search for: tbl

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 265 matches for "tbl".

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2005 Jul 07
Tables: Invitation to make a collective package
...<- end-start h <- R/k } # User defines 'x' and 'k' # (x, k,[breaks, right]) else { tmp <- range(x) start <- tmp[1] - abs(tmp[2])/100 end <- tmp[2] + abs(tmp[2])/100 R <- end-start h <- R/abs(k) } tbl <- tb.make.table.I(x, start, end, h, right) return(tbl) } # # With Gabor Grotendieck suggestions (thanks Gabor, very much!) # tb.table <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tb.table") # # Table form vectors # tb.table.default <- function(x, k,...
2011 Jul 05
Stuck ...can't get sapply and xmlTreeParse working
...tuff above line 24 works correctly including the first couple of lines of the function hm. Should I be using a different apply function or am I doing something wrong with xmlTreeParse ? library(XML) url.montco <- "" tbl <-data.frame(readHTMLTable(url.montco))[, c(3,5,6,8,9)] tbl <-tbl[2: length(tbl[,1]),] names(tbl) <- c("Address", "Township", "Parcel", "SaleDate", "Costs"); rownames(tbl) <- NULL v <- gregexpr("( aka )|( AKA )",tbl$Address)...
2011 May 02
...s of a data.frame into a database table, or update where the key fields of a record already exist in the table. I've come up with a possible solution below, but would like to hear if anyone has a better solution. # The problem demonstrated: # Create a data.frame with test values library(RODBC) tbl <- data.frame( key1 = rep(1:3, each = 2), key2 = rep(LETTERS[1:2], 3), somevalue = rnorm(6) ) # Create table in database using the following SQL CREATE TABLE tbl ( key1 integer NOT NULL, key2 character varying(1) NOT NULL, somevalue double precision, CONSTRAINT pktbl PRIMAR...
2003 Feb 28
(multiway) percentage tables
...John_Hendrickx at> ctab<-function(...,digits=2, type=c("n", "row", "column", "total"), row.vars=NULL, col.vars=NULL, percentages=TRUE) { if (attributes(...)$class=="factor") { # create a table if the arguments are factors tbl<-table(...) } else if ("table" %in% class(...) || class(...)=="ftable") { # the argument is a table object (table, xtabs, ftable) tbl<-eval(...) } else { stop("first argument must be either factors or a table object") } type<-match.arg(type) # o...
2012 Dec 17
Why does matrix selection behave differently when using which?
...sum of matching row numbers is much greater than the number of rows in "t". The table "t" I use can be downloaded from here: Unzip the file and read in the table "t" using t <- read.table("test.tbl") The above function "sumRows" is defined as follows: sumRows <- function( tbl, ps ) { sum( sapply(ps, function(x) { t <- if ( ) { tbl[ which([ , "Domain.Architecture.Distance" ]) ), , drop=F] } else {...
2012 Mar 13
Visualising multiple response contingency tables
...mean by 'multiple response' is that the total number of responses per row of a contingency table will be greater than the total number of respondents. An example of a multiple response table shown below (apologies if my formatting is incorrect or silly, I'm a hardcore R newbie): > f.tbl = structure(c(10, 15, 25, 45, 30, 50), .Dim = 2:3, .Dimnames = structure(list(+ Sex = c("F", "M"), Responses = c("A", "B", "total subjects"+ )), .Names = c("Sex", "Responses")), class = &q...
2019 Jun 03
[PATCH 22/22] docs: fix broken documentation links
Le 30/05/2019 ? 01:23, Mauro Carvalho Chehab a ?crit?: > Mostly due to x86 and acpi conversion, several documentation > links are still pointing to the old file. Fix them. > > Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+samsung at> > --- > Documentation/acpi/dsd/leds.txt | 2 +- > Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst | 6
2019 Jun 03
[PATCH 22/22] docs: fix broken documentation links
Le 30/05/2019 ? 01:23, Mauro Carvalho Chehab a ?crit?: > Mostly due to x86 and acpi conversion, several documentation > links are still pointing to the old file. Fix them. > > Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+samsung at> > --- > Documentation/acpi/dsd/leds.txt | 2 +- > Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst | 6
2011 May 26
What am I doing wrong with sapply ?
...he answer I'm looking for. 9 : s <-sapply(unlist(v[c(1:length(v))]), max) 11: for(i in 1 :length(v)) v1[i] <- max(unlist(v[i])) Shouldn't I get the same answer ? library(XML) rm(list=ls()) url <- "" tbl <-data.frame(readHTMLTable(url))[2:404, c(3,5,6,8,9)] names(tbl) <- c("Address", "Township", "Parcel", "SaleDate", "Costs"); rownames(tbl) <- c(1:length(tbl[,1])) x <-tbl v <- gregexpr("( aka )|( AKA )",x$Address) s <-sap...
1998 May 16
TRANS.TBL files on Win95 fileserver
I have a small LAN in my basement, with my PC running RH5 Linux and a Win95 PC connected by Samba. Everything works fine, but when I smbmount a CD (burned with xcdroast) from the Linux box (CD is in the Win95 machine) I do not get the proper filenames. All files are uppercase, and the TRANS.TBL files appear to be ignored. I have tried playing with name mangling, but it didn't help. Is this a Samba deficiency, or is it something I've configured wrong?
