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2005 Jul 11
Installing Office on Crossover
...the Crossover archives and in Google for an answer and found part of the answer. The command below may show what the problem is. But I don't know what this means or how to resolve it. Could you take a look at the data below and see you can suggest an answer? Thank you so much. Benjamin [sher@localhost cxoffice]$ cd bin [sher@localhost bin]$ wine --debugmsg +relay,+seh --cx-log start.log.gz uninstaller wine: '/tmp/.wine-500/server-f3' must not be accessible by other users [sher@localhost bin]$ [sher@localhost tmp]$ ls -l total 1156 drwxrwxrwt 2 sher sher 4096 Jul 4 01:...
2007 Apr 16
Java installs but won't play -- update
Dear friends: I created a symbolic link from /usr/bin/java to ~/.mozilla/plugins/java but still Java does not work. Please see data below. Thank you so much. Benjamin [sher at localhost .mozilla]$ ls firefox mozver.dat plugins [sher at localhost .mozilla]$ cd plugins [sher at localhost plugins]$ ls flashplayer.xpt java [sher at localhost plugins]$ ls -l total 6892 -rw-r--r-- 1 sher sher 856 Dec 15 13:51 flashplayer.xpt lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root...
2007 Apr 16
Formatting hdb?
...sure to check hdb as well as hda. Both were listed as partitions (which is correct). But my fstab file does not show hdb. How do I make sure that hdb has been formatted and is part of my file system. If hdb is not formatted, how do I format it, please. Sorry for the question. I am a newbie. d[sher at localhost ~]$ df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 74560920 5339640 65372680 8% / /dev/hda1 101086 11997 83870 13% /boot tmpfs 237428 0 237428 0% /dev...
2007 Apr 16
Multimedia on Centos 5
Dear friends: Is there a single source for the multimedia applications that are not included with Centos 5: RealPlayer, Mplayer, mplayerplug-in, Acrobat Reader, Java, libdvdcss, etc.? Would appreciate your help. Thank you so much. Benjamin -- Sher's Russian Web Benjamin Sher sher07 at
2007 Apr 16
Java installs but won't play
Dear friends: I installed Sun's Java manually by downloading their Red Hat RPM. I followed instructions and the install came off fine (Done!), but when I try to play it, it won't work. I imagine that I probably need to create a symbolic link to the plugin. Here is the info: [sher at localhost ~]$ whereis java java: /usr/bin/java /etc/java /usr/lib/java /usr/share/java [sher at localhost ~]$ Could you please help me by suggesting the command and link for this? Thank you so much. Benjamin -- Sher's Russian Web Benjamin Sher sher07 at mindsprin...
2006 May 27
MSWord97 installs properly but still won't launch (or save?) -- 3 more data files
Dear friends: Forgot to include three more data files: Thank you again. Benjamin I've been trying for some time to install my copy of Word97 (which I own, having purchased it directly from Microsoft with my own license number). I have tried the latest...
2007 Apr 16
Software Updater vs. Add/Remove vs. Yum(ex)
Dear friends: Just installed Centos 5. Very impressed but as a newbie I am a bit confused about the the role of the Software Updater vs. Add/Remove and Yum(ex). Which one do I use to update the installed programs, please? Thank you. Benjamin -- Sher's Russian Web Benjamin Sher sher07 at
2007 Apr 17
Via C3 and CentOS5
Hi, I have an Asus terminator C3 with 512Mb. It has a Via P3-800Mhz CPU, with a VIA chipset. It's currently running FC6. I wanted to wipe the machine and install CentOS5. It boots from the CD to the linux prompt, then it fully loads vmlinux, then starts initrd.img, and somewhere at that point it reboots. I have tried: noapic, noapm, noprobe. Same, somewhere during initrd.img or at then
2006 Mar 20
Urgent FreeBSD Boot question!
Dear friends: I decided to go out and buy the latest issue of Linux Format with the FreeBSD 6 CD. I am very glad I did. FreeBSD is tough to install, but after spending several hours I finally succeeded in doing a perfect installation. ONE BIG PROBLEM: When I removed the CD and rebooted, I got into my Windows XP (I have two separate disks, one for Windows, one of FreeBSD). There was no way to get
2007 Feb 20
RPMS's -- Standalone or From Sources?
