similar to: How Do I Setup the Config File?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "How Do I Setup the Config File?"

2010 Aug 23
Unable to upload images using native rails file upload
I am a rails newbie and am trying to build my first app. I have a jobs and categories controller and models respectively. CONTROLLER: def new @job = @catergory = Catergory.all respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @job } end end #THIS IS A group of 10 RADIO_BUTTONS TO SELECT A CATEGORY FROM. BY DEFAULT THE FIRST
2008 Jun 27
5.1 -> 5.2 Upgrade oddity
yum upgrade -y yada yada yada .... then lots of errors like: /usr/share/gnome/help/gdm/fr/gdm.xml:173: parser error : Entity 'eacute' not defined and so on until Document is not well-formed XML: /usr/share/gnome/help/gdm/it/gdm.xml Updating : amtu ##################### [173/520] Updating : grub ##################### [174/520] ...
2006 Sep 22
QueryParser bug?
I cooked up a little script to show what I mean. This doesn''t look right to me, but maybe I just completely misunderstand QueryParser. Same output on mswin32, unix, ferret 0.9 and 0.10 Cheers, Sam require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' p Ferret::VERSION # 0.10.6 index = index << {:title => "Programming
2003 Jan 16
RE: How do I get the @#$$% job name to show instead of smbprn.yad a.yada?
> -----Original Message----- > From: Joel Hammer [] > Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 6:57 PM > To: Van Sickler, Jim; > Subject: Re: [Samba] How do I get the @#$$% job name to show > instead of > smbprn.yada.ya da? > > > If the file name is right in /tmp/J, then it looks like samba > is working ok. > > I
2006 Jan 13
uninitialized constant Ferret
I get this error message from the following code: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/tmp/index'') index << {:title => "Programming Ruby", :content => "blah blah blah"} index << {:title => "Programming Ruby", :content => "yada yada
2008 Jun 13
dependency on /usr/lib/nx
I do a: sudo yum update and I get: yada, yada, yada,... ---> Package freenx-server.i386 0:0.7.2-8.el5 set to be updated --> Running transaction check --> Processing Dependency: /usr/lib/nx for package: freenx-server Importing additional filelist information --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Missing Dependency: /usr/lib/nx is needed by package freenx-server Not only
2005 Sep 29
Please recommend a DVD writer for CentOS 4.1
Hi. I need to install DVD writers in a CentOS box as part of a backup setup. I want as little fuss as possible both with HW recognition and functionality. Can any of you recommend a vendor/product ? Performance of the drive is not an issue. I get confused looking at all the "+/-RW +R double layer yada yada" when skimming the hardware lists.. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
2004 Sep 28
Looking for whoever wrote cdr_mysql
I don't completely understand this.. Lemme try it out.. [default] exten => 1112223333,1,Macro(happy-did) [macro-happy-did] exten => s,1,Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN},1) exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,NoOp(Normal "s" exten stuff here) So when this is ran it will cut the cdr and the s will show the actual DID not the s correct? But then the NoOp would be something like: ....
2002 Feb 14
immortal connections
I have several data input functions that include a construct like the following: indat <- function(stuff) { [...] awkp <- paste("awk ...yada yada...", stuff, etc.) scan(pipe(awkp),quiet=TRUE) } I use these functions a lot, and as I do, a lengthening list of closed, but undestroyed, connections accumulates. Ultimately this appears to stuff things up and cause
2000 Sep 08
problem with installation from source on linux and solaris
On the solaris 7 box, using the Sun make, the configuration works ok. Even running make works ok. However, when I run "make check" all of the tests fail. It's a standard Ultra10, with full patches applied... and there are no errors generated during the make... On the RH6.x linux box, configure works, make works, make check works, make install works. Hey, I can even see the R
2005 Feb 01
Auth failing - idmap_rid?
The samba server is FC3 / samba 3.0.10 (Fedora package w/ idmap_rid compiled) The samba server shows up in the browse list, but when you select it from an XP machine windows spits up "\\ server is not accessable" yada yada "The user name could not be found" The following shows up twice in /var/log/samba/winbindd: [2005/02/01 14:00:27, 0]
2003 Jan 16
How do I get the @#$$% job name to show instead of smbprn.yada.ya da?
I'm tinkering with this mod to my smb.conf, and can't get the actual filename to be displayed in the printed job history. It's adapted from one Joel put out on the list last year. My impression is that it works for everyone in the world but me.... All that ever shows up is smbprn.yada.yada... in the printer's history of printed jobs. print command = echo %J %p %s >>
2006 Apr 20
error on stpexec : ROR on Linux with SQLServer Connection
So I got my rails app to connect to the SQLServer via ODBC, and I can model/scaffold, yada yada.. but when I need to exec a stored proc using sql_server.rb I get undefined local variable or method `connection'' how can that be, if I can connect for everthing else? thanks -- Posted via
2014 Jun 21
Managing users and home dirs
For those of you using virtual users, and SQL, how are you managing your users and their home dirs ? That is, what process do you use for adding/deleting users, creating their home dirs etc ? I suppose it's easy enough to do manually, inserting rows in the database, creating dirs, chown/chmod yada yada, but there must be a better way to do it ... If you're doing dovecot replication then it
2012 Sep 27
Is there a way to source from a specific Git repository without hardcoding the location everywhere?
Folks, A small group of us are working together to develop a set of R functions to support data management and analysis using Eclipse/StatET in a Windows environment. We are using Git/EGit for version control. We work within our own repository and occasionally push to a common remote location. I'd like to have the code source files from the 'local' git repository without
2005 Jun 13
xmms plugin bug report - macOS 10.3, darwinports
Hi all - I've just finished building flac in the "darwinports" environment on MacOS 10.3.9. The port maintainer (i've cc'd him) had disabled the xmms plugin build. I wanted that, so I changed the portfile and built locally, yada yada. I've run into three problems, only two of which I've seen reported in the list archives here. 1) configure doesn't properly
2005 Jan 26
Telrad + E&M T1 Trunk
All, One of our customers is using a Telrad PBX, we are providing phone server through asterisk via a T1 using e&m directly connected to the Telrad system. We're using a T1 cross cable as normal, the T1 part works great. No alarms. When we try and dial out the Telrad using a direct trunk group, the call fails. When looking in the asterisk console I noticed only 1 or 2 digits are seen,
2007 May 24
Bottom line on fax reception
So what is the bottom line? Does it work or not. I've heard stories it works, it doesn't work, it kinda sorta works when it's not raining out side. Everything under the rainbow. What's the bottom line with recent updates on 1.2.x? Is it production ready for fax? By production ready I mean that it just works all the time and doesn't need any babysitting. Do I have to worry
2011 Jun 07
Access problem: root Ok, but not home
I've just done an out-of-the-box RHEL6 (SL6, actually) install, but can't get the Samba config quite right. system-config-samba has gone in RHEL6, which hasn't helped. If I set up a root section: [root] comment = SL6 / path = / writeable = yes valid users = paul then I can access '/' from XP without problems. If I instead (or as well) set up a section for myself:
2002 Aug 08
MS Office 2000 Small Business instalation problem
Hello. I'm trying to install MS Office 2000 Small Bussiness (Polish version) with latest CVS wine. First I get a small message box that tells me, that my Windows Installator is being upgraded, then I get an error message, that could be roughly translated as: "Windows system Installer in this system has been upgraded. You have to restart system to finish this upgrade