Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Asterisk Queues Tutorial updated - Hot-Desking without Agent Channels"
2005 Jul 05
Re: MOH - request to schedule in the past SOLUTION and New Asterisk Queues Tutorial.
Hello all,
>>From your system command line (not asterisk), type 'mpg123' and tell
>> us what version of mpg123 you're running.
>> If its not v0.59r or v0.59q, then get one of those installed.
>> (Lots of notes say v0.59r only, however I've been using v0.59q
>>. on RHv9 and Fedora 3 boxes with no problems.)
Andrew wrote:
> FWIW, I have
2005 Aug 14
Hello Jason,
I've just come across your post to the Asterisk-Users group
regarding OrderlyQ (from a web search - sorry it's taken so long).
You wrote:
> What experience can be shared about installing and running the
OrderlyQ application? I have a bunch of
> queues set up and want to start adding some additional apps and this
one looked promising but I have
> very
2005 Jun 21
Re: New JAVA application server for Asterisk - OrderlyCalls
Hello Adam,
Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. I can
understand your concerns; let me see if I can address them.
>Sourceforge.net is exclusively for hosting software whose licensing
>terms meet the OSI's definition of Open Source:
> http://opensource.org/docs/definition.php
>Your licensing terms include the following, which is
2005 Jan 03
agent with queues remain unavailable during transferred call
I'm seeing something I'd like suggestions on:
I have a queue with agents that log in using agentcallbacklogin. The
extension that is logged in with is a Local channel. Now, if a call
comes in to the queue and is handled by an agent (in our case using
Cisco 7960 SIP phones) and transferred (attended) to another extension,
the agent remains unavailable during the remains of the call.
2006 Mar 30
Wrong extension indicated when logging in as agent
I am not sure if this is a bug in FOP (Flash Operator Panel), a
configuration error on my part or a bug in Asterisk. I am using Asterisk
1.2.5 and Zaptel 1.2.4 on a Centos 4.2 server with Linux version
2.6.9-22-EL-i686. Kernel updates are excluded and the server has been
updated using 'yum -y update'. Okay here is the scenario: I am using
AgentCallBackLogin as an extension in my
2005 Mar 16
Agent groups broken in queues? (do not follow strategy)
I attempted setting up a queue with agents that log in, and
get called with incoming calls:
Agents log in using:
exten => *88,1,AgentCallbackLogin(${CALLERIDNUM}|${CALLERIDNUM}@test-sip)
Calls get into the queue with:
exten => 6029995654,1,Queue(test-noc|t|||60)
strategy = rrmemory
context = test-sip
timeout = 10
retry = 4
member => Agent/@2
2003 Nov 27
Agent Logoff inability when calls are being received from queue
Hello everybody,
I have started using Asterisk in a call center with ACD.
I have noticed something and I wonder if anyone knows whether it is a
bug or a feature!
I am using Queue application to ring a number of agents that have logged
on using AgentCallbackLogin.
Now, while an agent receives a call from the Queue they cannot logoff
using AgentCallbackLogin. Instead the Agent is asked for
2005 Jan 30
agent logoff
I am using AgentCallbacklogin to logon agents. I am trying to avoid agents being logged in more than once in different extensions (is this a bug?) by passing the callerid to the AgentCallbacklogin funtcion as an option. The problem is that by doing this, agents are not asked for an extension and they cannot logoff (by pressing the #).
Any ideas how can agents logoff?
-------------- next part
2006 May 15
agent deadlock
I've been running into an issue where chan_agent gets stuck and all queues
stop working. Here's a show channels from when it's stuck:
Channel Location State Application(Data)
SIP/56-be24 s@macro-stdexten:10 Ring Dial(Agent/19|50|tw)
Local/*14@agentlogin *14@agentloginoff:1 Up AgentCallbackLogin()
Local/*14@agentlogin *14@agentloginoff:1
2009 Jun 29
asterisk a caller waited in queue, after connect to agent hears silence
Hi all!
