Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Combining columns from two dataframes"
2011 May 03
Overlapping x axes using Lattice
Hi R users
I apologise in advance for this question as I suspect it is simple and
perhaps others have had this problem.
I am struggling to sort out how to fix the x axes so that the labels
don't overlap.
I have put the following example together to show my problem.
titre <- as.factor(rep(c(10999,20999,30999,40999,50999,60999,
2008 Jun 06
R loop
I all
I am just trying to get the idea of a loop if statement for another
purpose. I was going to label a new variable based on date ie first week
1, second week 2 etc. My code in bold is wrong but seems logical to me,
could someone help.
x <-
y <-
2008 May 06
Spatial join between two datasets using x and y co-ordinates
Hi R users
I am trying to create a spatial join between two datasets.
The first data set is large and contains descriptive data including x
and y co-ordinates.
The second dataset is small and has been selected spatially. The only
data contained within the second dataset is the x and y coordinates only
i.e. no descriptive data.
The aim of a join made between the two datasets is to select
2009 Apr 01
Recode of text variables
Hi all
I am trying to do a simple recode which I am stumbling on. I figure
there must be any easy way but haven't come across it.
Given data of A","B","C","D","E","A" it would be nice to recode this
into say three categories ie A and B becomes "Treat1", C becomes "Treat
2" and E becomes "Treat 3".
I tried
2009 Apr 01
Adjusting font size in a lattice graph
Hi all
I have created a lattice graph but the text appears too big. Just
wondering if there was a way I could change the font size.
tp1.nDai=xyplot(value ~ yr | Name, data = nDai,type = 'o')
update(tp1.nDai, aspect = c(0.8), layout = c(4, 4))
I would appreciate your help.
Kind regards
Andrew McFadden MVS BVSc
Incursion Investigator
Investigation & Diagnostic Centres -
2010 Feb 14
Adding a regression line to an xyplot
Hi R users
> I am trying to add a regression line to a graph for "c" for factor 2
> only. Any suggestions?
xyplot(a~b, pch=c(6,8),data = tavg, groups=d$c,
reg.line=lm, smooth=FALSE, type=c("p","g"),xlab="a",ylab="b")
> I would
2008 May 11
Finding unmatched data between two dataframe using several factors
Hi R users
I am trying to find unmatched data from two dataframes. I would like to
find unmatched data based on several factors. For the following data:
dat1 <- data.frame(x = paste("A", 1:6, sep=""),
y = c("andy","bob","ciaran","dan", "eion",
2011 May 17
Dealing with null values Aggregate function
Hi R users
I trying to some aggregate statistics on a very large dataset. The null
values are causing a problem. I would like to calculate aggregate values
for groups. I am just no sure how to deal with the "" I would ideally
like them to ignored ie if there is only 1 value over several columns
than that value would be the summary statistic.
I have put the following example together to
2009 Apr 14
Subset function: selecting variables within a factor
Hi all
I know this must be an easy one so sorry for the trouble. I would like
to select a list of variables within a factor
The following example is given in help for subset:
subset(airquality, Temp > 80 select = c(Ozone, Temp))
So how do I select all temperatures of 90 and 80 ie Temp = c(80,90)
I would appreciate your help.
Kind regards
Andrew McFadden MVS BVSc
2008 May 13
Legend in scatterplot and adding regression lines
Hi R users
The scatterplot (used package R-Cmdr ) obtained has the legend off the
plot in the upper left
I would like to decide where to put the legend - is that option still
available and how do I do it?
Dataset <- read.table("J:/Pigmatingsb.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
2008 Mar 06
R code for selecting places spatially and by time
Hi all
The code of trying to write relates to selecting properties (given by x
and y co-ordinates) spatially (distance "X" from "infected" properties
identified by date) over a certain time period.
i.e. what properties are within 3 km from properties infected on
"2008-01-01" over the last 14 days.
Is any one able to give me some clues on how to write code to solve
2011 Nov 21
Lattice graph help
Hi all
I hope you might help me with some aspects of producing a graph in lattice. There are three things I have struggling with and that is: 1. to separate the horizontal box rows from each other; 2. to change the colour of the horizontal and vertical strips to white; and 3. to place the axes labels on the left y axes and on the bottom x axes. I would really appreciate some help. I have put the
2008 Mar 12
Distances between two datasets of x and y co-ordinates
Hi all
I am trying to determine the distances between two datasets of x and y
points. The number of points in dataset One is very small i.e. perhaps
5-10. The number of points in dataset Two is likely to be very large
i.e. 20,000-30,000. My initial approach was to append the first dataset
to the second and then carry out the calculation:
dists <- as.matrix(dist(gis data from 2 * datasets))
2008 Apr 16
Instantaneous hazard of an event i.e. death
Hi all
I am trying to calculate the instantaneous hazard (rather than
cumulative hazard) for an event "bird death".
Some sample data is as follows:
Ideally I would like to know if the hazard is greater at specific time
2011 Nov 22
Lattice graph strips and axes
Hi all
I was wondering if it is possible to get rid of the horizontal strips and produce each barchart with a left y axes and lower x axes only. Also can you specify an exact size of graph ie 88mm wide with a font size of 'x'.
2008 Nov 11
Producing a matrix of values
I all
I am trying to create a matrix for a network diagram:
# 1. The following produces two dataframes. The table "place" is a
dataframe of all places made from "tra" a tracing table that has the
source place and destination place. The table "details" is a dataframe
of all source and destination properties.
2008 Feb 08
If else in R code
Hi There
I am a new user of "R" and having a few problems
a<-as.Date(a,format = "%Y-%m-%d")
b<-as.Date(b,format = "%Y-%m-%d")
I would like to write an if statement where if "a" is not null
2011 May 23
SNA query
Hi R Users
I am working with the very useful SNA package (v.2.2) in R and have a
query I hope you may be able to help out with:
I have been using gplot commands to plot an SNA graph. Here's the code
and output:
library(sna); library(network); library(RODBC)
x = read.csv(file = "testforr.csv")
2003 Sep 17
CART analysis
Does anyone know of an R code for classification and regression tree
analysis (CART)?
Thank you
Ron Thornton BVSc, PhD, MACVSc (pathology, epidemiology)
Programme Co-ordinator, Active Surveillance
Animal Biosecurity
MAF Biosecurity Authority
P O Box 2526
Wellington, New Zealand
phone: 64-4-4744156
027 223 7582
fax: 64-4-474-4133
e-mail: ron.thornton at maf.govt.nz
2007 Dec 21
using apply to loop [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Louis,
You could try this:
# find the index of the maximum value in each row of _data_, #
disregarding the last column classified <-
## or, if the maximum may be repeated:
classified <- apply(data[,-(nclass+1)], 1, FUN = function(x) which(x ==
# the variable _truth_ is just the last column of _data_ ?
truth <- data[,nclass + 1]