similar to: obtener residuos de una Anova con biblioteca CAR

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "obtener residuos de una Anova con biblioteca CAR"

2011 Feb 11
Prueba de homocedasticidad
Buen dia!! Pues me encuentro trabajando con un conjunto de datos simulados que se ajustan a un modelo Ar(1) y pues queria saber si existe un comando para realizarle una prueba de homocedasticidad, pues la prueba que hay en el R es la bartlett.test pero pues no estoy muy seguro para usarla. Gracias [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Sep 30
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
Hi Hal, >> 4. To fix this, I think that additional fast-math-flags are likely >> needed in the IR. Instead of the following set: >> >> 'nnan' + 'ninf' + 'nsz' + 'arcp' + 'contract' >> >> something like this: >> >> 'reassoc' + 'libm' + 'nnan' + 'ninf' + 'nsz' +
2017 Apr 01
Intervalos de confianza de la varianza de los residuos en unmodelo no lineal.-
??Gracias Javier,? 2017-04-01 12:07 GMT-03:00 <javier.ruben.marcuzzi en>: > Mi duda es la siguiente, la varianza residual en su modelo, es homogénea o > heterogénea, ?La varianza es homogénea, común a todas las observaciones. Digamos que el modelo es el siguiente, y=f(x, betas)+e con f alguna función no lineal cuyos parámetros son betas y con e~N(0, sigma2). Uno suele
2009 Jul 05
integrar resultado de splines cubicos
hola soy nuevo usuario de R y necesito crear un objeto p tal que, p=lambda*integral[f´´(x)^2 dx ] donde "lambda" es uno de los parametros que resultan de la funcion "smooth.spline()" y la integral es sobre la derivada 2 de esa misma funcion... dos cuestiones: 1) como extraigo lambda de los resultados de smooth.spline() para usarlo como objeto cuando lo requiera y 2) como
2011 Dec 06
Duda sobre summary
Hola!! A ver si alguien puede ayudarme!! Para ajuste de modelos lineales normalmente uso Gretl. Ahora estoy empezando a hacerlo en R. Me gustaría saber si existe alguna función que haga un summary extendido como el de Gretl. Os pongo un ejemplo del summary de Gretl. Modelo 1: MCO, usando las observaciones 1968-1982 (T = 15) Variable dependiente: Invest              Coeficiente   Desv. Típica
2013 May 08
lme4 y residuales
Buenos días; Estoy intentando aprender algo de sobre los modelos lineales mixtos. Estoy siguiendo el libro "Multilevlel analysis: techniques and applications" de Joop Hox. Estoy intentado reproducir las tablas y gráficos que trae el libro con el paquete lmer. En este libro se indica que en la comprobación de los supuestos del modelo hay que estudiar los gráficos de residuales tanto
2017 Sep 29
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
Hi, Warren, Thanks for writing all of this up. In short, regarding your suggested solution: > 4. To fix this, I think that additional fast-math-flags are likely > needed in > > the IR. Instead of the following set: > > 'nnan' + 'ninf' + 'nsz' + 'arcp' + 'contract' > > something like this: > > 'reassoc' +
2017 Oct 03
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
On 10/01/2017 06:05 PM, Sanjay Patel wrote: > Are we confident that we just need those 7 bits to represent all of > the relaxed FP states that we need/want to support? > > I'm asking because FMF in IR is currently mapped onto the > SubclassOptionalData of Value...and we have exactly 7 bits there. :) > > If we're redoing the definitions, I'm wondering if we can
2017 Apr 01
Intervalos de confianza de la varianza de los residuos en un modelo no lineal.-
Hola amigos, Supongamos que se quiere ejecutar un modelo no lineal con nls. Pensemos en el ejemplo de la ayuda: DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1) fm1DNase1 <- nls(density ~ SSlogis(log(conc), Asym, xmid, scal), DNase1) summary(fm1DNase1) Aquí se está modelando la densidad óptica de un ensayo relacionada de forma no lineal (logística) con (el logaritmo) de la concentración de una proteína.