My problem is that calls being placed in the queue, and are waiting
while the agents are busy, when an
agents is then free they gets connected to the agent but there is
silence (no voice).
If a caller has not to wait in the queue, there is no problem.
My agents have an iax2 client, and imcoming calls are over SIP.
2007 Feb 13
Using Dynamic Groups instead of AgentCallbackLogin - how to log which agent took the call?
Hello all.
I'm setting up a new call center PBX using * v1.4, and figure it's better to
go with AddQueueMember over AgentCallbackLogin. The functionality of
AgentCallbackLogin still works, but without a firm idea of how long it will
be in the codebase, I'm wary of building a system on top of it.
The basic mechanics work, but I'm having some trouble on logging. With
2004 Jul 16
Patch to test: Never say goodbye to an agent :-)
This patch adds a lot of options for AgentLogin/AgentCallbackLogin
Please test and respond in the bug tracker!
"This patch adds quite a few new features into __login_exec () of channels/chan_agent.c for AgentLogin() and AgentCallbackLogin(). Only
2006 Mar 31
Confused on Agents and Queues
I'm confused with agents and queues in Asterisk. If I use
AddQueueMember() then "show queues" shows the agents that I have
logged into the queue... however the agent ID has to be the extension
the agent is sitting at ... kinda useless for stats tracking.
If I use AgentCallbackLogin() then "show queues" shows no agents
logged in, but it works and "show
2007 Jul 30
Queues with logged in agents that are not reachable
Hello, I am using 1.4.8 and have a question about Queues.
I noticed that if I have an agent logged in using AgentCallBackLogin
and that agent is unreachable for some reason (SIP phone unplugged)
calls to him/her will completely yack.
For example:
1-Agent 500 is the only one logged into queue number 1.
2-A call comes into queue number 1
3-The call is pushed to agent 500 at extension 21 which is
2006 Feb 13
Asterisk: Agent logs into queue, and there are calls in the queue, but calls don't go to agent.
When an agent logs into a queue using AgentCallBackLogin, he should be ready
to take calls until he logs out right? For some reason the first time a
customer calls the queue, it rings the agent just fine but after the agent
hangs up the phone and the next caller calls the queue, no more calls will
be transferred to the agent. He shows as logged in, but the calls wait in
the queue forever and
2006 Dec 01
Problem with agent AgentCallbackLogin()
When I use AgentCallbackLogin() function to login an agent, I got following warning message saying the agent is not valid for auto login while my other extensions work fine for this function.
Does anybody know why? This extension has the same settings as the other ones like agents.conf and queues.conf.
Here is the message from asterisk:
-- Executing
2006 Jun 13
Queues and macros and agents
When a caller in the queue is connected to an agent, the call is placed
to the extension and context specified using Agentcallbacklogin. This
allows for me to add extra things to the diaplan *before* calling the agent.
Now, I want to be able to use a device, rather than agents. So I can use
addQueueMember and add my SIP device. However, I still want to do a
couple of things before the device
2004 Oct 06
how does agent logoff if you supply extension?
Per the wiki:
Logging off
1. call the extension for AgentCallbackLogin
2. enter your password followed by #
3. when asked for the extension number just press #
But if your exten=> is this:
exten => 2010,1,AgentCallbackLogin(3333|3044@mycontext)
How do they logoff per the wiki's directions? If you use ACBL as above, it
never asks you for the extension number because you have
2005 Jul 20
Unattended Agent Login
Hello all,
I've got a question regarding automatically logging in an agent on a
predefined extension. I want to provide agents with a webinterface they can
use to login in, now you might wonder why they can't use the phone - don't
ask - customers eh :-)
So what I basically need is a way to log in an agent using AgentCallbackLogin
at an extension without them having to answer /
2005 May 17
Agent Login/Logout
This may be a stupid question, but I couldn't find anything on the
wiki about it or on google.
I have about 5 agents in my call center. I want them to login using
agentcallbacklogin. The reason being is that I don't get so many
inbound calls. We mostly make outbound calls. Therefore, during the
times where we don't get calls, I want my agents to manually dial
out. When calls