Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Problems making subsets with [] or "subset""
2012 Jan 10
different results from fligner.test
I've made fligner test with the same data, changing the orders of the
variables, and this what i get
> fligner.test(rojos~edadysexo*zona*ano*estacion)
Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances
data: rojos by edadysexo by zona by ano by estacion
Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 15.7651, df = 2, p-value = 0.0003773
> fligner.test(rojos~ano*edadysexo*zona*estacion)
2011 Jan 13
send commands from script to console
I'm working with R in windows and I wonder if there is any command (of the
kind CTRL+ ) to transfer the commands I've worked with (like: >
model<-glm(prevalencia~edadysexo*mes*zona,binomial)) to a script
automatically, without the results I received from R after execute them.
Another question, what's the combination of CTRL+ for transfer the orders in
the other way, fom the
2011 Jul 24
GLM different results with the same factors
I've read something about this problem, but I don't know how can i avoid this
Why the order of the factors give different results? I suppose it's because
the order of the factors, i've just changed "lcc" from the first position to
the last in the model, and the significance change completely
2012 Jan 11
problems with glht for ancova
I've run an ancova, edadysexo is a factor with 3 levels,and log(lcc) is the
covariate (continous variable)
I get this results
> ancova<-aov(log(peso)~edadysexo*log(lcc))
> summary(ancova)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
edadysexo 2 31.859 15.9294 803.9843 <2e-16 ***
log(lcc) 1 11.389 11.3887 574.8081 <2e-16 ***
2011 Jan 12
Don´t know what test i have to use
I?m starting with my PhD and I have to stop because i got a little knowledge
in R and statistics.
I?ve got a model of this kind:
binary response variable: prevalence of infection (0/1)
3 categorical independent variables: sex, month and name of the area
I was trying with a full model like this, before the simplification
but the Fligner test
2012 Jan 12
glht (multicomparisons) with an interaction factor
i was working with this model
> mq<-glm(rojos~edadysexo*zona*estacion,quasipoisson)
and i get this minimal adequate model
> anova(mq5,test="F")
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F)
NULL 518 64799
edadysexo 2 1556.5 516 63243 8.9434 0.0001524 ***
zona 4
2012 Oct 31
Gráfico von varias variables
Estimados amigos,
Tengo el siguiente set de datos:
caps <- datos[datos$NombreDepartamento=="LANUS", c("CAPS", "personas",
"PersonasRCVG", "Con12Meses")]
caps$prevalencia <- round(caps$PersonasRCVG/caps$personas*100,1)
CAPS personas PersonasRCVG Con12Meses prevalencia
2345 2345 1347 132 211 9.8
2012 Aug 01
Changing labels positions in two graphics
I?ve got some problems with the labels of the x-axis
I,ve got two factors with two categories each: sex (males and females) and
area (central and peninsulae),
but because of the lenngth in the graphic just appeared two of the four
I thought the solution could be rotate it 45? degrees, I have read it can be
done with "srt" or "rotate", but I don?t know hoe to use
2013 Oct 09
Se quiere hacer una encuesta de actitudes a una población de 45000 personas,
quisiera me sugirieran un script adecuado , he revisado algunos en epicalc,
pero no encuentro la respuesta adecuada (prevalencia 0,5, error 5%)
Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema Nacional de Salud.
2012 Jun 27
Intervalos de variable de proporciones, para representar en mapa
Tengo que representar en un mapa, valores de proporciones de extranjeros
con tarjetas de residencia en vigor, según nacionalidad y país de
Los datos son de este estilo
Andalucía 0,200365823
Aragón 0,377192073
Asturias 0,205353012
I. Baleares 0,06592893
Canarias 0,03050312
Cantabria 0,190397393
Castilla-León 0,211670421
Castilla-La Mancha
2017 Oct 20
nls() and loop
Hello I?m need fitt growth curve with data length-age. I want to evaluate
which is the function that best predicts my data, to do so I compare the
Akaikes of different models. I'm now need to evaluate if changing the
initial values changes the parameters and which do not allow to estimate
the model.
To do this I use the function nls(); and I randomize the initial values
(real positive number).
2012 Mar 21
Doubts about mixed effect models
Hi everyone!
I have some doubts about mixed effect models and I hope someone could help
me. I´m trying to analyze a dataset coming from samples of dung beetles in
the same forest fragments along 3 consecutive years (1994, 1995 and 1996)
and 14 years after (2010). I sampled dung beetles in 18 different fragments
with different sizes and different degrees of isolation. My aim is to
2012 Feb 13
pairwise comparisons with multcomp package
I've got this model and following Hothorn et al advices, I used glht for a
post hoc comparison
> modezqM<-glm(rojos~estacion*zona3,quasipoisson,subset=(edadysexo=="M"))
> anova(modezqM,test="F")
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid.
Dev F Pr(>F)
NULL 293 41148
2006 Sep 24
Hi R masters!
I need a Help with plot confidence intervals for one equation. I use
library gplots and plotCI command in this script:
ano <-1980:2002
But in the graph not shown the errors bar and I have this error msg
zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
2012 Feb 25
RFT: Use Greek semicolons for comdlg32's printer status enumeration?
Request For Translators<g>
So what I've gathered from Wikipedia is that the Greek language does not
use semicolons as a separator for enumerations:
| In Greek and Church Slavonic, a semicolon indicates a question,
| similar to a Latin question mark.[2] To indicate a long pause or
| separate sections, each with commas
2002 May 13
GLM questions
I'm doing a glm analysis and I have two doubts (at least :)
1) When I run the function it gives a lot of warnings (see below) what
they mean ? (may be I'm ignorant about this analysis ...)
40: non-integer x = 1.252763
41: non-integer x = 1.864785
2010 Feb 26
Error in Aggregate function
When I run the Aggregate function in repeat loop, I got the following error:
Error in sort.list(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE) :
'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list'
Have you called 'sort' on a list?
How to solve this error. Anyone can help me. Urgent.
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2012 Nov 29
bootstrapped cox regression (rms package)
I am trying to convert a colleague from using SPSS to R, but am having
trouble generating a result that is similar enough to a bootstrapped cox
regression analysis that was run in SPSS. I tried unsuccessfully with
bootcens, but have had some success with the bootcov function in the rms
package, which at least generates confidence intervals similar to what is
observed in SPSS. However, the
2010 Mar 24
I have this data set:
obitoss = c(
(dados = data.frame(
regiao = factor(rep(c('Norte', 'Nordeste', 'Sudeste', 'Sul',
'Centro-Oeste'), each=8)),
ano =
2012 Sep 12
RHEL Kickstart and Puppet certificates
Hello everybody,
we´re using Red Hat Kickstarts for some systems. On every new kickstart
we´ve to delete the client certificate first on the master.
Ist there a best practise to renew the certificate or delete it remotely on
the master?
kind regards,
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