2017 Sep 29
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
Hi all, In a mailing-list post last November: I raised some concerns that having the IR-level fast-math-flag 'fast' act as an "umbrella" to implicitly turn on all the lower-level fast-math-flags, causes some fundamental problems. Those fundamental problems are related to situations where a user wants to
2017 Oct 02
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
I'm not aware of any additional bits needed. But putting us right at the edge leaves me uncomfortable. So an implementation that isn't limited by the 7 bits in SubclassOptionalData seems sensible. Thanks, -Warren From: Sanjay Patel [mailto:spatel at] Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 12:06 AM To: Ristow, Warren Cc: Hal Finkel; llvm-dev at Subject: Re:
2016 Nov 16
RFC: Consider changing the semantics of 'fast' flag implying all fast-math-flags
Hi, Thanks for the quick feedback. I see your points, but I have a few questions/comments. I'll start at the end of the previous post: > ... > I think these are valuable problems to solve, but you should tackle them piece by piece: > > 1) the clang part of overriding the individual FMF and emitting the right IR is the first thing to fix. > 2) the backend is still using the
2009 Apr 29
Una pregunta de estadística (marginalmente relacionada con R)
Hola, ¿qué tal? Tengo una pregunta de esta
2018 Feb 09
[RFC] Should we bump the bitcode version in LLVM 6.0?
Just wanted to point out part of this even becoming a problem is the use of `isFast()`. There should be warnings against using isFast() and the existing code should be changed to query specific flags instead... - Matthias > On Feb 8, 2018, at 5:34 PM, Quentin Colombet via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > > Hi, > > TL;DR > r317488 changed the way fast math
2009 Jun 24
Remuestreo de Clusters
Buenos dias para todos, Estoy trabajando en una aplicación que involucra análisis de clusters. Básicamente el objetivo es determinar a qué cluster pertenece cada observación de una matriz de datos "mydata" y luego generar muestras aleatorias de los mismos datos para determinar la proporción de veces que cada observación es clasificada en el cluster k. Este tipo de análisis es muy común
2018 Feb 09
[RFC] Should we bump the bitcode version in LLVM 6.0?
Does the language reference need to be updated? It still mentions "fast" On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 8:34 PM, Quentin Colombet via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > Hi, > > TL;DR > r317488 changed the way fast math flags are laid out in the bitcode and > anyone compiling a pre-llvm-6.0 bitcode with
2016 Nov 17
RFC: Consider changing the semantics of 'fast' flag implying all fast-math-flags
I don’t really like the idea of updating checks of UnsafeAlgebra() to depend on all of the other flags. It seems like it would be preferable to look at each optimization and figure out which flags it actually requires. I suspect that in many cases the “new” flag (i.e. allowing reassociation, etc.) will be what is actually needed anyway. I would be inclined to agree with Niolai’s suggestion of
2018 Feb 13
[RFC] Should we bump the bitcode version in LLVM 6.0?
2018-02-08 17:34 GMT-08:00 Quentin Colombet via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at>: > Hi, > > TL;DR > r317488 changed the way fast math flags are laid out in the bitcode and > anyone compiling a pre-llvm-6.0 bitcode with llvm-6.0 will lose all the > optimizations guarded by isFast and a pre-llvm-6.0 compiler compiling a > llvm-6.0 bitcode will potentially generate
2018 Feb 09
[RFC] Should we bump the bitcode version in LLVM 6.0?
Hi, TL;DR r317488 changed the way fast math flags are laid out in the bitcode and anyone compiling a pre-llvm-6.0 bitcode with llvm-6.0 will lose all the optimizations guarded by isFast and a pre-llvm-6.0 compiler compiling a llvm-6.0 bitcode will potentially generate incorrect code w.r.t. fast math expectations. Should we bump the bitcode version because of that and have the autoupgrader
2008 Oct 10
Hi all, I am using the function "plotCI" with the following command: plotCI(m.residuos.p.2 [1:41],li=m.residuos.p.3 [1:41],ui=m.residuos.p.4 [1:41],lty=1,ylab="") This generates exactly what I want except for the fact that I wanna drawn a line linking the points (m.residuos). How could I do that? Thanks a lot in advance, Caio [[alternative HTML version deleted]]