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Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "trica".

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2019 Mar 26
Restoring mailboxes from backup duplicates messages in POP clients
...o leave the messages on the mailserver for, let's say, 30 days, didn't understand that some messages were already transfered and the users got duplicated messages in their Inbox. How can we avoid this? -- Thanks Lu?s F. Gomes IT Manager (55)(21) 3527-1220 Departamento de Engenharia El?trica PUC-Rio R. Marques de S. Vicente 225/401L 22451-900 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ
2009 Apr 11
Fractal Explorer is messy shows the background. This image shows what happen: Any sollutions? I'm using latest Wine on x86_64 Arch Linux. Thanks. -- Renan Birck | Santa Maria (RS) | Eng. El?trica - UFSM | LRU #390969 - Arch Linux x86_64
2009 Mar 18
Logic Friday: crashes on entering an equation
...u can download it and check whether this happens with you: I use Arch Linux 64-bits with a 32-bit wine + lib32 libraries, but it also happens on my desktop (Arch Linux 32-bits). Any solution? Thanks! -- Renan Birck | Engenharia El?trica UFSM | Electrical Engineering UFSM Linux User #390969 since 2005
2014 May 20
Curvas de densidad no parametricas
Estimados una consulta me encuentro graficando un histograma cuyos datos no provienen de una distribución clásica como la normal exponenial, poisson, etc, Lo que necesito es colocar una curva no paramétrica que permita evidenciar el ajuste de los datos a esa curva ya que son muchos (alrededor de 80000). Muchas gracias [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2019 Apr 10
Restoring mailboxes from backup duplicates messages in POP clients
...mailserver for, let's > say, 30 days, didn't understand that some messages were already > transfered and the users got duplicated messages in their Inbox. > How can we avoid this? > -- Thanks Lu?s Fernando V. Gomes IT Manager (55)(21) 3527-1220 Departamento de Engenharia El?trica PUC-Rio R. Marques de S. Vicente 225/401L 22451-900 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - BR
2024 Apr 17
Ayuda: Calculo tamaño del efecto
...os los sujetos del experimento probar?n el queso A y el queso B en las tres rondas de cata previstas evaluando en cada una de ellas los siete atributos: Apariencia, olor, sabor, textura, retrogusto, impresi?n global y disposici?n a pagar puntuando cada variable dependiente seg?n una escala cuasisim?trica. del 1 al 7. 5) Esperamos un tama?o peque?o mediano, el nivel de significancia se fija en 5%, la potencia se fija en 0,8 Las preguntas de investigaci?n ser?an: ?hay diferencias entre los quesos (efecto principal)? , ?hay diferencias entre las rondas de evaluaci?n (efecto principal)? y por ?ltimo...
2004 Aug 07
improve energy levels
...same time, he began to read in his dreams - tales, for the most part, and for the most part after the manner of G. P. R. James, but so incredibly more vivid and moving than any printed book, that he has ever since been malcontent with literature. desnudo 19compaternidad 05 ejemplo ermaduracronome`trica
2010 Jun 21
Question about safety in using WINE
Hey guys, I just found out about wine today, and i am extremely paranoid about getting viruses and malware and things of that nature. If i use this program strictly just to play video games is there any chance i could get infected by anything? I just wondered how vulnerable this would make my computer. Thank you
2013 Sep 15
...x.test (x, y) Si miras en la ayuda de wilcox.test puedes ver que opciones son las que te interesan mas en este caso concreto. Saludos cordiales Sent from Samsung tablet"Dr. José A. Betancourt B." <> wrote: deseamos  realizar es una prueba no param�trica para demostrar que el IMC encontrado difiere significtivamente entre aquellos que tienen a_HTA (entecedentas HTA)  y los que no lo tienen ( en SPSS de forma  f�cil utilizo varios m�todos �Cu�l es la sintaxis para hacerlo posible en R? wilcox.test requiere definir x y y � como es la sintaxis en R?...
2007 Jan 16
hostname and IP
Hi people!! i'm using samba with ADS authentication mode. when i try access the server samba, from windows, using hostname(\\serversamba) is showed a authentication screen, I enter my username and password, but isn't accepted. but when i try access via IP(\\ all works. samba make the authentication with my username and password in AD(win2k box) . Why? sometimes this
2009 Sep 15
Is This Really Legal?
I'm about to buy a new computer and give my old computer to my Mom. Because I will giving my old computer to my mom, I will be loosing my Windows XP license. I can either get a nice computer with a Windows Lincense or I can buy and really honking mega awesome computer without a Windows License. Naturally, I would rather buy a "honking mega awesome computer" instaed of a "nice
2010 Feb 20
MapZone 2, OpenGL errors + crash
...owever: [8] renan at sanctuary:~ >> glxinfo | grep -i "direct rendering" direct rendering: Yes 3D works correctly in the rest of the system. Any ideas? I'm using x86-64 Arch Linux (with bin32-wine). My 3D graphics card is an Intel X3100. Thanks! -- Renan Birck - Eng. El?trica | "We all know Linux is great. UFSM - | It does infinite loops in skype: | irc: silentivm | 4 seconds. " (Torvalds)
2013 Sep 15
Solapamiento de funciones de densidad
...entaje de solapamiento entre las diatribuciones de densidad de ambos parámetros?  (Algo así como 68%, 75% etc). Saludos y gracias por adelantado! Sent from Samsung tablet"Dr. José A. Betancourt B." <> wrote: deseamos  realizar es una prueba no param�trica para demostrar que el IMC encontrado difiere significtivamente entre aquellos que tienen a_HTA (entecedentas HTA)  y los que no lo tienen ( en SPSS de forma  f�cil utilizo varios m�todos �Cu�l es la sintaxis para hacerlo posible en R? wilcox.test requiere definir x y y � como es la sintaxis en R?...
2011 Sep 09
CentOS5 with Dell Broadcom iSCSI Offload, does it work ?
Hi all, After finding multiples answers to this question via google, but without making it work on my servers. Has anybody iSCSI Offload working on a Dell Server with Broadcom NICs ? My environment: I'm running CentOS 5.6 CR, on a Dell PowerEdge R710 with Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 conecting to an EMC CX4-120 SAN, via 2x Cisco 2960G-24TC-L switches. It's working