similar to: "Available for hire" page on Wiki

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: ""Available for hire" page on Wiki"

2005 Aug 05
11 Wiki update
Hi list, So, some hard work today, but the Wiki is quickly taking shape. I''ve now moved all the documentation I could find into it. The URL again: There are also some new features in there, like: FAQ: Wishlist (moved from Rails wiki): scriptaculous/show/TheWishlist And the
2006 Mar 26
2 1.6 beta
Heya, The SVN repositiory now holds the 1.6 beta. This version is mostly a refactoring/bugfix release, and marks the switch over to Prototype 1.5 (Prototype 1.4.0 is no longer supported). The required prototype.js file is included (lib/prototype.js) of course. Changes since 1.5.3: * Prepare for 1.6, add Prototype 1.5 requirement and check that
2005 Sep 03
3 1.5_pre4
Today marks the release of 1.5_pre4 The single biggest addition are the new effects queue and the text effects. Head to run_functional_tests.html and give "effects_queue" and "texteffects_test.html" a try. As always, loads of fixes and improvements. Specials thanks to all of you who help with ideas, patches and bug
2005 Dec 08
Bug in Effect.Highlight ?
Hi All, I''ve just discover scriptaculous and it is a really good library. Even if I have some difficulties with short syntax in javascript code :/ I have a strange behaviour with Effect.Highlight, and as it''s said on bug report page : "It''s also a good idea to discuss this on the Mailing List beforehand, maybe it''s already known and in the works, or it
2005 Oct 01
minimal browser requirements for scriptaculous
Hi, I noticed that the scriptaculous shopping cart demo doesn''t work in safari 1.03. I was wondering if there was documentation somewhere that would tell me what my minimal browser requirements were for running scriptaculous? I found this comparative analysis on the web: but I think it might be a bit out of date. I did
2006 Jan 06
|Hi i''m New First Question: to use a it needs to include prototype.js and scriptaculous.js.... but doesn''t work!!; instead ||using ||scriptaculous.shrunk of Alister Cameron, work; what are the expedient to use to include the ||scriptaculous.js ? Second question: in |Ajax.Autocompleter
2005 Dec 05
Scriptaculous conflict with TinyMCE
I''m using TinyMCE[1], a popular javascript WYSIWYG html editor. The editor fails to work when I load Scriptaculous before it -- well depending on the browser. I can make my application load the javascript in a different order, but just in case it''s an issue in scriptaculous I thought I''d report. I have a few pages up -- I''d like to find out if anyone else
2005 Aug 11
7 V1.5_pre1 released
Heya, I''ve just released V1.5_pre1. Please give it a try! Important new stuff (since V1.1b1): * Added a main scriptaculous.js file to load in the other libraries transparently. * Fixed a condition where standard a href=xxx links wouldn''t work in autocomplete results. These do now, the onclick event is not cancelled. [thx to Jasper Slits] * Added
2005 Aug 24
Memory leak test for onChange patch needed Can anyone test this for memory leaks on IE? I *think* it may cause trouble, because options references DOM elements. Thomas
2005 Oct 26
Troubleshooting inplace editor
I can''t get the inplace editor to do anything for me. The output appears as regular formated, unclickable text. Maybe I am missing something simple. 1. I just downloaded <> 1.5_rc3 and copied it to my javascript folder. 2. To set up a simple test, I created a new test page containing only the copied from demo1 from the
2005 Aug 31
0 patches and bug reports got a new home
Heya, As handling the bug reports and patches through the list and some obsure wiki pages became ever more complicated, I can gladly announce that from now on patches and bug reports are handling at the Ruby on Rails trac. There''s a new component called "" that should be set on all bug reports and patches that affect Please do not use the
2005 Nov 08
Scriptaculous insertion fails when XHTML Strict used in FireFox
Hi ! I'm getting an uncaught exception requiring the Scriptaculous libraries when everything says XHTML 1.0 Strict: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_content_type protected def set_content_type response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1' end end <?xml version="1.0"
2006 Mar 16
1 in xsl
Hello, first of all, sorry for my English, I´m a Spanish student and I´m having some problems with These are the following: I have a XML file like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="barraNav.xsl"?> <barraNav> <boton>
2006 Apr 06
Bug? In scriptaculous -- double text drawn one pixel off
Hello, I''m working with scriptaculous, and i''ve narrowed down a bug i''m having to the following code: I''m using the latest release (as of sending this mail) of scriptaculous. I''ve actually seen this bug before, and random tweaking fixed it. Unfortunately, i can''t figure it out this time. I''ve reduced the bug
2006 Apr 28
The Ajax Experience
Anyone on the list going to The Ajax Experience in San Francisco May 10? _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Mar 28
Moving all items from one Scriptaculous box to another
I posted the following on news://comp.lang.javascript, and someone kindly replied suggesting I should try on this mailing list. (Please excuse very long lines - I carefully format line endings; but Microsoft Outlook, which I have to use at my client site, then takes it upon itself to rearrange and remove most of my linefeeds! :-< ) I am using Thomas Fuchs''s amazing drag-and-drop
2005 Aug 09
is the brand new dom builder working for everybody? i''m not getting any error messages when i try to use it, but it doesn''t seem to be doing anything.
2007 Mar 04
Sound support for
Hi all, I''ve added a new library called sound.js to, which allows for playing (mp3-based) sound effects. It works without using Flash, by using IE''s internal sound playback mechanism (BGSOUND) and falling back on using whatever plugin is used for audio/mpeg on other browsers (in real world terms, this means QuickTime or a QuickTime- compatible plugin).
2005 Sep 15
IE iframe bug with Autocompleter over HTTPS
I ran across an issues using the Autocompleter over HTTPS in IE (6.0 in WinXP Pro SP2). I plan to submit a bug report to the Ruby on Rails trac, but first I''d like "to discuss this on th[is] Mailing List beforehand, maybe it''s already known and in the works, or it isn''t a bug" (per The autocomplete
2006 Jul 20
Scriptaculous + Sortable: onUpdate Not Firing
Hello all, I''m using Scriptaculous 1.6.1 on a project I''m developing. My generated HTML (generated by PHP) looks something like this: <ul id="admin-list"> <li id="li-13">Singletary, Bob (President/CEO)</li> <li id="li-12">Chatman, Jim (Vice President of Finance/CFO)</li> ... </ul> <script