similar to: mdct.c

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "mdct.c"

2002 Aug 13
mdct.c pointer to array conversion
Hi all, I'm attempting to convert all the pointers to arrays the mdct_backward function so it can be partitioned off for a hardware implementation. Although this code is quite short I'm finding it a little tricky. As it stands, mdct_backward is passed values by reference i.e. void mdct_backward(mdct_lookup *init, DATA_TYPE *in, DATA_TYPE *out) o my modified version starts void
2002 Mar 26
size of vectors to be fed to MDCT
Hi, as we are trying to implement MDCT in hardware, we are caring now about the "n" (size of input and output vectors to and from MDCT). As I have looked in the code, this "n" is chosen from the Ogg/Vorbis stream data in info.c:_vorbis_unpack_info() which means this "n" can vary aribitrarily (as the power of 2) depending only on the value got from song data? or is
2002 Mar 26
int or float?
Hi Vorbis, Now I get libvorbis-rc3 + integerized mdct_backward + integerized window running. The sound output is ok. Now we have to go further on possible optimization of the code in order to have the music played realtime on our chip (LEON-Sparc). There are 2 possible ways: 1.Make everything integer, remove all floating point usage. Then we can remove FPU and can run the chip at higher
2002 Jul 25
[oggonachip] Ogg-on-a-Chip project first phase finished (fwd)
FYI.. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 15:41:56 +0200 (CEST) From: Pattara Kiatisevi <> Reply-To: To: Subject: [oggonachip] Ogg-on-a-Chip project first phase finished Hi all, Finally our master thesis is finished! Ogg Vorbis player ran with RTEMS operating system on LEON on the FPGA
2000 Oct 23
More mdct questions
Sorry for starting another topic, this is actually a reply to Segher's post on Sun Oct 22 on the 'mdct question' topic. I wasn't subscribed properly and so I didn't get email confirmation and thus can't add to that thread. So Segher, if the equation is indeed what you say it is, then replacing mdct_backward with this version should work, but it doesn't. Am I applying
2001 Nov 12
Hi, in order to understand the Ogg Vorbis decoding algorithm, do you recommend any document/book/www? I have read those on the web page but look for something more detailed.. Thank you very much, Pattara The best things in life are free. - B.G. DeSilva (1927) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ott Pattara Kiatisevi T L W G M.Sc. INFOTECH Student,
2001 Nov 07
Greeting from Ogg on a Chip project
Hi all, This is to say hello to all of you as we are starting the project Ogg on a Chip for our master thesis. More information can be found at Cut from the homepage: "The Ogg Vorbis Player ( shall be implemented in form of a system-on-a-chip by using hardware/software co-design techniques. A prototyping board
2002 Apr 05
slightly different audio output
Hi, I wonder if there is specific requirement or restriction for the decoder in order to be consider "Vorbis" compliant (or let's say, to be a "correct" vorbis decoder). I am experimenting with integerized libvorbis and the decoder delivers the audio data as following, (and compare with the floating point version below). $ tail audioout-int.txt 0290670 025e 085c 02cf 0895
2002 Mar 27
CVS libvorbisfile
Hi, Today I tried to run my player code with the CVS libvorbis (instead of RC3 as usual) and I found the infinite loop here (lines prefixed with >> are in the loop): tatic ogg_int64_t _get_prev_page(OggVorbis_File *vf,ogg_page *og){ ogg_int64_t begin=vf->offset; ogg_int64_t end=begin; ogg_int64_t ret; ogg_int64_t offset=-1; >> while(offset==-1){ >>
2002 Feb 19
Hi, I have a question about compiling Ogg/Vorbis. As I plan to have the code run on the LEON/SPARC CPU so I have to use sparc-rtems-gcc, sparc-rtems-ld, sparc-rtems-ranlib. Now, in order to compile the libs, e.g., libogg, I have to create my own Makefile like this: PROG=bitwise framing CC=sparc-rtems-gcc AR=sparc-rtems-ar RANLIB=sparc-rtems-ranlib CFLAGS=-rtems -msoft-float -Wall -W -g
2003 May 20
mdct_backward with fused muladd?
