Displaying 20 results from an estimated 103 matches for "pinte".
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2015 Jan 22
[LLVMdev] access IntegerType::getSignBit from Type *
I have a Type * which may come from an IntegerType as shown below:
Type.getIntegerBitWidth() tells me numBits.
But how to extract the IntegerType.getSignBit?
If pType isIntegerType, I need to know if it is signed or unsigned...
How to achieve this?
llvm::Type * getRandomValid_IntegerType(llvm::LLVMContext &C)
using namespace llvm;
//--- determine num of bits
2007 Mar 31
Amazing art work - Paint Mona Lisa on MS Pint
How to Paint Mona Lisa with MS Paint
Art work<http://arts-artists.blogspot.com/2007/03/how-to-paint-mona-lisa-with-ms-paint.html>
You received this message
2007 Aug 03
How to properly finalize external pointers?
Dear R .Call() insiders,
Can someone enlighten me how to properly finalize external pointers in C code (R-2.5.1 win)? What is the relation between R_ClearExternalPtr and the finalizer set in R_RegisterCFinalizer?
I succeeded registering a finalizer that works when an R object containing an external pointer is garbage collected. However, I have some difficulties figuring out how to do that in an
2001 Sep 19
Correction (was: Re: ANNOUNCE: x11-ssh-askpass v1.2.4.1)
: A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
: recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
: openssh-announce at zax.half.pint-stowp.cx
: unknown local-part "openssh-announce" in domain "zax.half.pint-stowp.cx"
[I seem to be having an unlucky day today]. See below for the
------ This is a copy of the
2001 Sep 19
Correction (was: Re: ANNOUNCE: x11-ssh-askpass v1.2.4.1)
: A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
: recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
: openssh-announce at zax.half.pint-stowp.cx
: unknown local-part "openssh-announce" in domain "zax.half.pint-stowp.cx"
[I seem to be having an unlucky day today]. See below for the
------ This is a copy of the
2019 Sep 19
ggplot con gradientes complejos
Muy buenas. Quiero hacer un mapa que me pinte en azul los valores negativos
y en rojo los positivos. Los negativos llegan hasta -400 y los positivos
hasta 200. Si pongo limits=c(-200, 200), me colorea bien los positivos
(rojo), pero los negativos por debajo de -200 me los pone gris. Si pongo
limits=c(-400, 200), me colorea bien los negativos...
2007 Oct 17
Preflight check / lint
Am writing scripts to manage configuration management and Asterisk.
I would like to be able to point the asterisk binary at config
directory with an asterisk.conf in it, and for asterisk to run a pre-
flight check. A bit like a pint check in php, 'apachectl configtest'
and lots of other tools.
asterisk will then exit with 0 on a safe config, and 1 on a bad
config. I can
2019 Sep 20
ggplot con gradientes complejos
> https://reprex.tidyverse.org/articles/articles/datapasta-reprex.html)
> Un saludo,
> Emilio
> > El 19 sept 2019, a las 18:34, Manuel Mendoza <mmendoza en fulbrightmail.org>
> escribió:
> >
> > Muy buenas. Quiero hacer un mapa que me pinte en azul los valores
> negativos
> > y en rojo los positivos. Los negativos llegan hasta -400 y los positivos
> > hasta 200. Si pongo limits=c(-200, 200), me colorea bien los positivos
> > (rojo), pero los negativos por debajo de -200 me los pone gris. Si pongo
> > limit...
2008 Aug 22
How to Join Samba Client to a Samba PDC Domain with ldap?
Hi People.
I have a domain running samba 3.0.28 with Gentoo+ LDAP+smbldap-tools.
Is running very well, I have about 15 WinXP clients + 1 Win2K3 server.
Is easy to add a win machine to the domain, but now I need to add a
linux box running Centos 5.2, But I have my doubts:
Do I need to edit in my client the openldap settings?
I just need samba?
How my samba client is going to read
2002 Oct 04
samba no deleting spool files
I have samba version 2.2.5 with printing patches.
printpro 4.2.2 = cups version 1.1.14 (I think)
The files queued in /var/spool/samba don't ever get deleted!!
They are deleted after they are printed by cups in the cups spool
Why is samba not deleting the files?
