Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Constructing variables conditional on two indicators"
2003 Jul 17
univariate normal mixtures
I have a concrete statistical question:
I have a sample of an univariate mixture of an unknown number (k) of
normal distributions, each time with an unknown mean `m_i' and a
standard deviation `k * m_i', where k is known factor constant for all
the normal distributions. (The `i' is a subscript.)
Is there a function in R that can estimate the number of normal
distributions k
2002 Apr 26
different data series on one graph
I'm looking for a way to plot different data series on one graph.
I have a series of hourly rainfall and quarterly flow
measurements (i.e. 4 times an hour) of a catchment. The rainfall
should be plotted in bars, the flow as a line. Both on the same X
axe (time) but with different Y axes.
The problem is the plot() function does not support add=TRUE...
Furthermore I'm not sure
2005 Sep 06
completed printjobs stay in queue after "upgrade" 3.0.20rc2 -> 3.0.20
A few weeks ago, I upgraded Samba 3.0.1x to 3.0.14a . After the upgrade,
all completed printjobs on all 40 printers stayed in samba's print queue
(they were removed from the unix-printqueue). When I installed
3.0.20rc2, everything back to normal.
But since the upgrade this weekend to 3.0.20, the same thing happens
again: no jobs were removed from the samba printerqueue's.
2004 Apr 02
Hessian in constrOptim
Dear R-users,
In the function constrOptim there is an option to get an approximation
to the hessian of the surrogate function R at MLE by declaring
hessian=TRUE in the calls to the function optim. I would like to ask
if it is advisable to get an approximate hessian for the funcrion f as
2000 Apr 05
pwload / reversed pwget
I would be *VERY* interested in a reversed pwget (see
to be able to automaticaly set first-time NT passwords
('smbpasswd -r' will only work if you first enter the 'previous'
password) on our PDC (evt. remote from UNIX through some tcp (ssh?)
Bjart Kvarme seems to have
2006 Jul 03
Questions concerning function 'svm' in e1071 package
Greetings everyone,
I have the following problem (illustrating R-code at bottom of mail):
Given a training sample with binary outcomes (-1/+1), I train a linear
Support Vector Machine to separate them. Afterwards, I compute the
weight vector w in the usual way, and obtain the fitted values as
w'x + b > 0 ==> yfitted = 1, otherwise -1.
However, upon verifying with the
2005 Oct 20
completed printjobs stay in queue
I'm very sorry for this late answer. I should tweak my mailfilters (I
didn't expect an answer anymore so I didn't check my samba-mailfolder)
That's our situation:
- I tried to revert to 3.0.20rc2 and got the error again
- I installed 3.0.20 again and rebooted, and the problem went away! (I'm
sure that all smbd, nmbd and winbindd daemons were killed before the
2009 Sep 11
For sending my R package as part of R-project
To Whom It May Concern:
I have an R package and want to put this package be part of R-project and available to anyone who is interested in.
The R package is created for my paper, titled "Acceptance Sampling Plans from Truncated Life Tests Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution for Percentiles". The paper has been accepted by Communications in Statistics: Simulation and
2009 Oct 20
(no subject) -- rename to optim() crash due to NA returned
While developing updates to optimization tools for R (I was behind 3 of
the 5 codes in optim(), but Brian Ripley did the implementation), I've
been seeing this kind of error when the objective function cannot be
computed so returns NA. Examples: attempts to divide by 0 or sqrt(-ve)
or log(0). A crude work-around is to detect bad situations when
evaluating the function and return a very
2004 May 24
non-hierarchical non-exclusive clustering of large data sets
I'm trying to use R to cluster words with related meanings. Does anyone
know of a non-hierarchical clustering method in R that produces
non-exclusive clusters? With non-exclusive, I mean that words should be
allowed to be part of multiple clusters. So my data matrix would look
something like:
T1 T2 T3
CLOWN_N 0 1 0
BANK_N 3 0 2
RIVER_N 0 0 2
FLOW_V 0 0 3
MONEY_N 2 0 0
PAY_V 2 0 0
2013 Dec 16
ICAC2014 CFP: 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
CAC 2014 Call for Papers
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
June 18-20, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Co-held with the 2015 USENIX Federated Conferences Week (June 17-20, 2014)
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
(CFP: https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/call-for-papers)
* Important
2013 Dec 16
ICAC2014 CFP: 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
CAC 2014 Call for Papers
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
June 18-20, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Co-held with the 2015 USENIX Federated Conferences Week (June 17-20, 2014)
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
(CFP: https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/call-for-papers)
* Important
2014 Feb 28
ICAC14 paper submission due on March 5, 2014 (11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
ICAC 2014 Call for Papers
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
June 18-20, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Co-held with the 2015 USENIX Federated Conferences Week (June 17-20, 2014)
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
(CFP: https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/call-for-papers)
* Important
2014 Feb 28
ICAC14 paper submission due on March 5, 2014 (11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
ICAC 2014 Call for Papers
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
June 18-20, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Co-held with the 2015 USENIX Federated Conferences Week (June 17-20, 2014)
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
(CFP: https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/call-for-papers)
* Important
2014 Feb 05
ICAC14 Paper Submission One Month Away (11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
ICAC 2014 Call for Papers
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
June 18-20, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Co-held with the 2015 USENIX Federated Conferences Week (June 17-20, 2014)
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
(CFP: https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/call-for-papers)
* Important
2014 Feb 05
ICAC14 Paper Submission One Month Away (11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
ICAC 2014 Call for Papers
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
June 18-20, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Co-held with the 2015 USENIX Federated Conferences Week (June 17-20, 2014)
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
(CFP: https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/call-for-papers)
* Important
2011 Apr 27
ICAC2011 Call For Participation (8th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
Karlsruhe, Germany
June 14-18, 2011
2011 Apr 27
ICAC2011 Call For Participation (8th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
Karlsruhe, Germany
June 14-18, 2011
2009 Oct 19
(no subject)
Dear R users
I have the following problem when calling optim() to minimize a function "f.obj" (= outer loop) that calls another function "f.con" (a contraction mapping, = inner loop). It seems to me that it is a numerical problem that I currently fail to take into account when coding.
Calling optim(), for the first few iterations of the outer loop, everything seems fine; the
2003 Jul 30
Lula-Cuba, "bloqueio", patrulhas"...
msz De: Fern?ndez-L?pez, Ambito Iberoamericano, Paseo de la Castellana
223, Madrid. [1]InEnglish - [2]EnEspanol
Caros amigos luso-brasileiros,
? de se perguntar se as "patrulhas ideol?gicas" esquerdistas estar?o
impedindo que os ?ltimos artigos do ex preso pol?tico e escritor
cubano Armando Valladares - que abordam delicados aspetos das rela??es
entre o regime