Can anybody point me at any resources that would explain how to optimize mdct_backward for a cpu with a fused multiply-accumute unit? >From what I understand from responses to my older postings, Tremor's mdct_backward could be rewritten to take advantage of a muladd. My target machine can do either two-wide 32x32 + Accum(64) -> Accum(64) integer muladd or eight-wide 16x16 + Accum(32)
2003 Sep 11
FAST_IPSEC doesn't seem to honor net.key.prefered_oldsa=0
When using the FAST_IPSEC option in the kernel build, the sysctl variable net.key.prefered_oldsa seems to make no difference. The kernel always chooses an old SA. This problem can be easily reproduced. Just wait till the soft limit of the SA is expired and do a setkey -F on the remote and then ping through the tunnel. Because the old SA's are preferred and the remote no longer has the old
2002 Aug 21
MDCT input and output data blocks
Hi, I'm trying to determine how the frequency data that is passed to the MDCT, and output time domain data obtained from the MDCT, is changed when setting #define MDCT_INTEGERIZED For instance, the trig array, for a size 256 window begins 1.000000 0.000000 0.998795 -0.049068 0.995185 -0.098017 if INTEGERIZED is set, then it begins 16384 0 16364 -803 16305 -1605 which is simply a left shift
2002 Mar 19
mdct as hardware
Hi vorbis-dev! I'm working with Pattara in the oggonachip project, and wondering about the implementation of mdct.c as hardware. According your recomendations about using the floating point version, I would say, we have to implement the integerized version of mdct as a core, and use the fpu only to round the input values. By doing that, you think the result would be still acceptable? How
2018 Apr 27
[RFC][PATCH] Remove private symbols from Vorbis shared libs
Hi all, I recently noticed that Vorbis shlibs export several symbols which are not present in it's public header (for a total of 85 symbols, see attach). Would it make sense to filter them via -fvisibility=hidden and -Wl,--version-script? I attached a draft patch. Best regards, Yury Gribov -------------- next part -------------- _book_maptype1_quantvals _book_unquantize __bss_start
2010 Jul 07
[LLVMdev] Alloca and GlobalVariable
I just added support for arrays to the front-end for a trading-specific DSL that I'm implementing using LLVM and ran into a minor bump. Internally, I have been treating variables the same whether they end up being GlobalVariables or stack variables allocated with Alloca. I store the Value* I get from CreateAlloca or the Value* I get when I create a new GlobalVariable into my symbol table when
2002 Aug 29
yet another MDCT question
mdct.c, lines 436 onward (part of mdct_backward) state { DATA_TYPE *oX1=out+n2+n4; DATA_TYPE *oX2=out+n2+n4; DATA_TYPE *iX =out; T =init->trig+n2; do{ oX1-=4; oX1[3] = MULT_NORM (iX[0] * T[1] - iX[1] * T[0]); oX2[0] = -MULT_NORM (iX[0] * T[0] + iX[1] * T[1]); oX1[2] = MULT_NORM (iX[2] * T[3] - iX[3] * T[2]); oX2[1] =
2001 Nov 15
Ogg Traffic for November 13, 2001
Better late than never :) jack. --- Ogg Traffic for Tuesday, November 13, 2001 Jack Moffitt <[1]> _________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. [2]Support The Ogg Project 2. [3]Status Updates 2.1. [4]Stan Seibert 2.2. [5]Chris Wolf 3. [6]New Developments 3.1. [7]Ogg On A Chip
2002 Aug 16
Setting up the trig tables.
As some of you know, I'm creating a hardware MDCT core. At the moment I'm working out the best way to create a lookup table for the trig values, as set up in mdct_init: /* trig lookups... */ for(i=0;i<n/4;i++){ T[i*2]=FLOAT_CONV(cos((M_PI/n)*(4*i))); T[i*2+1]=FLOAT_CONV(-sin((M_PI/n)*(4*i))); T[n2+i*2]=FLOAT_CONV(cos((M_PI/(2*n))*(2*i+1)));
2003 Jan 09
encoding to fixed window length vorbis file
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi! I want to encode wav file into fixed window length vorbis file. I don't know if "window" is good name for that, but i mean MDCT buffer size. This buffer is passed to mdct_backward() as "in" and it's size is determined by "init->n" variable which is also passed to this function. So, when I say "window