Hi all,
Here''s an odd one. I have a "Tax" model which is related via
a habtm
relationship to a "Storefront" model. In my view_store rhtml file, I
have the line :
@storefront.taxes.each do |tax|
This line returns the following error:
NameError in Admin#view_store
Showing app/views/admin/view_store.rhtml where line #52 raised:
uninitialized constant Taxis
See that? "Taxes" has become "Taxis". Since I am not trying
to attach a
Yellow Cab to my customers'' orders, I don''t want that. A
search of the
whole Rails app turns up no instances of the string "taxi" anywhere.
Therefore I suspect an oddball pluralization.
>From the console, "taxi".pluralize returns "taxis", and
returns "taxes", so they look right. Just to be safe, I redeclared
plurals explicitly in my environment.rb. Still no dice.
I am at a loss, so I am throwing it out to y''all in the hopes someone
might have stumbled across this issue.
Posted via ruby-forum.com.