search for: numis

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "numis".

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2007 Jan 23
How to generate 'minor' ticks in lattice (qqmath)
Dear group, I tried to generate labels for every second tick in lattice (qqmath). Version: 0.14-16 Date: 2006/12/01 R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) An example: library(lattice) numy=100 y=runif(numy,min=0,max=1) sig=0.05 numsig=length(which(y<sig)) # number of ticks labl=as.character(0.1*tcks-0.1) # label for all ticks labl[seq(2,,2)]="" # delete
2011 Aug 25
within-groups variance and between-groups variance
Hello, I have been looking for functions for calculating the within-groups variance and between-groups variance, for the case where you have several numerical variables describing samples from a number of groups. I didn't find such functions in R, so wrote my own versions myself (see below). I can calculate the within- and between-groups variance for the Sepal.length variable (iris[1]) in
2011 Jul 05
How to translate string to variable inside a command in an easy way in R
I want to write a function that get 2 strings y and z and does the following R command. temp<-qq1[qq1$z==y,] for example if it get y="AMI" and z="PrimaryConditionGroup" It should do the following temp<-qq1[qq1$PrimaryConditionGroup=="AMI",] I could do it by the following function that is ugly and I wonder if there is an easier way to do it espacielly when temp
2012 Mar 12
Speeding up lots of calls to GLM
Dear useRs, First off, sorry about the long post. Figured it's better to give context to get good answers (I hope!). Some time ago I wrote an R function that will get all pairwise interactions of variables in a data frame. This worked fine at the time, but now a colleague would like me to do this with a much larger dataset. They don't know how many variables they are going to have in the
2013 Jul 18
001: RELIABILITY FIX: March 15, 2013
...this. It could be the source of some issues I am seeing with mpirun/mpiexec.hydra/ssh (post earlier today), and information about what it leads to (and any signatures) would be helpful. Thanks. -- Professor Laurence Marks Department of Materials Science and Engineering Northwestern University 1-847-491-3996 "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought" Albert Szent-Gyorgi
2013 Jul 18
Any way to over-ride the "-q" option to debug a possible race condition?
...nches a series of mpi tasks via a ssh connection. N.B., if there are some known issues with that ssh version that may be relevant, information would be useful as I could push on the sys_admin. -- Professor Laurence Marks Department of Materials Science and Engineering Northwestern University 1-847-491-3996 "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought" Albert Szent-Gyorgi
2005 May 25
Error with user defined split function in rpart (PR#7895)
Full_Name: Bill Wheeler Version: 2.0.1 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( The program to reproduce the error is below. I am calling rpart with a user-defined split function for a binary response variable and one continuous independent variable. The split function works for some datasets but not others. The error is: Error in "$<"(`*tmp*`,
2008 May 28
calling C function from R
Hi, I am reading the source code of rpart. I have problems understand the following code and would appreciate for any helps. In rpart.s, there is a line: rpfit &lt;- .C(C_s_to_rp, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; n = as.integer(nobs), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; nvarx
2002 Aug 28
user defined function in rpart
Hi, I am trying to use the rpart library with my own set of functions on a survival object. I get an immeadiate segmentation fault when i try calling rpart with my list of functions. I get the same problem with the logrank example from Therneau,s S-rpart library though their anova example works. Should I report this as a bug, as even if my functions are structured improperly, that should lead to
2005 Aug 26
Help in Compliling user -defined functions in Rpart
I have been trying to write my own user defined function in Rpart.I imitated the anova splitting rule which is given as an example.In the work I am doing ,I am calculating the concentration index(ci) ,which is in between -1 and +1.So my deviance is given by abs(ci)*(1-abs(ci)).Now when I run rpart incorporating this user defined function i get the following error message: Error in
2013 Jul 20
Failure to Launch (was override -q option)
...liable indicating that the issue really is ssh related, but since the problem only occurs for 0.1-0.2 % of the connections I need to let 10 jobs run for a day or so more before I can be certain. -- Professor Laurence Marks Department of Materials Science and Engineering Northwestern University 1-847-491-3996 "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought" Albert Szent-Gyorgi