Displaying 20 results from an estimated 484 matches for "tau".
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2007 Aug 07
Goodman-Kruskal tau
On Wed, 1 Aug 2007, Upasna Sharma <upasna at iitb.ac.in> wrote:
> From: "Upasna Sharma" <upasna at iitb.ac.in>
> Subject: [R] Goodman Kruskal's tau
> I need to know which package in R calculates the Goodman Kruskal's
> tau statistic for nominal data. Also is there any implementation for
> multiple classification analysis (Andrews at al 1973) in R? Any
> information on this would be greatly appreciated.
As far as I know, t...
2007 Aug 14
State Space Modelling
Hey all,
I am trying to work under a State Space form, but I didn't get the help
Have anyone eles used this functions?
I was used to work with S-PLUS, but I have some codes I need to adpt.
Thanks alot,
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2012 Mar 20
Graphic legend with mathematical symbol, numeric variable and character variable
I'd like to make a legend with a mix of mathematical symbol (tau),
numeric variable and character variables.I have tried :
types<-c("Type 1","Type 2","Type 2")
but it doesn't work: the 'tau' symbol is not written...
2008 Feb 05
Got *** caught segfault *** with Quantreg on Mac (PR#10699)
...a look at it?
Here is the error message:
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x3ff00008, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .Fortran("rqbr", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(n + 5),
as.integer(p + 3), as.integer(p + 4), as.double(x), as.double(y),
as.double(tau), as.double(tol), flag = as.integer(1), coef = double(p),
resid = double(n), integer(n), double((n + 5) * (p + 4)), double(n),
as.integer(nsol), as.integer(ndsol), sol = double((p + 3) * nsol), dsol
= double(n * ndsol), lsol = as.integer(0), h = integer(p * nsol), qn =
2011 Nov 19
wald test: compare quantile regression estimators from different samples
...conditional on a specific characteristic and I would like to test whether such characteristic indeed affect the estimators. The problem in the test anova.rq is that the response variable should be the same, therefore I cannot use different samples.
Consider as an example the following:
Model 1:Q_y(tau|X,I=2) = X'beta(tau|I=2)
Model2;Q_y(tau|X,I=3) = X'beta(tau|I=3)
The first sample consider I=2 and the second I=3. I would like to test whether, at the quantile "tau", beta(tau|I=2) = beta(tau|I=3).
I have already tried to design a Wald test like:
W <- ((beta(tau|I=2)-beta(tau|...
2009 Jul 17
Solving two nonlinear equations with two knowns
Dear R users,
I have two nonlinear equations, f1(x1,x2)=0 and f2(x1,x2)=0. I try to use optim command by minimize f1^2+f2^2 to find x1 and x2. I found the optimal solution changes when I change initial values. How to solve this?
BTW, I also try to use grid searching. But I have no information on ranges of x1 and x2, respectively.
Any suggestion to solve this question?
1998 Jul 07
S speedup in R
and convert it to one like
x<-numeric(its length)
for(i in sequence)
I tried this speedup on some simple examples and it made them twice as
But now I am hitting a snag with some real code.
This original version works:
cif<-function(x, y, tau, h=tau[2]-tau[1])
# conditional cross-intensity function for two point process realizations.
# estimated at tau.
# x and y are vectors of event times (sorting is not necessary).
# tau is the lag (or vector of lags)
# h is binwidth.
# see Brillinger, Bryant, & Segundo (1976) eq 13, mhatAB(u)...
2006 Jul 08
...;, convert.dates=TRUE,
convert.factors=TRUE, missing.type=TRUE, convert.underscore=TRUE,
Aviso en read.dta("C:/Mis documentos/r1-r1.dta", convert.dates = TRUE,
'missing.type' only applicable to version 8 files
> fit1 <- rq(yyy ~ lll, tau = 0.5, data = Datos)
> fit1
rq(formula = yyy ~ lll, tau = 0.5, data = Datos)
(Intercept) lll
4.249606 -0.929411
Degrees of freedom: 36 total; 34 residual
> summary(fit1)
Call: rq(formula = yyy ~ lll, tau = 0.5, data = Datos)
tau: [1] 0.5
2010 Oct 04
plotmath: how to use greek symbols in expression(integral(f(tau)*dtau, 0, t))?
I would like to use greek "tau" as a symbol of variable to integrate
over in plotmath
expression(integral(f(tau)*dtau, 0,t))
but nothing seems to work. I tried d{\tau}, d\tau, etc.,
without any success
Is it possible? How can I accomplish this?
Best regards,
2010 Aug 10
Error in R2Bugs
...ot;, "b.con", "b.dcon", "b.s1", "b.s2", "b.s3", "sigma.ind", "sigma.plt", "sigma.sp", "sigma.sppl")
initlist<-list(list(b.lev=0.01, b.light=0.01, b.con=0.01, b.s1=0.01, b.s2=0.01, b.s3=0.01, b.dcon=0.01, tau.ind=rep(0,N),
tau.plt=rep(0,n.plot), tau.sp=rep(0,n.sp), tau=array(0, c(n.sp, n.plot))),
list(b.lev=0.01, b.light=0.01, b.con=0.01, b.s1=0.01, b.s2=0.01, b.s3=0.01, b.dcon=0.01, tau.ind=rep(0,N),
tau.plt=rep(0,n.plot), tau.sp=rep(0,n.sp), tau=array(...
