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2005 May 13
Equal bandwidth for any client (i.e. automatic class generation)
I''m looking how (if) can I solve the following problem using HTB and iproute2:
I need to assing the same bandwidth limit to every client, but the problem is that clients will be random - i.e. I know niether number of clients no IP or MAC addresses.
If anybody knows FreeBSD''s ipfw2 - I''m looking for something like "ipfw pipe 150 config mask dst-ip 0xffffffff
2005 Jul 11
Hi all,
I need to provide shell hosting for about 40 users, and few
days ago I found the wondershaper script, so Im trying to
know if this script could help me to improve interactive ssh/telnet
Wondershaper could help me or its only efective on OUTGOINGS requests?
Ok, any comment and feedback will be welcome.
Sorry for my bad english and THANKS in advance.
2002 May 13
bw console monitoring
I want to see bandwidth every ip address in the local network that passing
my linux gateway in the console, may be it''s similar like mrtg (web based
It''s possible ?
Best regards,
>--<Kristiadi Himawan>--<
2005 May 19
equal bandwidth for all IPs
How can I set equal bandwidth of 512kbit downlink and 256kbit uplink for
every single IP address of 254 IP addresses I have in my LAN?
2005 Jun 04
New HTB-derived qdisc for accounting?
at my local university network, I have to make sure no student
uploads more than x GB/day. So far, I give them unlimited bandwidth
until they have more than y GB (y<x) upload. After that, I use the
u32 filter to associate the affected IP address with a HTB class
limited to the rate (remainingtraffic/remainingtime).
Since the accounting is done with ipt_ACCOUNT right now and the
2004 Apr 08
Squid + shaping question
Hi folks,
So, I have a pretty simple setup - a linux router machine running as a
firewall/router for a small neighborhood LAN (approx 20 machines). I also
have squid running on the box in non-transparent mode, and also I have set
up NAT for TCP/UDP ports above 1024 for all clients and SSH/POP/SMTP/CVS
NAT''d for selected ones based on MAC filtering. No hosts whatsoever can
access ports 80
2005 Oct 19
new here can guide me throw :)
i''am new here and i saw some tutorials but those was old for the
2.4.xkernel and i don''t know were to start correctly.
many thanks to all of you.
LARTC mailing list
2005 May 21
Dynamic bandwith with HTB
Hi everybody. I have a dilema and I think you guys can help me out.
I am trying to shape the bandwith for about 500 clients, and I want the bandwith to be alocated dynamicly. Lets say I have 4 MB bandwith. I give each ip (500 IP''s) a sustained rate of 4 KB/sec . I wonder if I can shape the bandwith so when for example only 100 clients are online, to give them a rate of 4MB/100. How can
2005 May 26
wfq implementation in linux
Hi all
As part of may project i wants to implement the WFQ in linux,
at present upto my knowledge there is no such implementation in linux.
The only mannual i got from "Csaba Toth", He explained the tc command so i hope that is in linux also. DID any one know about it, Please infome me about it also,
Thanks for all
2005 Jun 02
WFQ-implementation in Linux
I would like to implement WFQ queuing discipline in Linux as a part of our
deploma project. How to assign weight to each flow using ''tc''
commands.Then which will be the main queue.
Thanks and Regards
2004 Mar 24
is dynamic traffic shaping possible by tcng?
I am working on traffic shaping using the nextenso proxy platform(a product of
alcatel)on linux platform, I wish to do dynamic traffic shaping means on a
is that possible with TCNG??
With Warm Regards,
Aruna Baghel
"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs
joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."
2005 Oct 14
share bandwith fairly
Dear members,
I am trying to share the bandwith for all users fairly. because some users heavily uses p2p programs and a few hosts consume most of bandwith. when we limit each flow it does not work as one client has many connection at same time.
Firstly I tried to write a script that use
the ipfm(which accounts traffic usage) logs as follow
.extract ip addresses heavy bandwith users from
2005 Feb 03
Kernel panic when using wrr qd
For some time now im trying to get to know what causes such
configuration of QOS (kernel 2.4.25-2.4.28 + IMQ patch and ofcourse wrr):
ifconfig $DEV_IN down
ifconfig $DEV_IN up
tc qdisc add dev ${DEV_IN} handle 1:0 root htb default 10
tc class add dev ${DEV_IN} parent 1:0 classid 1:10 htb rate 1000kbit burst
1kbit prio 1
tc qdisc add dev ${DEV_IN} parent 1:10