Do I need to specify a pint command?
This is my samba config:
# Global parameters
workgroup =
2016 Dec 15
Redhat Dependencies
Am 15.12.2016 um 19:21 schrieb Dale Renton via samba:
> For CentOS 7 I install these packages before building Samba 4.5.1 from
> source
> # yum install chrony gcc perl python-devel gnutls-devel libacl-devel
> openldap-devel bind bind-utils krb5-workstation gpgme-devel python2-gnupg
but you need https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL as virtually everybody
out there because
2012 Mar 07
Plot por factores
...atos simulados podrían ser:
> datos <- data.frame(v1=sin(1:50), v2= rep(c("a","b","c"), each = 5,
> len = 50))
Ahora mi pregunta, si dibujo la altura de la marea sería:
> plot(datos$v1, type="l")
pero lo que querría es que en este dibujo me pinte de un color distinto
según pertenezca a un tipo de marea u otra, de tal modo que aparezca una
linea continua dibujada a colores.
Gracia a todos, un saludo,
2009 Apr 13
Physical Units in Calculations
Back in 2005 I had been doing most of my work in Mathcad for over 10 years.
For a number of reasons I decided to switch over to R. After much effort and
help from you folks I am finally "thinking" in R rather than thinking in
Mathcad and trying to translating to R. Anyway, the only task I still use
Mathcad for is calculations that involve physical quantities and units. For
example, in
2019 Sep 20
ggplot con gradientes complejos
>> >
>> > Un saludo,
>> > Emilio
>> >
>> > > El 19 sept 2019, a las 18:34, Manuel Mendoza <
>> mmendoza en fulbrightmail.org>
>> > escribió:
>> > >
>> > > Muy buenas. Quiero hacer un mapa que me pinte en azul los valores
>> > negativos
>> > > y en rojo los positivos. Los negativos llegan hasta -400 y los
>> positivos
>> > > hasta 200. Si pongo limits=c(-200, 200), me colorea bien los
>> positivos
>> > > (rojo), pero los negativos por deba...
2010 Oct 27
ggplot - unwanted sorted X values
I have this script:
dat <- data.frame(X = halistat$Date,Y1 = halistat$avg,Y2 = halistat$stdev)
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = X, y = Y1, ymin = Y1 - Y2, ymax = Y1 + Y2)) +
geom_point() + # points at the means
geom_line() + # if you want lines between pints
geom_errorbar() # error bars, Y1 - Y2 and Y1 + Y2
halistat$Date values:
In the resulted
2007 Oct 26
Specing with Subdomains as Account Keys
How do you go about implementing and rspecing subdomains as account
keys? I''m sure that this must be an issues for others as well.
So I have an app using subdomains as account keys. The Application
Controller sets up @current_company in a before filter. Everything is
done within the context of the @current_company.
After reading about Demeter''s Revenge
2008 Oct 15
Speex mem
I need to get an overview over the memory/speed requirements for speex.
We want to investigate whether we can implement on a target processor
with limited resources.
The target processor is a 16 bit fixed pint DSP with a single ALU and
MAC. It runs at 60 MHz and has a total of 16 Kbytes RAM from which other
processing also will eat.
What we would like to implement is a speex encoder and
2013 Jun 19
[LLVMdev] Cambridge LLVM Social next week
On 19 June 2013 17:37, David Chisnall <David.Chisnall at cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> The Boathouse is nice - on the river and with reasonable beer and food.
> The Old Spring is also quite nice, has big tables outside, and is usually
> quite quiet midweek.
I'm open to suggestions, but I don't want people to get lost because we
can't fix on a pub... It almost happened
2015 Nov 04
Two WiFi routers
Can I have two WiFi routers on the same LAN
on my CentOS server?
Timothy Murphy
gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin
2006 Feb 22
Toronto Rails Pub Nite
Monday, March 13th @ 7pm at C''est What? (67 Front St. East in Toronto, ON)
Spread the word! The inaugural Toronto Rails pub nite will be an opportunity
to meet the folks working on Rails in your community. There will be plenty
of opportunity to discuss projects you''re involved with, recruit talent, and
even find out what all of the fuss is about!
Unspace wants to support the