Displaying 20 results from an estimated 988 matches for "pluralizations".
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2005 Aug 08
Pluralized Controller Names?
If I do:
script/generate controller Photo
I get a controller named photo_controller. OTOH, if I do:
script/generate scaffold Photo
I get a controller named photos_controller. (Note that the controller
name is pluralized).
I realize that I''m specifying the controller name explicitly in the
first case, but it seems
odd to me that the scaffold command generates a pluralized
2009 Oct 02
Plural version of the model detected, using singularized version. Override with --force-plural.
what is the proper way to make this work? --force-plural doesn''t seem
to change the results. this only seems to happen when you choose
words that the plural and singular is the same word.
script/generate scaffold equipment name:string description:text
warning Plural version of the model detected, using singularized
version. Override with --force-plural.
results in the following
2006 Apr 12
pluralization issue? (taxes/taxis)
Hi all,
Here''s an odd one. I have a "Tax" model which is related via a habtm
relationship to a "Storefront" model. In my view_store rhtml file, I
have the line :
@storefront.taxes.each do |tax|
This line returns the following error:
NameError in Admin#view_store
Showing app/views/admin/view_store.rhtml where line #52 raised:
uninitialized constant Taxis
2007 Jan 20
Conditional pluralize without the number
Assume you have an array of person names. I want to generate results in
my view that look like this:
Abby is your friend
Abby, Bob, and Carol are your friends.
So I''d like to say:
<%= friends.to_sentence %>
<%= pluralize(friends.count, "is") %>
your <%= pluralize(friends.count, "friend") %>
But because pluralize puts in the
2006 May 12
Pluralization of non-noun names
I have an insurance company client and for the last eleven years I have
wanted to completely redevelop their system from scratch. However, the
boss has never been interested in hiring a team to develop the new
system (partly because of the cost and partly because of some famous and
expensive development failures in the industry) and has always insisted
on incremental development of the
2006 Jan 19
Using RoR pluralization rules
RoR seems to be aware of plurals like category=>categories etc..I Want to
be able to use this in my application to relate some keywords.Is it possible
?or does RoR itself use some ruby library?
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2006 Jul 18
Scaffold a Plural table w/ No Pluralization in environment
Hi guys,
I have a situation here. I have my project set to no pluralization due
to legacy tables in environment.rb. Now, I have some new tables which
I''m starting to pluralize. When I do a generate a scaffold to this new
script/generate scaffold my_tables table
it seems to work out fine for certain sections like
http://mysite.com/railsapp/new (which also inserts properly to
2006 May 22
rails naming convention for model: community
How does Rails deal with the pluralization of community. I have "community"
as my model name. Will Rails automatically look for a table name
"communities" or do I have to name the table "communitys"?
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2013 May 03
Moving plural detection and --force-plural option to models generator
Hi all,
I talked to Aaron briefly about this at RailsConf, but I just wanted to
bring this up here before I start working on it in case anyone objects.
I will be looking into moving the "Plural version of the model detected,
using singularized version. Override with --force-plural." warning and the
associated flag into the model generators. Currently this is only in the
resource (and
2015 Apr 16
ClamAV reports a trojan
On Thu, April 16, 2015 10:09 am, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:01 AM, James B. Byrne <byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca>
>> This morning I discovered this in my clamav report from one of our imap
>> /usr/share/nmap/scripts/irc-unrealircd-backdoor.nse:
>> Unix.Trojan.MSShellcode-21 FOUND
>> I have looked at this script and it appears to be
2006 Jun 07
script/generate scaffold pluralizes class names
Hi everyone,
I''m a rails & ruby nuby, and this is my first post to the list.
Here''s my environment in case it helps diagnose my problem:
Ruby version
1.8.4 (powerpc-darwin8.6.0)
RubyGems version
Rails version
Active Record version
Action Pack version
Action Web Service version
Action Mailer version
Active Support version
I did
2006 Jul 21
weird table pluralization problem
When I created a new project and a "equipment" model for an unknown
reason to me rails tried to query the table "equipment" and not
"equipments", does someone know why it did that ?
So I added
set_table_name "equipments"
in the model class and it now works but I don''t really understand why it
is required in the first place...
Posted via
2015 Apr 17
Plurals in English (was Re: ClamAV reports a trojan)
On 17/04/15 02:28, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> clamav is a scanner that is designed to detect viruses (virii I should use
> for plural as it is Latin word)
I believe this 'rule' in English is misunderstood by many and as a
general rule of thumb...
Words from Old English that came into modern English, use 'Old English'
pluralisation: eg, sheep, fish etc.
2006 Sep 05
Inflector::pluralize("Agencies")=="Agency" ?
The result of Inflector::pluralize("Agency") is correctly "Agencies",
but pluralize again and it goes back to the singular ?
Is this as expected ?
Also, I have a need to know if a word is singular or plural, and to
convert it to one or the other regardless of it already being so.
Anyway, I''ve written these which seem to work. Do they already exist
somewhere ?
2006 May 20
Repost: Pluralization of non-noun names
I didn''t get an answer to this before so I am trying again:
I could change an existing "policy" table to "policies" with no drama
but the are a number of related tables ie:
2006 Apr 16
Newbie Problems with pluralization
I have a many to many relationship incorporating the following tables:
taxes --> taxes_tax_groups --> tax_groups
I have a model named tax with the following declaration:
has_and_belongs_to_many :tax_groups
and I have a model named tax_group with the following declaration:
has_and_belongs_to_many :taxes
I am attempting to run the following unit test:
2006 Mar 17
edge - scaffolds now pluralized?
Are my eyes going buggy, or did something recently change in Edge
Rails so that now scaffolds are generated with pluralized controller/
helper/etc names? I peeked at the code in
around line 50, and it looks like there was a change there recently
so that it now defaults to pluralized names. So why was this
2010 Jul 28
Problem loading YAML files and using pluralize method in Rails3rc
I just upgraded my rails app from rails3.0.0beta4 to rails3.0.0rc and
I''m having problems loading a yaml file. I have a load_config.rb in
the initializers folder which loads a yaml file. The basic loading
code is:
FACEBOOK_CONFIG = YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root, ''config'',
This stopped working when I moved to
2006 Jan 09
Hi, I''m new to Ruby and Rails, and I''m running Ruby 1.8.4 with Rails 1.0
on Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy).
I wanted to have a model Software, with the table as software (since
''software'' is the plural too). I appreciate one can simply use something
like use_table or whatever (can''t remember the exact command) in the
Model file, but I''d much rather
2015 Apr 17
Plurals in English (was Re: ClamAV reports a trojan)
On Thu, April 16, 2015 8:59 pm, Peter Lawler wrote:
> On 17/04/15 02:28, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
>> clamav is a scanner that is designed to detect viruses (virii I should
>> use
>> for plural as it is Latin word)
> I believe this 'rule' in English is misunderstood by many and as a
> general rule of thumb...
> tl;dr:
> Words from Old