similar to: How can I run this in Wine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "How can I run this in Wine"

2010 Aug 04
Ijji Reactor
Yo'z, new here and all, and rather weak in the knowledge department of linux/ubuntu and wine. I'm fairly sure i'm running the latest wine, i installed / updated wine and all that stuff about a month ago so yeah. I'm basically trying to use Ijji Reactor, but it won't let me sign in at all. I don't know how to get the wine log and all of that @_@;
2010 Jul 24
HTML rendering is currently disabled (Wanna' play GUNZ!)
Okay, I'm a super super-dee-duper newbster. Aaaaand I'm on a MacBook. Aaaaand I'm running Leopard (10.5.8). So I've used Wine before a loooong time ago for some things, but nothing big. And now I want to play Gunz (from I got everything downloaded (the reactor) and then it tells me something about "Gecko" needing to be installed. I get everything all installed
2010 Jan 25
Wine on Mac OS X 10.5?
Just got my first Macbook :D but i still need my window\s applications! :(
2011 Mar 17
Trying to get IE onto my MacBook
MacBook OS X 10.4.11 - Sorry, I'm pretty much one of the peasants when it comes to some of this; need to use Internet Explorer and Excel (required for work) on my MacBook; have been trying to learn how to do this -- short of keeping Mr. Gates wealthy; my understanding (correct?incorrect?) is that one way to manage this is to load Wine onto the Mac, and then I can load in the two MS programs.
2011 Jan 24
toruble downloading programs using winebottler
hey all, I've been dying to be able to play roller coaster tycoon 2 on my macbook using wine and winebottler, but im having some problems. Everytime i try to download the program, it gets to the spot where it says turn on coreaudio, and then stalls, and then an error message comes up saying prefix creation exited with error, followed by, you find a logfile to help with degguing on your
2010 Oct 07
Okay, I am new to this site and I want to download Wine for my Macbook Pro, but I don't know where I am going on the site to download the program. Can someone point me in the right direction?
2009 Dec 23
Wine 1.1.35 DirectX error on OS X
Hi I have been using Wine to play Lotro on OS X 10.6.2 and everything has been fine until I upgraded to 1.1.35 yesterday. Now when I try to run the game I get a "Direct3D could not be initialised" error and in the terminal window I launched the game from the following errors appear:- err:wgl:has_opengl Failed to load libGL: dlopen(libGL.1.dylib, 266): image not found
2010 Jul 21
Issues running LOTRO with Wine on mac 10.5
Hello folks, I'm fairly new to Wine but I've always wanted to play LOTRO on my macbook pro so I installed Wine 1.2 and winebottler and followed the instructions that the lorebook and others had in installing it (created prefix/bottle of lotro installer, installed lotro, installed pylotro into prefix/bottle [but to load pylotro I would have to go into the bottle and find the pylotro.exe
2010 Jun 28
Morrowind GOTY on Darwine - empty resolution list?
I hope it's ok to ask about Darwine on these forums. I installed Morrowind GOTY on OSX using Darwine and it starts. But I can't set a resolution as the list of resolutions is empty. It recognises an NVIDIA graphics card but no resolutions. Any ideas how to get this working? Thanks
2010 Aug 19
Paste in File Manager & keyboard issues
I am brand new to Wine. Just downloaded it (for OSX) and got it going today. I actually used Winebottler (, but I think my problems are symptoms of Wine itself. I am using Wine primarily to play my favorite game, Anarchy Online, on my new iMac sans bootcamp. The game installed fine, it loads up and seems to run well, but many of the keys needed for the game
2008 Apr 23
Status of EventMachine.fork
Hi All, I''m currently looking into doing a bit of evented network programming in ruby and i''m currently looking into packet, eventmachine and rev. The problem is that I need to be able to fork and start a new reactor within the forked child (it also should open a socket and write status information back to the main process). I have not been able to do this with EventMachine.
2011 Jan 25
Inexperienced Wine user. Copy and Paste problems
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, if it's not, please direct me to a suitable forum. I'm using WineBottler to create wine .app s under mac OS 10.6.6 for a number of applications, sometimes with success, sometimes not. I had relative success running Power tab 1.7 ( using wine bottler to run the install file to create a .app
2002 Mar 21
Tag changes
A few days ago, I initiated a conversation with Jonathan Walther to seek his advice on how he might tag a CD that I ogg'ed. Out of this discussion, we decided to make a couple of changes to the proposed standard. 1) A new LABELNO tag was added to the list. This would contain the record label's catalogue number. Generally available on the face of the CD. Probably more useful than
2010 Mar 08
Wine on Mac -- ePSXE 1.7.0--PLEASE HELP!!
Oh my goodness! Hello, everyone! Well, right now I am using an app for Mac called >>Wine Bottler ("")<<. I have not been able to get a single program working, including the "prefixes" included with the program. I don't know how to install programs, which "goodies" to include when I DO install a prefix, or anything; I
2010 Mar 28
finding or creating ~/.wine folder (Snow Leopard problem)
So I installed the developer's Wine build on my Snow Leopard after searching the internet for close to two weeks i finally have a wine build (using the +universal build) on my hard drive. My only problem is I can't use wine because my Users/username/.wine folder does not exist, pumps out, wine: chdir to /Users/elixir/.wine : No such file or directory after typing in wine and dragging the
2011 Nov 27
v1.2 for download?
Err, not sure what's going on my end but when I got to the main website ( it only lists version 1.1.44 for download, which is all well and good but it keep reminding me to update to version 1.2! Well I couldn't find it on the website, but then did thanks to Google but found that the 1.2.2 "Stable" version wasn't even hosted, which was also
2005 Jul 10
Indices and totals
Hi all! I've read and about the goals and non-goals of vorbis comments, but I'm still unsure: 1) Is it by purpose to forget about CDA's index feature because it's so rarely used or did nobody here ever thought about it? -> Add an INDEXNUMER field? 2) If "Vorbis comments are the
2001 Dec 07
Revised Proposal for Vorbis TAG Standard
Based on peoples posts to this list, and feedback on IRC ( #vorbis) I have updated the original proposal. You can read it here. Please read it before writing any futher questions, comments, or criticisms of the proposal. Cheers Jonathan -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: part Type:
2010 May 17
Need help with Wine and Forex MT4??
Saw people say to use winebottler and that it will run MT4 but can't find a way to contact them to see how they got it to run. I installed wine/bottler and downloaded mt4 exe file but when it goes to install and copies files it just hangs when it gets to all files done and gives no ok button, can only hit cancel. Kinda new to macs so lot of this is way confusing compared to windows, all I want
2011 Nov 30
gamegaurd orean.vxd and error
hello i'm trying to run AVA on my mac with wine with the application playonmac which uses wine but as i read it is not possible to make gamegaurd run on wine, except if i change some files can anyone help me ?? and i'm trying to run reactor to but i don' have the correct configuration but if it works byu steam it will be ok. thank you