Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "orthonormalized".
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2003 Sep 01
Gram-Schmidt orthonormal factorization
Does R have a function as gsorth is SAS, that perform a the Gram-Schmidt
orthonormal factorization of the m ?n matrix A, where m is greater than or
equal to n? That is, the GSORTH subroutine in SAS computes the
column-orthonormal m ?n matrix P and the upper triangular n ?n matrix T such
that A = P*T.
or any other version of Gram-Schmidt orthonormal factorization?
I search the help, but I
2004 Feb 23
orthonormalization with weights
Hello List,
I would like to orthonormalize vectors contained in a matrix X taking into
account row weights (matrix diagonal D). ie, I want to obtain Z=XA with
I can do the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization with subsequent weighted
regressions. I know that in the case of uniform weights, qr can do the
trick. I wonder if there is a way to do it in the case of non uniform
2008 Nov 03
qr() and Gram-Schmidt
Why the qr() produces a negative Q compared with Gram-Schmidt? (note
example below, except Q[2,3])
Here is an example, I calculate the Q by Gram-Schmidt process and
compare the output with qr.Q()
a <- c(1,0,1)
b <- c(1,0,0)
c <- c(2,1,0)
x <- matrix(c(a,b,c),3,3)
# Gram-Schmidt
A <- matrix(a,3,1)
q1 <-
2003 Aug 13
A question on orthogonal basis vectors
Hey, R-listers,
I have a question about determining the orthogonal
basis vectors.
In the d-dimensinonal space, if I already know
the first r orthogonal basis vectors, should I be
able to determine the remaining d-r orthognal basis
vectors automatically?
Or the answer is not unique?
Thanks for your attention.
2003 Feb 14
How to solve A'A=S for A
It is not clear to me that one can. If the singular value decomposition
of A is the triple product P d Q', then the singular value decomposition
of A'A=S is Q d^2 Q'. The information about the orthonormal matrix P is
lost, is it not?
Cliff Lunneborg, Professor Emeritus, Statistics &
Psychology, University of Washington,
2007 Feb 13
Questions about results from PCAproj for robust principal component analysis
I have been looking at the PCAproj function in package pcaPP (R 2.4.1) for
robust principal components, and I'm trying to interpret the results. I
started with a data matrix of dimensions RxC (R is the number of rows /
observations, C the number of columns / variables). PCAproj returns a list
of class princomp, similar to the output of the function princomp. In a
case where I can
2003 Jul 11
How to generate regression matrix with correlation matrix
Dear R community:
I want to simulate a regression matrix which is generated from an orthonormal matrix X of dimension 30*10 with different between-column pairwise correlation coefficients generated from uniform distribution U(-1,1).
Thanks in advance!
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More clear statement about the question of how to generate regression matrix with correlation matrix
2003 Jul 12
More clear statement about the question of how to generate regression matrix with correlation matrix
Dear R community:
I am trying to do a simulation study mentioned by Fu (1998), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Volume7, Number 3, Page 397-416. In order to give a clear statement of quesion I copy the following paragraph from the article: We compare the bridge model with the OLS, the lasso and the ridge in a simulation of a linear regression model of 30 observations and 10
2011 Dec 13
Inverse matrix using eigendecomposition
General goal: Write R code to find the inverse matrix of an nxn positive
definite symmetric matrix. Use solve() to verify your code works.
Started with a 3x3 matrix example to build the code, but something dosen't
seem to be working. I just don't know where I am going wrong.
##Example matrix I found online
##Caculate the eigen
2010 Jan 16
La.svd of a symmetric matrix
Dear R list users,
the singluar value decomposition of a symmetric matrix M is UDV^(T), where U = V.
La.svd(M) gives as output three elements: the diagonal of D and the two orthogonal matrices u and vt (which is already the transpose of v).
I noticed that the transpose of vt is not exactly u. Why is that?
thank you for your attention and your help
AVVISO IMPORTANTE: Questo messaggio di
2004 Aug 26
Why terms are dropping out of an lm() model
Hi all!
I'm fairly new to R and not too experienced with regression. Because
of one or both of those traits, I'm not seeing why some terms are being
dropped from my model when doing a regression using lm().
I am trying to do a regression on some experimental data d, which has
two numeric predictors, p1 and p2, and one numeric response, r. The aim
is to compare polynomial models in p1
2004 May 06
Orthogonal Polynomial Regression Parameter Estimation
Dear all,
Can any one tell me how can i perform Orthogonal
Polynomial Regression parameter estimation in R?
Here is an "Orthogonal Polynomial" Regression problem
collected from Draper, Smith(1981), page 269. Note
that only value of alpha0 (intercept term) and signs
of each estimate match with the result obtained from
coef(orth.fit). What
2008 Jan 06
SVD least squares sub-space projection
Hi all,
A good new year for everybody.
Could somebody help me on a question?
The Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix A gives A = U * D * t(V)
I A is a M X N matrix, U is the left singular matrix (M X N), D is a
diagonal singular values matrix (N X N) and V is the transpose right
singular ortogonal matrix (N X N).
By taking the first l columns of V, with gives a (l X l) matrix, i
2011 Jul 07
Polynomial fitting
i'm fairly familiar with R and use it every now and then for math related
I have a simple non polynomial function that i would like to approximate
with a polynomial. I already looked into poly, but was unable to understand
what to do with it. So my problem is this. I can generate virtually any
number of datapoints and would like to find the coeffs a1, a2, ... up to a
2013 Oct 11
Gaussian Quadrature for arbitrary PDF
Hi all,
We know that Hermite polynomial is for
Gaussian, Laguerre polynomial for Exponential
distribution, Legendre polynomial for uniform
distribution, Jacobi polynomial for Beta distribution. Does anyone know
which kind of polynomial deals with the log-normal, Studentæ¯ t, Inverse
gamma and Fisheræ¯ F distribution?
Thank you in advance!
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2010 Feb 08
Hypercube in R
Dear all,
Does anybody have an idea or suggestion how to construct (plot)
4-dimensional hypercube in R.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Regards, Andrej
2007 Jun 06
correspondence analysis
I am new to R and I have a question about the difference between
correspondence analysis in R and SPSS.
This is the input table I am working with (4 products and 18 attributes):
> mytable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 15 11 20 4 14 7 1 2 1 4 12 12 17 19 11 20 9 10
2 19 18 14 14 16 4 14 11 11 15 22 19 22 16 21 19 15 16
3 16 13 10 9 15 4 10 7 11 13 18
2005 Mar 14
r: eviews and r // eigen analysis
hi all
i have a question that about the eigen analysis found in R and in
i used the same data set in the two packages and found different
answers. which is incorrect?
the data is:
aa ( a correlation matrix)
1 0.9801 0.9801 0.9801 0.9801
0.9801 1 0.9801 0.9801 0.9801
0.9801 0.9801 1 0.9801 0.9801
0.9801 0.9801 0.9801 1 0.9801
0.9801 0.9801 0.9801 0.9801 1
> svd(aa)
[1] 4.9204
2013 Nov 28
Find the prediction or the fitted values for an lm model
I would like to fit my data with a 4th order polynomial. Now I have only
5 data point, I should have a polynomial that exactly pass the five point
Then I would like to compute the "fitted" or "predict" value with a
relatively large x dataset. How can I do it?
BTW, I thought the model "prodfn" should pass by (0,0), but I just
wonder why the const is
2009 Sep 18
A stat related question
Can I ask a small stat. related question here?
Suppose I have two predictors for a time series processes and accuracy of
predictor is measured from MSEs. My question is, if two predictors give same
MSE then, necessarily they have to be identical? Can anyone provide me any
counter example?
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