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2013 May 11
prediction in a loop with only one sample
Dear all,
I have a sample with 920 observations. I want to create a loop which takes
300 of these observations for the prediction and the rest to estimate the
My idea was to create something like this:
cs.training.dat <- read.table...
cs.training.dat_sub1 <- subset(cs.training.dat, Income>10)
cs.training.dat_sub2 <- subset(cs.training.dat_sub1, Dept.Ratio<=1)
2006 Nov 17
Forming SQL Query at run-time
I am trying to get data from mysql database using a couple of queries.
I do one query to find out the indexes. Then i need to use these
indexes in another query, but i keep getting errors.
Here is something:
numb <- dbSendQuery(con2, "select distinct(comparison) from table1")
count <- fetch(numb, -1)
my.matrix <- as.matrix(count)
rs <- dbSendQuery(con2, "select
1999 Jun 23
does a factorial function exist
I've looked through the documentation with R-0.64.1 and have been unable
to find a high-level function for evaluation of factorials (i.e., n!, not
factorial designs). Is there such a function?
It is trivial to code, so everyone could write their own, but it also
would be worthwhile as a standard tool. I'm guessing I am just
overlooking it.
2005 Feb 15
Sixtel.net / IAX.CC - Vanity Toll-Free Numbe r
I've tried to make toll-free DID work for the last 2-3 weeks. Apparently
only the IAX.CC/Sixtel personnel can make a call to my toll-free. Anybody
else just gets a busy signal. It takes for them about 5-6 business days to
respond to my request. It seems they are looking in the once a week to the
High priority tickets.
It also seems that they are permanently closed ! No matter when I
2012 Sep 14
Adding annotations to qplot from a data frame
I have the following data frame:
> algaedata =
year DIV cellsperml
2001 BAC 72.808
2001 CHL 3.273
2002 BAC 14.002
2002 CYA 220.896
2002 UNI 464.699
2003 BAP 0
2003 BAC 1.782
2004 CYA 315.799
2005 UNI 222.532
2005 BAP 0.2
2005 CYA 163.627
2005 BAC 324.949
2006 CHL 1.636
2006 BAC 199.145
2007 CHL 19.635
2007 CYA 134.174
2007 BAC 485.405
2007 CHL 11.454
2007 CYA 104.721
...which makes a fine
2009 Sep 06
selecting columns based on values of two variables
Dear R-list,
I am having troubles selecting rows from a very large data-set
containing distances between capitals.
The structure of the data-set looks like this:
numa ida numb idb kmdist midist
1 2 USA 20 CAN 731 456
2 2 USA 31 BHM 1623 1012
3 2 USA 40 CUB 1813 1130
I want to select a subset of these dyads, and have
2007 Sep 23
Network Construction in R
I am trying to construct a social network from a data frame with rows
acra numa acrb numb year expab eabo impab iabo
10 USA 2 CAN 20 1957 4017.000 0.0 3187.000 0.0
91 USA 2 CUB 40 1957 628.000 0.0 526.000 0.0
144 USA 2 HAI 41 1957 25.000 0.0 20.000 0.0
and so on.
I want the network to have directed edges from node acra to node
2006 Jun 15
DUNDi Not Able to HandleComplexFailoverSituations
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Watkins, Bradley [mailto:Bradley.Watkins@compuware.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:36 AM
> To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
> Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] DUNDi Not Able to
> HandleComplexFailoverSituations
> Is it possible for you to explain in more detail the
> situation involved.
2011 Jan 28
klibc 1.5.21-1 and mksh
tags 516774 = patch
tags 516294 = upstream
Please find attached a diff closing #516774 by adding mkstemp(3),
again with a minimalistic pseudo-arc4random(3) behind it. I?ve
revisited the code. An mkstemp testsuite from the ?net shows it
works, except for not caring how many ?X?en are in the template.
