Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "sfinit".
2008 Dec 06
snowfall sfInit error
Dear all,
I am trying to execute the simple example in snowfall
http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/snowfall/vignettes/snowfall.pdf ...
sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=2 )
sfLapply( 1:10, exp )
I have installed the snow and snowfall packages in R on a machine with
windows xp, however, after running the "sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=2 )"
line I get an error ...
Error in system("whoami", intern = TRUE, ignore.stder...
2008 Sep 27
Problem with R on dual core under Linux - can not execute mpi.spawn.Rslaves()
I am trying to utilize my dual core processor (and later a
High-performance clusters (HPC) ) by using the Rmpi, snow, snowfall,
... packages, but I am struggling at the beginning, i.e. to initialise
the "cluster" on my dual core computer. Whenever I try to initialize
it (via sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2) or mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=2)
), I get an error message:
> sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2)
Forced parallel. Using session: XXXXXXXXR_rkrug_143706_092708
Error in mpi.comm.spawn(slave = mpitask, slavearg = args, nslaves = count, :
MPI_Comm_spawn is not supported.
2011 Sep 24
Can't reliably use RefClass methods in Snowfall
# set up a simple reference class
calculator <- setRefClass("calculator")
calculator$methods(do_calc = function(x) {print(x*x)})
my_calc <- calculator$new()
wrapper <- function(x) {my_calc$do_calc(x)}
# STANZA 2: use snowfall without wrapper -- WORKING
#sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2, type="SOCK")
#results <- sfLapply(1:10,my_calc$do_calc)
# STANZA 3: use snowfall with wrapper -- NOT WORKING
# (not working by itself, but does work if the previous stanza...
2009 Mar 24
no snowfall on debian after lenny upgrade
...k. Package snowfall used to run just great under debian
etch (amd-64, 2x quad-core). After upgrading to lenny (debian 5,
reinstalled from scratch), I haven't been able to get snowfall running
again. Password-less ssh works fine to localhost, its IP, or zero-
config name. But when calling sfInit I invariably get this error
message below. What puzzles me is that "ssh localhost" works without a
hitch but the socket connection fails. Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
Error in socketConnection(port = port, server = TRUE, blocking =
2011 Jan 12
...16 17 18 19 20
0.02380952 0.01984127 0.07936508 0.02380952 0.01984127 0.01190476 0.02777778
0.02380952 0.01984127 0.01190476 0.02380952 0.01984127 0.02380952 0.02380952
0.01984127 0.02380952 0.01984127 0.02380952 0.02380952 0.02777778
2) > sfInit()
snowfall 1.84 initialized: sequential execution, one CPU.
> sfApply(dNiftyOpt,1,getTimeToMaturity) #Works
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18...
2012 Jun 28
undefined S4 class in parallel computing at snowfall
Dear All,
I have a question of how to export S4 class specification to
clusters/workers in parallel computing. The package I used is snowfall. The
problem is reproducible as follows. Any hint is greatly appreciated.
Edwin Sun
=== begin ===========
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = 2)
setClass("catt", representation(aa = "numeric"))
setClass("dogg", representation(bb = 'character', cc = "catt"))
f1 <- function(y1) { new('catt', aa = y1 + 1) }
f3 <- function(y2, y3) { new('dogg', bb=c...
2009 Sep 22
snowfall: missing MPI node
I don't know if the question pertains to Rmpi, snow or snowfall.
I run my job by:
mpirun -np N -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE RMPISNOW -f my-script.r --slave
In the snowfall sfInit call I have to specify one less CPU respect to
the mpirun call
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=N-1, type="MPI")
otherwise I receive an error similar to: "cluster size N-1 already
running" (sorry I don't remember the exact message)
Is this normal? In this case, if I want...
2011 Apr 08
Snow/Snowfall hangs on windows 7
Dear users,
I want to set up R to use one R-script directory and one R-library (directory for packages) for many end-users. I try to do this by using one network-share. This works fine as long as we don't use the snowfall package with parallel=TRUE (sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=4, type="SOCK")).
When running R with default settings (local library and local script directory) then snowfall works great.
When I tried to understand the problem I tested local library and local script directory and started the R program through a shortcut b...
2012 Apr 05
is parallel computing possible for 'rollapplyr' job?
...some windows version packages (parallel, snow, snowfall,..) but could not solve my specific problem. As far as I understood, either I have to write a new function like sfRollapplyr or I have to change my code in a way that it utilizes lapply, or sapply instead of 'rollapplyr' first then use sfInit, sfExport, and sfLapply,.. for parallel computing. I could not perform either so please help me :)
gomin1sd<-function (x,rho)
[1] 500000 312
dt_l1_min1<-matrix(nrow=rs, ncol=nc-1-...
2008 Jul 16
Problems with snowfall
Is anyone using snowfall? It seems that the last version is broken. sfinit
contains test code:
data("config", package = "snowfall")
configM <- as.matrix(t(config))
config <- as.list(configM)
names(config) <- dimnames(configM)[[2]]
.sfOption$SERVER <<- as.character(config[["SERVER"]])
.sfOption$PORT <...
2009 Dec 15
snowfall on Win7
...fall package work under Windows 7?
