search for: tkbind

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "tkbind".

2005 Dec 09
tkbind key pressed
Hi, I see in Wettenhall RTclTk Examples that tkbind(xxx, <Key>,...) can pass the key pressed. How can I get the key pressed? Thanks, Manel
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
...<- tkbutton(Buttons.frame, text = " OK ", command = onOK) cancel.but <- tkbutton(Buttons.frame, text = "Cancel", command = onCancel) tkgrid(cancel.but, OK.but, ipadx=20) tkgrid(Buttons.frame) print(as.integer(tclvalue(tkwinfo("height", ask.form)))) tkbind(ask.form, "<Destroy>", function() onCancel) tkbind(ask.form, "<KeyPress-Return>", onOK) tkbind(ask.form, "<KeyPress-Escape>", onCancel) tkwait.window(ask.form) return(ReturnFormat) } inputDialog <- function() { input <- tktoplevel...
2008 Aug 11
tkentry that exits after RETURN?
I can set up an entry widget (thanks to an old post by Barry Rowlingson) that gets a password and exits when the user clicks on the "OK" button. Anyone have any clever ideas for returning/ destroying the window when the user types a carriage return/ENTER in the text window? I've messed around a little with validate, validatecommand, but don't see any obvious way to do it ...
2001 Feb 22
Problem with tcltk listbox
...t[i,1],resultset[i,2],sep=".")) i<- i+1 } tkconfigure(prot.listbox,yscrollcommand=paste(.Tk.ID(prot.yscroll),"set")) tkconfigure(prot.yscroll,command=paste(.Tk.ID(prot.listbox),"yview")) tkpack(prot.yscroll,prot.listbox,side="left",fill="y") tkbind(prot.listbox,"<Button-1>",function() { protas.listbox<-tklistbox(anzeigeframe,exportselection="0") protas.yscroll<-tkscrollbar(anzeigeframe) tkconfigure(protas.listbox,yscrollcommand=paste(.Tk.ID(protas.yscroll),"set")) tkconfigure(protas.yscroll,co...
2003 Jan 20
Tcl/Tk and mouse
...<-tktoplevel() show <-tklabel (top,textvariable=number) up <-tkbutton(top,text="up") down <-tkbutton(top,text="down") exit <-tkbutton(top,text="exit",command=function() tclvalue(state)<-"exit" ) tkpack(show,up,down,exit) tkbind(up, "<Enter>",function() tclvalue(state)<-"up" ) tkbind(up, "<Leave>",function() tclvalue(state)<-"relax" ) tkbind(down,"<Enter>",function() tclvalue(state)<-"down" ) tkbind(down,"<Leave>"...
2003 Nov 30
tcltk problem with <Button-2>
...changes to B when pressed pressed <- function() tkconfigure( tt.but, text="B" ) tt.but <- tkbutton( tt, text="A", command=pressed ) tkpack(tt.but) # if Control-Button-1 pressed change button label to C e <- expression( tkconfigure( tt.but, text="C" ), break ) tkbind(tt.but, "<Control-Button-1>", e ) But if I simply replace Control-Button-1 with Button-2 in the tkbind command, i.e. the last line, then nothing happens when I press Button-2 (which I assume is the right mouse button). I also tried removing the break and using a function instead...
2016 Apr 29
tcltk: click and return table cell index
I'm struggling mightily with what should be a simple task...when a user clicks on a cell in a tcltk table widget, I need to know which cell was clicked. One idea that gives a cryptic error: tkbind(table1, "<Button-1>", function(x, y){ tcl(table1, "index", x, y) } # x, y give pixel coordinates; "index" should give cell coordinates, but format must be correct I get an error message: wrong # args: should be ".25.1 index <index> ?row|col?"...
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2006 Aug 02
tcl/tk bind destroy event
...1 ) tkdestroy(mw) } if( returnVal == "no" ) { tkdestroy(mw) } if( returnVal == "cancel" ) { # do nothing cat("Cancel was pressed.\n") } } # bind the destroy event in order to show a message box tkbind(mw,"<Destroy>",exitProg) # menu item which works fine tkadd(fileMenu, "command", label="Quit", command=exitProg) Thank you. Franco Mendolia
2012 May 24
set tkscale by tkentry
Hi, I am working under Windows and I am using R2.11 I want to use tkscale in my GUI. As the interval is quite big, I can't set the scale to a certain specific value. Therefore I want to add tkentry to allow the user to set tkscale to a certain value. Here is the code library(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tkpack(m1<-tkscale(tt,from=306870.00, to=3026741, label="alpha",
2003 Jun 06
stuck tcltk scrollbars under Windows XP
...OK", width="12", command=onOK, default="active") tkgrid(xBox, xScroll, sticky="nw") tkgrid.configure(xScroll, sticky="ns") tkgrid(xFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(OKbutton, sticky="w") tkselection.set(xBox, 0) tkbind(window2, "<Return>", onOK) tkfocus(window2) tkgrab(window2) I find that I can make the scrollbar stick under Windows XP by repeatedly and rapidly pressing the scroll-down button. As mentioned, removing the calls to tkgrab() and tkgrab.release() seems to eliminate the pr...
2005 Jan 08
coordinates of mouse position
...the script in Tcl is: set w .probe catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w proc Captura_Datos { ancho alto } { puts "El ancho es $ancho" puts "El alto es $alto" } bind $w <Configure> "Captura_Datos %X %Y" In R w<-tktoplevel() f<-function(a,b)^` print(a) print(b) tkbind(w,"<Configure>",f(%X,%Y)) Not works. How to do this? thanks Ruben
2005 Oct 27
tree widget question
I'm trying to create an app using TclTk and R Can someone please explain how I bind a click event to the tree widget ( Ideally I'd like to bind to particular elements in the tree but tkbind doesnt seem to work. thanks tom
2008 Jul 18
Retrieving data from a tcl /tk function
...y(dlg) tkfocus(ttMain) } OK.but <- tkbutton(dlg, text = " OK ", command = onOK) Cancel.but <- tkbutton(dlg, text = " Cancel ", command = onCancel) tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but) tkgrid(tklabel(dlg, text = " ")) tkfocus(dlg) tkbind(dlg, "<Destroy>", function() {tkgrab.release(dlg); tkfocus(ttMain)}) tkbind(textEntryWidget, "<Return>", onOK) tkwait.window(dlg) return(ReturnVal) } # Create a "main" window with a button which activates our dialog require(tcltk) ttMain <-...
2009 Apr 14
disappearing dialog boxes when using tcltk
...nction() { ReturnVal <<- tclvalue(textEntryVarTcl) tkgrab.release(dlg) tkdestroy(dlg) # tkfocus(dlg) tkfocus(ttMain) } OK.but <-tkbutton(dlg,text=" OK ",command=onOK) tkgrid(OK.but) tkgrid(tklabel(dlg,text=" ")) tkfocus(dlg) tkbind(dlg, "<Destroy>", function() {tkgrab.release(dlg);tkfocus(ttMain)}) tkbind(textEntryWidget, "<Return>", onOK) tkwait.window(dlg) return(ReturnVal) } ##=============================================== ## main function ##======================================...
2005 Apr 01
Selections from tcltk list boxes
...rint(tclvalue(value)) return() } onSelect <- function(){ selection <- letters[1:10][as.numeric(tkcurselection(listbox)) + 1] tclvalue(value) <- selection } OK <- tkbutton(top, text="OK", command=onOK) tkgrid(listbox, entry, sticky="nw") tkgrid(OK) tkbind(listbox, "<ButtonPress-1>", onSelect) As I understand it, single-clicking on an entry in the list box should execute onSelect(), placing the selection in the entry box. What happens instead is that one has to click twice on the entry, once (apparently) to move the highlight to it a...
2008 Aug 14
Double-clicking in tk list dialogs
...ror in the dialog for choosing a CRAN mirror? Yes, double-clicking works in Windows, but not in the Tk-based dialog on Linux. I'm going to wear out my mouse button. Adding the following line to the tk_select.list function in the tcltk package adds double-click functionality to list dialogs: tkbind(box, "<Double-ButtonPress-1>",onOK) (put it in the right place though, after 'box' has been created). Not sure if this would be a default behaviour, or if its's worth having a 'doubleClick=FALSE' argument that switches it on if TRUE. Anyway, it was a little n...
2000 Jul 19
How to use tcltk?
Hallo Tk experts, the Tcl/Tk package allows to define very nice widgets for starting R functions, for printing results and for interactive parameter input. tkdensity.R and tkttest.R demonstrate this and both demos explain how some of the tk functions can be used. For constructing new widgets I would like to see further examples showing Tcl/Tk package in action. Therefore my question: Is there a
2008 Nov 23
tklistbox - R-Objekt
...for (i in (1:2)){ tkinsert(tl,"end",method[i]) } tkselection.set(tl,0) OnOK <- function(){ choice<-method[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1] tkdestroy(tt) } OK.but <-tkbutton(tt,text=" OK ",command=OnOK) tkbind(tkgrid, "<Return>",OnOK) tkgrid(OK.but) The function works, but it does not create any r-object to that I can access later on. How do I have to modify the function that I get an object with the value "method1" or "method2"? ----- Tamara Hoebinger University...