Addressing #516294, it allows compiling and linking an mksh from
today?s CVS against
2006 Nov 03
read file problem
I have the following file I want to import to R (some lines
Calibrated CTD data for station:00280001
Calibrated:23/8 2001, Salinity Unsmoothed, Fluorescence Uncalibrated
Maximum observed depth: 36 m
QUAL has one digit for each of pressure, temp., sal. and fluor.
QUAL=1:Uncal., QUAL=2:OK, QUAL=6:Interp., QUAL=9:No data
2004 Jan 25
My story installing Samba-LDAP PDC (it has a happy ending )
i am also struggling with having a windows machine (xp) connect to a
sampa-ldap pdc. as far as the guide detailing vegeta's work, i'm somewhere
around step 5 where you groupmap the windows groups to the linux groups.
but unfortunately when i run the command: net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain
Admins" unixgroup=domadmin it fails.
the error returned is : adding entry Domain Admins
2011 Nov 15
averaging between rows with repeated data
*The situation (or an example at least!)*
2013 Apr 18
Subsetting a large number into smaller numbers and find the largest product
I have a big number lets say of around hundred digits. I want to subset
that big number into consecutive number of 5 digits and find the product of
those 5 digits. For example my first 5 digit number would be 73167. I need
to check the product of the individual numbers in 73167 and so on.
The sample number is as follows:
2024 Dec 10
Bug#1089621: xen: Invalid copyright years "2022-present"
Source: xen
Version: 4.17.3+36-g54dacb5c02-1
Severity: serious
Justification: Policy 2.3, 4.5, 12.5
X-Debbugs-CC: ftpmaster at debian.org
Dear maintainer,
Copyright 2022-present Keir Fraser and/or many others"
is not a valid copyright claim. Copyright is always time-limited, so it
simply does not make sense to say "-present".
Also, our copyright format is already implicitly
2012 Feb 07
my notes on bond, bridge, network, kvm, host and virtual so far
I put this page together just so I won't spam the board anymore begging
for help..lol
This shows a working effort of bonded eths, bridged into a vm, and a few
other things.
The only missing thing is something on the host that ends up putting the
VM internet
connection into some kind of limbo.
Whether it is hardware related, bug related, libvirt nat
2003 Dec 22
cancelling interdomain trusts
Mother always told me that there'd be days like this. She just didn't
tell me that they go on for weeks.
OK - John's book suggests that we're not complete in this arena
here...Yeah, I bought the Samba 3 How-to-guide - Borders/Phoenix had 3
on the shelf (now 2) - and also an LDAP book for reference. It's been a
fun weekend ;-)
# smbpasswd -x -i MULLEN
2007 Mar 28
geoRglm question with covariates
Hi All,
I'm trying to use the geoRglm package to run a poisson spatial glm
on a dataset with several covariates. When I run without covariates I
have no problems.
control1.data.geo <- mcmc.control(S.scale=0.2, thin = 1)
model1.data.geo <- list(cov.pars = c(1,1), beta=c(1), family="poisson")
test1.model1 <- glsm.mcmc(data.geo, model=model1.data.geo,
2008 Nov 02
error in lapply (sorry error in last e-mail)
Dear all,
I am getting a error while using lapply to generate plots. The variable
".name" is used to identify each plot in the "main" variable. The method
worked once but afterwards seems to throw up an error when used in a
different case. The input ...
dataOut <- lapply(names(dataIn), FUN = function(.name){
anotherplotFun(dataIn[[.name]], numb = .name)} )
Throws up the
2007 Oct 23
typo in italian translation (PR#10367)
read.table in a table with numb of read elements not
multiple of columns
Avviso in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
na.strings, :
il numero di elemtni letti non ?? un multiplo del numero di
--> change "elemtni" to "elementi"
2000 Mar 09
[Galen Hancock <galen@veribox.net>] Information leakage in sshd
Thought I'd just forward this here, because I don't have time to look
into it right now, and am off skiing next week.
I'd guess that we should be checking for username = ``root'' before
going off to do password checks, and rejecting it on that basis first.
Cheers, Phil.
Mind-numbingly stupid UK law alert!
Act now to stop it! http://www.stand.org.uk/