Recently I upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7, and at the same time upgraded R from 2.8.1 to 2.10. On my machine (Intel i7 based) snowfall worked perfectly on my previous installation, but after the upgrade the same scripts do not work.
When I issue e.g.
sfInit(parallel=T, cpus=2) # (or 'cpus=7', which I often used before as the processor has 8 cores)
R appears to be working, but uses no processor power. It stays like that (have waited many minutes) until I interrupt by hitting the Esc-key. After that it has not initiated parallel computing.
2009 Dec 15
[Fwd: snowfall on Win7]
...t; Recently I upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7, and at the same
> time upgraded R from 2.8.1 to 2.10. On my machine (Intel i7 based)
> snowfall worked perfectly on my previous installation, but after the
> upgrade the same scripts do not work.
> When I issue e.g.
> sfInit(parallel=T, cpus=2) # (or 'cpus=7', which I often used before
> as the processor has 8 cores)
> R appears to be working, but uses no processor power. It stays like
> that (have waited many minutes) until I interrupt by hitting the
> Esc-key. After that it has not initiated...
2009 Sep 22
snowfall: sfExport apparently harmless error
...ne 40: 23906
Terminated R --no-save $*
/users/mvalle/snow/snow/inst/RMPISNOW: line 40: 22094
Terminated R --no-save $*
--- script ------------------------------------
library('Rmpi', verbose=FALSE)
library('snowfall', verbose=FALSE)
# Initialize cluster
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=3, type="MPI")
for(i in 1:2) {
# Prepare fake data
n <- 46000
x <- runif(n, 0.02, 0.54)
logx <- log(x)
# Compute fake function
computeTakens <- function(r0idx) {
if(r0idx == 1) return(NA)...
2009 Sep 22
(correction) snowfall+Rmpi: sfExport error
...no-save $*
/users/mvalle/snow/snow/inst/RMPISNOW: line 40: 23906
Terminated R --no-save $*
/users/mvalle/snow/snow/inst/RMPISNOW: line 40: 22094
Terminated R --no-save $*
--- script ------------------------------------
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=3, type="MPI")
for(i in 1:9) {
n <- 20000
logx <- runif(n, 0.02, 0.54)
Ing. Mario Valle
Data Analysis and Visualization Group |
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (...
2010 Jun 24
Snowfall: "cannont open connection " problem
...a connection. I am not sure what it means as I am not a network person. Any advice will be very welcome. Many thanks in advance. See output and the error message below.
Best wishes,
************** OUTPUT AND ERROR MESSAGE *******************
> # initialize Snowfall parameters
> sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2, type="SOCK")
snowfall 1.84 initialized (using snow 0.3-3): parallel execution on 2 CPUs.
> # perform parallel calculations
> rr <- list()
> date()
[1] "Thu Jun 24 09:17:56 2010"
> el.time <- system.time(
+ for (i in 1:(n.sims/every...
2010 Oct 11
OT: snow socket clusters with VirtualBox and VMware player (Linux host, Win guest)
...system (I've tried
in two different Linux systems, an AMD x86-64 workstation and an Intel
i686 laptop). However, almost always seting up the cluster fails:
either R will hang forever or I will get messages such as
"in socketConnect [...] port 10187 cannot be opened"
"Error in sfInit [...]
Starting of snow cluster failed! Error in sockectConnection "
In fact, a command such as
socketConnection(port = 10187, server = TRUE)
hangs forever.
This happens with R-2.11.1 and the current R-devel. For both
VirtualBox and VMware Player I am running the latest available
2014 Jan 28
Help for how to use "snowfall" package
#part 1:
generate the initial value for simulation
#part 2:
some functions will be used in the simulation
#simulation part, start from "while loop"
sink('SnowFallExample.Rout', split=TRUE)
Then I used the above structure with sflnit to do the simulation, I found that there is no change on the time for simulation, even worse, sometime, the code with "sflnit" is slower than the co...
2016 Apr 28
Snowfall - Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) with sfClusterApplyLB()
I'm trying to run a code that uses the snowfall package. Here is the structure of my code.
sfInit(parallel=T, cpus = 5, slaveOutfile="ErrorMessage.txt")
system.time( sfClusterApplyLB(1:10, function(k) {
sfCat(paste("Iteration ", k), sep="\n")
if (......)...
2011 Mar 01
usar multiples procesadores en R
Hola a tod en s,
estoy realizando unas operaciones con muchos datos con el paquete
"vegan", concretamente la función "metaMDS" y me gustaría saber si
puedo usar más de un procesador a la vez para acelerar los cálculos.
He visto el paquete "multicore" pero no sé usarlo, ¿alguien lo ha
usado para algo así?
Gracias y saludos,
2010 Dec 10
Could concurrent R sessions mix up variables?
Hi, I'm working in R 2.11.1 x64 on Windows x86_64-pc-mingw32.
I'm experiencing a strange problem in R that I'm not even sure how to
begin to fix.
I've got a huge (forty-pages printed) simulation written in R that I'd
like to run multiple times. When I open up R and run it on its own,
it works fine. At the beginning of the program, there's a variable X
that I set to 1,