Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "label sunflower point"
2017 Jul 17
label sunflower point
On 7/16/2017 9:36 AM, Nada Gh wrote:
> Hi,
> I create a plot using sunflowerplot, I need to highlight one point to show
> its importance. What suggestion you have to accomplish this?
> Thanks,
In general, the way to answer such a question for yourself is to read
the documentation for arguments related to observation plot attributes,
then, if necessary, read the source
2006 Nov 24
Sunflower plot error; how to deal with NA
I suspect the problem stems from the fact that there are a couple of NA
> sunflowerplot(lastoto,maxear)
Error in rep.int(i.multi, number[number > 1]) :
invalid number of copies in rep.int()
So I used the subset command to get rid of the cases with NA
Then it worked perfectly
2012 Mar 13
sunflower plot, making vectors?
I'm having a bit of trouble finding and understanding the correct function to
make numeric vectors to feed the sunflowerplot function. I have 33k points
to show and I want to do better than the standard scatter plot.
I gather that I need two vectors (x and y) of the same count containing the
"center" value of each bin.
FYI - I have two pieces of data:
1 - x axis - time in days of
2011 Dec 12
Colours for sunflowerplot
Dear fellow R users,
I would like to draw a "sunflowerplot" because I have data (decade by
month) that plots multiple times on the same x-y co-ordinates. Further I
would like to colour each of the points/sunflower leaves on the plot
according to the group they belong to (i.e. which type of event each
represents within that decade and month). I thought that this would be
2012 Jun 27
formula version of sunflowerplot() fails when axis label specified
Hello, R-help,
does anybody have already a work-around for the problem that the formula
version of sunflowerplot() throws an error when provided with a value for
xlab (or ylab) different from NULL:
> sunflowerplot( Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, xlab = "A")
Error in model.frame.default(formula = Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, :
variable lengths differ
2006 Apr 04
Grid graphics issues
Hi all --
So I'm trying to use lattice graphics, but I want to use a
sunflower plot, which doesn't seem to be part of lattice. No problem,
I put together the following code, which mostly works -- *except* for
the first graph it generates. If it opens the graphic device, then it
draws the xygrid, clears the device, then draws the sunflowerplot.
All subsequent output operations work
2007 Aug 14
Using sunflowerplot to add points in a xyplot panel
I use panel.points to add points to a xyplot graphic. But I like to use the
sunflowerplot to plot my points because this is very superimposed. It is
possible to use this? I try but it dont work directly. It may be need to put
this function inside a panel.???
Where there's a will, there's a relative.
> Prof. Ronaldo Reis J?nior
| .''`.
2004 Feb 20
problem with abline for x.y
I'm trying to do a sunflowerplot of Galton's data, with both regression
lines and data ellipses,
and I must be doing something wrong, because the lines do not intersect
at \bar{x}, \bar{y}.
The problem is likely in the line for x.y, but I don't know how to
specify that correctly.
The data is read in grouped form( galton), and then ungrouped (galton2):
galton <-
2004 Mar 30
FW: RID to SID Bug? Share ACL Access Denied
Is this problem related to this bug?
Bugzilla Bug 1165
Samba ADS Kerberos login doesnt resolve correct groups when smbd is
su'ing to the uid
Anyone? Please respond. I am desperate to get this working.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Aden, Steve
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 3:24 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
2004 Mar 16
clients logout .............
You should be able to click Tools/Disconnect Network Drive from a
Windows Explorer window, then select the connection to the Samba server
and click ok. Note, this can be done even if the connection was not
mapped to a drive letter, such as by typing \\server\share in the run
box. You can then map a drive to the server with a different user
Steve Aden
Privileged/Confidential Information
2011 Aug 31
reading data from multiple files with multiple headers
Dear All,
I have many files with a lot of headers and text at the beginning of the file. The headers are not uniform though and they contain different sizes Is there a way where I can read a table and skip all of the headers/text on top of it until I encounter a certain text pattern? Here is an example. I just want to read the table after the ~A.
~Version Information
2007 Dec 18
Scatterplot Showing All Points
Hello all,
I'm trying to graph a scatterplot of a large (5,000 x,y coordinates) of data
with the caveat that many of the data points overlap with each other (share the
same x AND y coordinates). In using the usual "plot" command,
> plot(education, xlab="etc", ylab="etc")
it seems that the overlap of points is not shown in the graph. Namely, there
2005 Jul 21
bubble.plot() - standardize size of unit circle
I wrote a wrapper for symbols() that produces a
bivariate bubble plot, for use when plot(x,y) hides
multiple occurrences of the same x,y combination (e.g.
if x,y are integers).
Circle area ~ counts per bin, and circle size is
controlled by 'scale'.
Question: how can I automatically make the smallest
circle the same size as a standard plot character,
rather than having to
2007 Aug 24
perception of graphical data
I apologize that this is off-topic. I am seeking information on
perception of graphical data, in an effort to improve the plots I
produce. Would anyone point me to literature reviews in this area? (Or
keywords to try on google?) Is this located somewhere near cognitive
science, psychology, human factors research?
For example, some specific questions I have are:
I recall as a child
2009 Mar 19
sunflowerplot error
A sunflowerplot crossing two categorial variables with NAs fails:
### sample: start ###
a <- c(letters[1:4])
z <- c(letters[23:26])
fa <- factor(sample(rep.int(a, 1000), 100, replace=T), levels=a,
fz <- factor(sample(rep.int(z, 1000), 100, replace=T), levels=z,
sunflowerplot(fa, fz)
# okay, but:
r <- xyTable(fa, fz)
2003 Jan 03
number plot symbol in scatterplot?
If I make a scatterplot and several (e.g. 5) points lie on top of each other
at a given x,y location I would like the plot symbol to be the number of
superimposed points (e.g. "5"). Could someone please tell me how to do this
in R? Thanks!
Bill Simpson
2006 Feb 24
Sorting alphanumerically
I'm trying to sort a DATAFRAME by a column "ID" that contains
alphanumeric data. Specifically,"ID" contains integers all preceeded
by the character "g" as in:
g1, g6, g3, g19, g100, g2, g39
I am using the following code:
and was hoping it would sort the dataframe by ID in the following manner
g1, g2, g3, g6, g19,
2011 Oct 21
lattice::xyplot/ggplot2: plotting weighted data frames with lmline and smooth
In the HistData package, I have a data frame, PearsonLee, containing
observations on heights of parent and child, in weighted form:
> str(PearsonLee)
'data.frame': 746 obs. of 6 variables:
$ child : num 59.5 59.5 59.5 60.5 60.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 ...
$ parent : num 62.5 63.5 64.5 62.5 66.5 59.5 60.5 62.5 63.5 64.5 ...
$ frequency: num 0.5 0.5
2006 Feb 17
showing the integrated number by point size
Is there any function to show the points like this example of SPSS?
The point size should represent the number of data at this point.
with regards
Knut Krueger
2009 Aug 28
R CMD check does not recognize S4 functions inside other functions?
I am developing a new R package and am now checking it for submission to
The some functions in the package make use of the sparse matrix routines
in the package 'Matrix'.
When these are loaded in R, they create no problems.
However, when running R CMD check, I run into the following error in
executing the examples in a .rd file:
> DD = Matrix(diag(1,200),sparse=TRUE)