Dear friends: [Using the Centos 4.4 DVD) I will spend the next few days reading the documentation for Centos/RedHat. But meanwhile, I would like, while reading it, to listen to my favorite radio programs which require RealPlayer. So, my question is simply: should I download the RealPlayer RPM from or should I download it from an rpm repository source? While I am at, what about
2005 Jul 06
Installing Wordview with Winetools
Dear friends: I am pleased to say that I successfully installed Internet Explorer Sp1 on my Linux (Scientific Linux 4.0, which is based on RHEL 4) using Wintools. After installing IE6, I thought installing WordView (the Word97 word view program) would be a snap. But instead Wintools failed to install it in several attempts. It started, downloaded the file and tried to install it. But at
2004 Oct 08
Ceiling question
...rt 22 0xfff flowid 1:20 What would like to achieve is that trafic on port 22 has 1800kbit always, regardless of traffic on any other port, but if there is no traffic on port 22 the rest can claim the whole bandwidth (i.e. 2.3 mbit ). However if I set the ceiling to 2mbit on both, they seem to sher the bandwidth evenly. If I set the ceiling to 512k on 1:30, I get better performance on 1:20. Do I not understand the concept correctly? I assumes that the rate would give me the guaranteed bandwidth for each class, and the ceiling is there to make it use what''s "left over"...
2005 Aug 01
Input buffer requirement.
...won't exceed the max limit. What is the choice of the implementors ?? I found it in one source that, they have assumed 8KB input buffer. they are saying they hav't come accross any ogg stream which exceed this limit. How risky is this assumption ? Can I go ahead with this figure ?? - sher
2006 Oct 10
smdb crash with parameter "force user" using Windows AD user (DOMAIN+user1)
Dear all, I'm having problem with samba 3.0.23c. The smbd process will crash when I have the following definition for a specific share: [user1] comment = User1 Home Directory path = /u/management/user1 valid users = domain+user1,sher+user2 force user = domain+user1 force group = sher+management read only = no create mask = 0660 directory mask = 0770 nt acl support = yes After making tests, I've found that the problem is caused by the "force user" and "force gro...
2012 Apr 19
ANOVA in quantreg - faulty test for 'nesting'?
I am trying to implement an ANOVA on a pair of quantile regression models in R. The anova.rq() function performs a basic check to see whether the models are nested, but I think this check is failing in my case. I think my models are nested despite the anova.rqlist() function saying otherwise. Here is an example where the GLM ANOVA regards the models as nested, but the quantile regression ANOVA
2006 May 28
Word97 launches but still cannot save or load
...ot;) I cd's to where Winword.exe was and then typed, within this subdirectory: wine WINWORD.EXE. That launched Word97 at last. But when I try to save a document, all I get is the first letter of the file name. When I try to save, Word refuses to do so. Please see error messages: Plus the data files: I would be most grateful for your kind help. Benjamin
2006 May 27
MSWord97 installs properly but still won't launch (or save?) directory. I then went back to Synaptic and reinstalled my earlier 0.9.1-4 wine version, which, by the way, beautifully supports my installation of Internet 6. It's also the same Wine that launches Notepad, which is apparently included with Wine. Please see screenshot: So, the bottom line right now is: MSWord97 (Custom Install, All) installed successfully into my current 0.9.1-4 Wine. Please see screenshot of my winecfg: But right now I cannot even launch the new successfull install of MSWord97....
2010 Jun 23
Custom default form builder in Rails 3
Hello everyone, I am trying to set a default custom form builder. I have defined my form builder class in "lib/mymodule/mybuilder.rb" as: module Mymodule class Mybuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ...... end end Then I am trying to use this custom class in application.rb as config.action_view.default_form_builder = Mymodule::Mybuilder. But I get "Uninitialized
2007 Dec 12
Route and patterns
In a wiki, routes are handling web_index /:web {:controller=>"wiki", :action=>"index"} web_topic /:web/:topic {:controller=>"wiki", :action=>"view"} action /:web/:topic/:action {:controller=>"wiki"} That is the default action is "view". Two questions: 1. Can I constrain the patterns allowed for
2005 Jul 08
"Active X" error message interferes with Flash
Dear friends: [Using Wine 20041019 and Winetools 2.1.2] Inter Explorer 6 SP1 installed fine, including Shockwave Flash (listed as one of the installed programs), but when I try to actually play Flash on a web site, I get an error message saying that due to my security setting for Active X, Flash cannot play. I have tried to enable Active X in Internet Options, Security and Privacy. Yet, my