similar to: 6c6c

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "6c6c"

2002 Aug 27
Strange MS-Access Problems with Samba 2.2.1a
Hello, something strange happens sometimes with a MS access Database when trying to open it on a samba share. The database is destroyed and I think the problem is Samba cause in the database file you can find some log entries from samba. I got some tips from a german ng but I think it is better to publish it here cause might be a bug in samba 2.2.1a. I use samba 2.2.1a on Suse 7.3 and MS Office
2010 Jan 18
Different file permissions on new file
Hello list :-) I got different file permissions on a new created/copied file. If I copy the file to \\\data I got -rwx------ 1 advantage advantage 0 Jan 18 11:16 test.txt If I copy the file to \\\data\pix I got -rwxrwxr--+ 1 advantage advantage 0 Jan 18 11:18 test.txt The permissions of the path to the share are: drwxrwxr-x+ 14 advantage advantage
2004 Oct 10
[Bug 1900] New: rsync --daemon hangs with --numeric-ids Summary: rsync --daemon hangs with --numeric-ids Product: rsync Version: 2.6.2 Platform: All OS/Version: FreeBSD Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2008 Aug 02
Networking problems with IDU Verwaltung software
[wine 1.1.2 on openSuSE 11.0, kernel for i686] I have network problems running Idu_Verwaltung.exe. Here the various error and warning messages. o I get a Runtime Error R6034 regarding the C runtime library. After pressing OK it continues. o The terminal output of the program: fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.VC80.CRT"
1998 Nov 09
Need help with 'Cannot find setup.exe Windows needs this file
> I have a CD we (Candle) created. It installs one of our products by > executing the setup.exe program. I am able to execute the > program off the > CD with no problems. > > I then copied the contents of the CD to the Samba share. I > try and execute > the setup.exe file and get this error. > > If I then copy the files from the Samba share to /temp, I can >
1998 Jun 09
Problems with MSOffice 97 installation
Hello, I am trying to use the cdrom from one Sun server for software installation on NT Clients. I am using samba 1.9.18p7 on solaris 2.5.1 Here is my smb.conf: [global] workgroup = WIWI server string = Windows NT Server 5.0 debug level = 2 log file = /opt/samba/var/log.%m max log size = 10 socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY read prediction = yes interfaces =
2008 Nov 24
Overriding of .dll libraries
As far as I know, some application can be made working in Wine if some .dll libraries are replaced by the native ones (from windows distribution). Could somebody help me? I do not know, how to find which libraries have to be overriden for this or that particular application. What should I do to find it out? Is there any HowTo in internet that explains how to do it step-by-step? (I found only
2003 Aug 05
joining a samba pdc domain
dear all, i will outline the problem im having before posting my smb.conf, just in case someone knows what to trouble-check. i have a samba PDC set-up, no firewalls, the windows machine WILL mount the shares fine, but it wont join the domain. I mean that I have entered the machine name as a trust account into both passwd and smbpasswd, and when I join the domain in win2k, it actually asks me
2006 Jun 20
TDM400P bad echo problem, tried lots of things
I have a bad echo problem on my TDM400P with one FXO module installed. I have tried a few things, such as: * setting rxgain and txgain to 0 * setting echocancelwhenbridged to no / yes * settting echocancel to 64 / no / yes * setting echocanceltraining to 800 / no / yes * MG2 echo cancellation * MARK2 echo cancellation * KB1 echo cancellation * AGGRESSIVE_SUPPRESSOR option of MARK2 Each time
2009 Jan 10
Print specific matrix value???
Hello All, I'm trying to print specific row and column for Observed_Scores matrix, however, when I execute the command "Observed_Scores[1,1]", I get the message "Error in Observed_Scores[1, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions". Could you please help and let me know where is the mistake? Here is my program: library(ltm) library(psych) # Settting the working directory
2003 Apr 25
ruby & portupgrade
I am trying to do an install of portupgrade. As root, I go to /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade and run make install distclean The system seems to obtain the pkgtools and some upgrades to it, but is unable to obtain the required bdb1-0.1.8.tar.gz. I have also looked at the collection at the freebsd site and tried the ftp site myself
2006 May 13
Thin client server setup
Hi, I am thinking of settting up a thin client server setup. I would like to set it up to work with linux and windows. I was going to use Symbiont but it says it needs a different version of linux to install. Has anyone used it with Centos before? Would it be easier to just install LTSP and set it up. I would like to b have a small box that does the dhcp and then allows users to logon to
2006 Mar 01
break in a each function
i have a method , and i only want the first 10 feeds to be put in the database , why doesn''t this control structure works , when the counter is 10 it has to jump out the iteration greetz Klaas def get_feed2(rssfile) # Open the RSS file rssfeed = open(rssfile.url) # Use the built-in REXML module # Read the entire RSS file into memory rssdoc =
2014 Dec 10
PJSIP configuration question
I'm working with a SIP provider to try and transition our sip connection with them to PJSIP. I thought I had transitioned the settings correctly, but whenever I attempt an Originate it never even tries to send any PJSIP messages. I'm currently running Asterisk 13.0.0. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? The SIP provider says the latest version of Asterisk they have
2008 Dec 26
Simulating dataset using Parallel Latent CTT model?
I am trying to simulate a dataset using Parallel Latent CTT model and this is what i have done so far: (START) #Importing psych library for all the simulation related functions library(psych) # Settting the working directory path to C:/NCME path="C:/NCME" setwd(path) #Using the function to generate the data GenData <- congeneric.sim(N=500, loads =
2006 Feb 07
911 and ISDN PRI
Does asterisk support this? I have a location that I planned to only put a PRI line, but testing 911 (I called them first), I just get a hangup. Does 911 normally work over a PRI line? Anything special I have to setup in asterisk? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2018 May 14
Roaming profils cannot sync four files
Hello, I'm using a WIndows Server 2016 as a DC and Samba 4.5 (Debian Stretch) as a fileserver. The fileserver is made with Windows ACLs (exactly like the Samba tutorial). The Windows 10 Client cannot copy these 4 files: C:\Users\testuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UPPS\UPPS.bin -> UNC\FS\profiles\testuser.V6\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UPPS\UPPS.bin
2017 Jul 11
Gluster native mount is really slow compared to nfs
Hello, ? ? We tried tons of settings to get a php app running on a native gluster mount: ? e.g.:? /var/www glusterfs defaults,_netdev,backup-volfile-servers=,direct-io-mode=disable 0 0 ? I tried some mount variants in order to speed up things without luck. ? ? After that I tried nfs (native gluster nfs 3 and ganesha nfs 4), it was a crazy
2007 Nov 26
Filling in a Zero Matrix
Hi I am very new to R and statistical programming in general. I am trying to reorder data from a .csv file. I have managed to import the data and create a zero matrix. I am now trying to fill the matrix. There seems to be some problem with this section of my code. I have highlighted the dodgy code in red. Please help if possible. ###################################################### ###########
2005 Jun 13
MCI vs. XO/Allegiance
Hello All, Anyone out there using ISDN PRI from either MCI or XO/Allegiance? Gotta make the choice today and the difference per month is only about $25 in favor of MCI. Billing is pretty much the same between the two so I have pretty much no point of reference on which to choose. Any thoughts from anyone experienced with these two compnies would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Wiley