2012 Aug 20
Kendall package tau-a, b, and c
Hi all,
I would like to ask a question related to Kendall package. I ran Kendall
(x,y) and
saw the results. But I am not sure which tau values R reported. I have
ties in
my data set, so I want tau-b. Can anybody tell how Kendall package is
calculating tau values? I have looked at the package PDF, but I could
not find
any useful information. As long as I see from the following
link, there may not be any direct ways to calculate...
2011 Apr 18
splom, plotmath: how to add three lines of information with alignment?
Dear expeRts,
I would like to create a scatter plot matrix with splom(). The lower panel should
contain some additional information about the samples shown in the upper panel
plot, see the splom() call below. Now two questions came up:
(1) The lower panels show "tau" and "alpha" on top of each other. How can I plot
*three* expressions on top of each other? I tried several approaches (see the trials below),
but couldn't manage to get this to work properly.
(2) Is there the possibility to plot the two/three lines (containing "tau = ..&qu...
2008 Jul 26
parametric bootstrap
I am trying to find a parametric bootstrap confidence interval and when I used the boot function I get zero bias and zero st.error? What could be my mistake?
Thank you and take care.
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2009 Dec 11
How to calculte the power of a matrix
Dear R family
I have a following question.
Suppose I have a matrix as follows, for instance:
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0
I want to calculate (-m) power of tau, for example, m=893.
When I run tau^2, the outcome is just tau.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance.
2004 Nov 14
solving system of nonlinear equations
Hello there
Can anybody please tell me if there is any package in R to solve the
following 4 nonlinear equations with 4 unknowns:
alpha*exp(20/sigma)+ beta*exp(21/tau) = 2
alpha*exp(22/sigma)+ beta*exp(9/tau) = 4
alpha*exp(10/sigma)+ beta*exp(30/tau) = 6
alpha*exp(40/sigma)+ beta*exp(39/tau) = 5
alpha = exp(lambda/sigma)
beta= exp(delta/tau)
I need to estimate lambda, sigma, delta, tau
E Raheem
2012 Jul 17
Threshold Quantile Regression code CRASHES in R
...the fitted values. I use these fitted values to estimate qhat on the second stage. The code is as follows (thanks to Prof. Bruce Hansen, whose code i modified): #************************************************************#
#Quantile Regression.
qr.regress <- function(y,x){
beta <- c(rq(y~x,tau)$coefficients[1],rq(y~x,tau)$coefficients[2])
}#Threshold Estimation with one independent variable + constant.
joint_thresh <- function(y,x,q){
s0 <- det(t(e)%*%e)
n1 <- round(.05*n)+k
n2 <- rou...
2007 Feb 22
Error in solve.default
...Y, s.e., df.se, corrs, prior, ...)
1: hblm(Diff ~ 1, s = SE)
> hblm
function(formula, s.e., df.se = Inf, corrs = F, prior = NULL, fast.calc = F,
# hblm()
# main program to create hblm object
call <- match.call()
call.ab <- abbrev.hblm.call(call)
taumin <- (sum(1/s.e.^2))^-0.5
if(is.null(prior$error)) {
prior$error$df <- 1
prior$error$sd <- taumin
s.e..old <- s.e.
if(max(s.e.) == Inf)
s.e.[s.e. == Inf] <- taumin * 10000
wts <<- s.e.^(-...
2012 Sep 26
Retrieve regression summary results after rq
...alue), since I don't have
any in my output:
clus1_d<- svydesign(id=~cd002_co, weights=~wtper, strata=~str, data=data)
fit1<- withReplicates(bclus1,quote(coef(rq(newm428b~sch_new_2+sch_new_3+sch_new_4,
tau= 0.05 tau= 0.25 tau= 0.50 tau= 0.75 tau= 0.95
(Intercept) 2340 2980 3.300000e+03 3750 4360.0000
sch_new_2 185 -30 -5.500000e+01 -250 -360.0000
sch_new_3 155...
2008 Apr 22
Comparing kendall's tau values?
I have 3 variables relating to the successful introductions of species
to 95 different areas: introduction frequency; number of successes pre
1906; number of successes post 1906
The data are not normal, nor homo-skedatic, so I am using non-parametric
I have calculated Kendall's tau between both introduction & successes
pre 1906 (tau=0.3903) and introduction & successes post 1906
(tau=0.3317)- pre + post values are independent.
Is it possible to test whether there is a significant difference between
the tau values, ie one correlation is 'significantly' 'be...
2010 May 02
Calculation error
Dear Rxperts,
Running the following code:
twlo=10; twhi=20; wt=154; vd=0.5; cl=0.046; tau=6; t=3; F=1;
wtkg <- wt/2.2 # convert lbs to kg
vd.pt <- wtkg * vd # compute weight-based vd (L)
cl.pt <- wtkg * cl # compute CL (L/hr)
k <- cl.pt/vd.pt # compute k (hr^-1)
cave <- round((twhi - twlo)/log(twhi/twlo),2)
doserate <...