.2 below).
CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
Error in objective(.par, ...) : Cholmod error `matrix not positive
definite' at file:../Supernodal/t_cholmod_super_numeric.c, line 614
Any idea?
Thanks for your help,
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
2007 Jan 23
New lmer: How to recode random effect ?
Dear all,
I ran the following model without any problem previously to the update of
I have 25 sites, 2 habitats ("hab") per site, 8 seedtrays per habitat (4 as
control, and 4 as treatment), and I'm interested in comparing the number of
seed in seedtrays as a function of the treatment and its
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Hola buenas.
al final corri el siguiente código en mi máquina de casa. El problema es
que ha habido algún cambio en la librería lme4, que hace incompatible los
nuevos objetos lmer con la funcioón pamer.fnc. En este tipo de situaciones
imagino que lo propio sería ponerme en contacto con el autor o intentar
corregir yo mismo el código o incluso ambas. ¿Es decortes escribir al
autor reportandole el
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Gracias a todos por las recomendaciones. Ya me he puesto en contacto con el
autor y le explicado donde esta el error. Es tan fácil como que han
cambiado la estructura de los objetos tipos lmer desde la versión 2.15.3
con lo que su paquete dejo de funcionar. Por suerte la nueva estructura
conserva por lo menos la parte necesaria para hacer sus funciones. Se
localizar el fallo y como arreglarlo, lo
2007 Jul 03
Forthcoming change in the API of the Matrix package
Martin and I will soon release a new version of the Matrix package
with a modified API. This will affect the authors of any packages
that use calls to the C function R_GetCCallable to directly access C
functions in the DLL or shared object object in the libs directory of
the Matrix package. (If you didn't understand that last sentence,
relax - it means that you can ignore this message.)
2013 Dec 02
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Hace unos meses os escribir para comunicaros que había un fallo en esta
función. Como os prometí os comento la respuesta por si alguno está
interesado en utilizar el paquete LMERconvenientsfucntions
Dear Javier,
The package has been updated and should work for you fine now. Note that
function mcp.fnc does not return the fourth plot (dffits) anymore. We still
have to figure out a way to compute
2008 Mar 28
"The Matrix" is approaching version 1.0-0
A new version of "the Matrix"
(well, actually the R package named "Matrix") has become
available on the CRAN mirrors.
As some of you have noticed, the version numbers (current is version
0.999375-8) are converging to one, and we feel that we have solved
enough of the many (mostly small) problems to announce that release
1.0-0 is imminent.
In the DESCRIPTION of the package
2008 Mar 28
"The Matrix" is approaching version 1.0-0
A new version of "the Matrix"
(well, actually the R package named "Matrix") has become
available on the CRAN mirrors.
As some of you have noticed, the version numbers (current is version
0.999375-8) are converging to one, and we feel that we have solved
enough of the many (mostly small) problems to announce that release
1.0-0 is imminent.
In the DESCRIPTION of the package
2006 Feb 06
lme4: Error in getResponseFormula(form) : "Form" must be a two sided formula
I'm sure I'm being stupid so flame away...
R2.2.1 on Windoze (boohoo) latest updates of packages.
I'm exploring a dataset (land) with three variables looking at an
narrowly unbalanced two group (GROUP) ANCOVA of a randomised
controlled trial analysing endpoint score (SFQ.LOCF.ENDPOINT) entering
the baseline score (SFQ.BASELINE) as covariate and the following work
> res.same
2008 Feb 14
Cholmod error `matrix not positive definite'
Dear R-users,
I'm new to R, so my apologies if this question doesn't make sense.
I've tried the following model in lmer, and it works perfectly:
model<-lmer(aphids~densroot+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson)
But if I try the exact same model with a different variable, totmas, the model looks as follows:
model<-lmer(aphids~totmas+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson)