It does not seem to be standard practice for Tk-based interfaces (and
indeed it was not part of GraphApp on Windows -- I added it after some
If you supply a tested patch to the R-devel sources it will be considered
for 2.8.0. The 'next version' is 2.7.2 and imminent, so I don't
think we
would consider it for that unless you get lots of support in the next 24
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> Am I the only one who finds himself futilely double-clicking a CRAN
> mirror in the dialog for choosing a CRAN mirror? Yes, double-clicking
> works in Windows, but not in the Tk-based dialog on Linux. I'm going
> to wear out my mouse button.
I am surprised you have not set up a preferred CRAN mirror long ago.
> Adding the following line to the tk_select.list function in the tcltk
> package adds double-click functionality to list dialogs:
> tkbind(box, "<Double-ButtonPress-1>",onOK)
> (put it in the right place though, after 'box' has been created).
> Not sure if this would be a default behaviour, or if its's worth
> having a 'doubleClick=FALSE' argument that switches it on if TRUE.
> Anyway, it was a little niggle that bothered me recently, and after
> fixing someone else's TclTK problem recently I figured I'd have a
> at this.
> Consider it a feature request for the next version.
> Barry
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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