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2012 Sep 02
Impact of cex changing as a function of mfrow
R 2.15.1
OS X (MLion)
I am aware that changes in mfrow / mfcol in par() affect cex (from help: In a layout with exactly two rows and columns the base value of ?"cex"? is reduced by a factor of 0.83: if there are three or more of either rows or columns, the reduction factor is 0.66).
I generate a multipage PDF in which mfrow varies such that cex is impacted. This affect
2004 Aug 02
How to add a common title (or xlab, ylab) for multi-plots in the same window?
Dear R people,
I am using par(mfrow=c()) to plot multi-figures in the same window. And I like
to put a common title (and xlab, ylab) for all of plots. I have already left
some margin by resetting omi values in par() and hided all (xlab, ylab) for
each sub-plot. Could anyone tell me how to do that?
Thanks a lot,
2008 Jun 26
Layout() coordinates and drawing lines / segments
I am trying to wrap my head around the coordinates systems associated with
the layout() function ...with the end goal of simply drawing a decorative
line in the upper margin of my figure, which is composed of three plots.
My output is defined as this:
postscript("out.ps", horizontal=FALSE,
2004 Sep 07
gridBase and heatmap
I would like to use gridBase to place four separate heatmaps (actually,
a stripped-down heatmap.2 from ght gregmisc package that contains only
the "image" part) into four different viewports. I can get the
placement correct, but I keep 'losing' the previous plot. Any
Here is some quick example code trying to put a heatmap into the left
viewport and then
2008 Feb 18
Plotting a legend outside the figure - units
Dear R gurus,
I am trying to plot a legend in the margins of a figure. The basic idea is to have two (or more) plots on the same figure, but then to have a common legend at the bottom of the plot. The approach that I have taken is to setup the figures, then do a "dummy" plot of the legend to determine the height of the legend box (ie from the value returned by the legend() command). I
2011 Feb 17
need tick marks by 10s or 20s up to 200 on x axis
Sorry, I have read other posts on tick marks but nothing is working.
Here is my R code. I was able to turn off the x axis at one point (I
removed that code), but never got the tick marks on by 20s. It always goes
to the default of 50, 100, 150, 200.
R code: hist(OMY$FL, main = "2010 Oncorhynchus mykiss Fork Length
Frequencies at Buck Creek Reach 1", include.lowest = TRUE,
2012 Oct 31
Gráfico von varias variables
Estimados amigos,
Tengo el siguiente set de datos:
caps <- datos[datos$NombreDepartamento=="LANUS", c("CAPS", "personas",
"PersonasRCVG", "Con12Meses")]
caps$prevalencia <- round(caps$PersonasRCVG/caps$personas*100,1)
CAPS personas PersonasRCVG Con12Meses prevalencia
2345 2345 1347 132 211 9.8
2012 Sep 25
Bug or misunderstanding of par(pin)?
Dear all,
I am currently trying to create a plot showing multiple single plots, for
which the important issue is that the size of each plot region (not figure
region!) has to be of a fixed dimension (in my case: width=1 inch, height=
0.87 inches).
I tried to use "pin" to fix the plotting region to a specific size, but
without success.
The following example will visualize the problem:
2009 Jun 22
Help needed: Fraction for Histogram > 1 ???
I have been trying to draw histogram for my manscript and found some strange
things that I could not figure out why.
Using the same code listed below I have successfully draw histograms for a
few figures with fraction labeled on Y axis less than 1 (acturally between 0
to 0.1). But one dataset gives the Y axis label 0 to 5 as fraction. This
is not true, as fraction are less than 1, although the
2008 Jul 02
position legend below x-axis title
Dear helpers,
I'm using a R script on several different datasets, which makes that
axis scales may vary quite a lot from dataset to dataset. So what I'm
looking for now, is how to automagically find out how to position the
legend (horizontal) in the space below the x-axis title, and how to
make sure that the legend is within the limits of the lower inner or
outer margin?
I'm aware of
2003 Nov 26
pdf files, change in content
There seems to be something different about pdf files generated under
RAqua (1.8.1).
I am losing text.
I am not sure when things changed but, on Carbon 1.7, when files were
'drag and dropped' onto another application they worked fine. Now the
text is lost but the graphics are intact. However the text is there
when viewed with Acrobat.
On the other hand, if I output to an eps file and
2003 Dec 06
pdf() function, screen command and graphs
Dear [R]-list,
I am trying to do a pdf() of the following graphs but don't understand
why the pdf() function does produce an empty pdf file.
(I use R1.7.0 on MacOS 10.2.8)
any idea? Is pdf() incompatible with screen?
Thanks a lot,
## create dataset
## graphs
2010 Jun 10
Issues with Bar Graph
Hello all!
I am relatively new at R and was having a few issues with the following
barplot(c(5724.688,7290.7875), ylab=expression(paste(Delta, "AUC 45-200 min
(?g/ml * 155 min)")), xlim=c(0,2), width=0.5,
border="black",font.lab=2,cex.lab=1.7, names.arg=c("Saline (n=8)", "Exendin
(9-39) (n=8)"), axisnames=TRUE, cex.names=1.7, ylim=c(0,9000),
2011 Aug 15
Font size R
Hi everyone.
I'm using this following code:
pdf(file="Fig5.pdf", width = 4.86, height = 6.29, pointsize = 10, family
par(mfcol = c(3,2), mai = c(0.4,0.8,0,0), omi = c(0.7, 0, 0.7, 0.1));
hist( rnorm(100) )
When I open this in any vectorial software (like Illustrator), it says that
my font size is 7 instead of 10 that I specified.
I have tried
2009 Mar 20
Howto Supress Extra Blank Page in gridBase
Dear all,
I have a simple plot using "gridBase" like this.
The problem occurs whenever I execute this code
there is always a blank page created before the actual plot.
How can we disable that blank page?
I am using: R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25)
and gridBase version: 0.4-3
__ BEGIN__
opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
2011 Jun 09
How to shift the heat map
Hi, what i need is as the example i attached in the box plot. As you can
see, the boxplot have margins and it kind
of follow the coding I've added, but, it does not happen for the heat
map. Could you help me with this.. Thanks in advance.
the following is the coding i've used:
# Draw the heatmap
# heatmap.r
# Purpose: Create a heatmap
# Input: Data matrix as
2013 Jan 07
Changing mtext direction, or using text for the margin?
Hi all,
I have read through the archives, but can't find a solution to this problem.
I need the text direction on "dependent B", plotted in margin 4, to go
top to bottom (opposite what it is now). Here's some sample code:
#plot with mtext example
par(mgp = c(2,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2), las=1, mar=c(2,2,2,2), omi=
2009 Jan 14
How to get legend outside of plot?
I am creating a CDF plot function more user-friendly than any default r
function. Depending upon the bimodality of the data (it is often bimodal),
or any other strange data trends, the points can end up gathering in just
about any corner of the plot. So, when I add a legend, whether I choose to
add it in the bottom right, top left, or wherever, it will sometimes end up
putting the legend right
2011 Mar 10
Main title in a multiple display of graphs
I want to display four xyplots in the same window (sorry if I don't use the propers words, but my English is rude)
I know that if I use plot(y~x) then
would give what I want, but this is not the case because I need the functions of xyplot.
So I did the following:
2008 Apr 08
plot function / par() settings
Dear all;
I'm trying to create a 2 x 3 plot (something I know like lattice can
do better) using the plot function. However; I'm not sure how to make
the width of the plots to be the same on each column. I guess the
answer maybe obvious but I haven't been able to figure it out. I'll
appreciate any suggestion. Here is the (highly inefficient) code for
the first row:
par(mfrow =