2019 Jun 04
[PATCH 22/22] docs: fix broken documentation links
...t > > + For details, see Documentation/x86/protection-keys.rst > > It looks strange to reference an x86 file, for powerpc arch. Indeed. Yet, seeking for the API documented there: $ git grep -l pkey_mprotect Documentation/x86/protection-keys.rst arch/alpha/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl arch/arm/tools/syscall.tbl arch/arm64/include/asm/unistd32.h arch/ia64/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl arch/m68k/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl arch/microblaze/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_n32.tbl arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_n64.tbl arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_...
2011 May 15
Need help with text processing / string split
I used screen scraping to extract some information and put it into a table called tbl. Now I want to modify the table a bit so the data can be more useful. Here's the code I used: library(XML) rm(list=ls()) url <- "" tbl <-data.frame(readHTMLTable(url))[2:405, c(3,5,6,8,9)] names(tbl) <- c(&q...
2016 Jun 21
Pregunta sobre shinyTable
Hola una pregunta: ¿Alguien ha trabajado con shinyTable? Mi pregunta es si se puede controlar el tamano de una tabla que se muestra por pantalla El tema es el siguiente: Con esta parte de codigo: output$tbl <- renderHtable({ if (is.null(input$tbl)){ #fill table with 0 tbl <- read.csv("C:\\FRANCISCO\\PROYECTOS\\2016\\PROYECTOS\\CALCULADORA_PPC\\DATOS\\CALCULADORA\\CARTERA_PPC.csv", sep = ";") rv$cachedTbl <<- tbl return(tbl) } else{...
2017 Oct 18
Problem with tq_mutate_xy() from the tidyquant package
...uot;2017-01-01") + 1:100 locL <- list( foo=xts(rnorm(100),, bar=xts(rnorm(100), ) fullXts <-,locL) smallXts <- fullXts["2017-02-01::"] rolling_corrOnePair <- function( aXts, col1, col2, window ) { #window = window size in days tbl <- timetk::tk_tbl( aXts[,c(col1,col2)], rename_index="date" ) colnames(tbl) <- c("date","x","y") naV <- sapply(1:nrow(tbl), function(i) any([i,])) ) tbl <- tbl[!naV,]# remove any rows with NAs tq_mutate_xy( data=tbl, x = x, y =...
2008 Jun 24
spineplot (graphics package): how to control font size?
I cannot modify the font size of the standard text items for the splineplot function found in the standard graphics package. Here is a tiny example, in which I try (but fail) to make the main title large. tbl = read.table ('', sep=',', header=T) spineplot (table (tbl$DAY, tbl$SEX), main='TIPS', cex.main=3) None of the other 'cex' parameters seem to work either, but cex.main is probably a sufficient example. Any tips for me...
2003 Apr 15
Summarizing levels for future commands
Hi. This will hopefully be readily understood but if not, bear with me. I have to do a repeated analysis (in spatstat) and want to batch file it. For each of my 'runs' certain variables change. At present I am manually specifying these changes and want to automate it if possible. Ok, I am creating an object which is comprised of 'levels' that are 'characters'. Further
2007 Jul 10
Plot dies with memory not mapped (segfault) (PR#9785)[iter]," ",usageDateClamp,";",sep="") if(CLAY_CLASS=="TRUE") { failureQuery<-paste("SELECT DISTINCT(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(dispatch_time)),'-01-01'),'%Y-%m-%d')) AS date, if(tbl.probs is NULL,0,tbl.probs) FROM ",systems[iter]," LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(if(clay_class='Interconnect' OR clay_class='Disk' OR clay_class='Memory' OR clay_class='Networking, Machine Access' OR clay_class='Shared Storage',1,0)) AS probs, STR_TO_DATE(CO...
2012 Nov 26
error in plot(table(c('a','a')))
...ables of 1 dimension; if I attempt to make a plot of a table of characters with only 1 value I get an error (Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ). With more than one value I don't get errors, neither with integers (even if only 1 value): tbl.char1 <- table(c('a','a')) tbl.char2 <- table(c('a','a','b')) tbl.int1 <- table(c(1,1)) # error: plot(tbl.char1) # no errors: plot(tbl.char2) plot(tbl.int1) sessionInfo() R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) local...
2012 Nov 26
error in plot(table(c('a','a')))
...ables of 1 dimension; if I attempt to make a plot of a table of characters with only 1 value I get an error (Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ). With more than one value I don't get errors, neither with integers (even if only 1 value): tbl.char1 <- table(c('a','a')) tbl.char2 <- table(c('a','a','b')) tbl.int1 <- table(c(1,1)) # error: plot(tbl.char1) # no errors: plot(tbl.char2) plot(tbl.int1) sessionInfo() R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) local...
2013 Mar 03
Ordering Table Columns > direction? > If this has been answered previously and I've just failed to find it in my > searches, please accept my apologies. > > Many Thanks, > Chris Think you want to have a look at factors.... Typing ?factor will throw up the relevant help pages # Your Data tbl <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = " ShirtSize Number L 20 M 20 S 11 XL 7 XXL 2 ") # ShirtSize Alphabetical tbl[tbl$ShirtSize,] # Reorder Factor tbl$ShirtSize = factor(tbl$ShirtSize, levels=c("S","M","L","XL",&quo...