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2005 Jan 31
share mounted MANY times...
I've been searching for a solution to this problem for a few hours now, but google searches are coming up empty. I have 3 Linux boxes all running Suse 9.1 and samba 3.0.2a. The 3 systems are: Novi - the samba server Newberry - mounting novi Sagola - mounting novi This work great, until "mount -a" is run. Each time mount -a is run, we get another mount of novi. When I type
2014 Aug 11
Novi Zakon o radu stupio je na snagu 7.kolovoza 2014
Ako ova poruka nije prikazama u cjelini, možete je pogledati na webu.. Dana 15. srpnja 2014. u Saboru je izglasan Novi Zakon o radu! Novi Zakon o radu stupio je na snagu 7. kolovoza 2014. Novo stru??no izdanje! 30% popusta u prednarud??bi! komentar uz svaki pojedini ??lanak, iz kojega ??e ??itatelji mo??i saznati kako se pojedina odredba zakona u praksi primjenjuje,
2006 Aug 18
setting a value of text_field from a controller
...CT, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE, NetApp Filer & NetCache gPG: CB78 76D9 210F 256A ADF4 0B02 BECA D462 66AB 6F56 / $ID: 66AB6F56 GCS d-(?) s: a- C++ ULHISC*++++$ P+++>++++ L+++$>++++ E--- W+++$ N++(+) !o !K w(---) !O !M V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ !5 X? R tv b+ !DI D+ G e>+++ h---- r+++ z+++@ novy pohled na svicky: ===============================================================================
2003 Oct 08
2 questions regarding base-n and identifing digits
Dear listers, I have two questions: (1) Is there a way in R to change the base-n of the calculations. I wnat to run some calculations either in binary (base-2) or base-4. Is there a way to specify that in R - to chnage from the decimal? (2) I also want to extract the digits from a larger number and store them as a vector. I could do it through converting top string, parsing the string and
2005 Dec 21
Why lmer() is not working, altough lme4 is installed?
I have installed lme4 library, but when I try something with lmer() function, I receive error message. On the other hand, I can use lme() function from the same library. Are those two the very same function or not? I am a bit confused. I am using: $platform: "i386-pc-linux-gnu" $arch: "i386" $os: "linux-gnu" $system: "i386, linux-gnu" $major: "2"
2010 May 16
R GUI ???
Hello ! I am really happy to find this list. I am not new to R but to Debian or Linux in general. Up to now I used R on MS Windows but now I want to use R on Debian lenny. I have absolutely no experience with Debian. I was able to install R 2.11 on my system using the instruction in the readme on CRAN. I can open R in the shell. On windows I used R with the R GUI or with Tinn-R. Is there the
2003 Feb 07
a question regarding s-plus libraries and R
Hi! I am a relatively new user of R and I use it to prepare my dissertation. I have come to some very usefull and specific libraries written for S-PLUS 4 and would like to use them in R. Is that possible? I just found out that one of these libraries has already been transfered to R, while 3 others have not. For the matter of beeing more exact I''m interested in the dealing with missing
2003 Sep 06
automatic model specification
Dear listers, I must first say that all the suggestions and help I got from the list so far was of great help to my work. I approach you with another question. Is it possible to generate an automatic specification of the formula for lme (or other models in R)? Let me clarify. I'm using models in a simulation run and can have variable number of variables in the data. I would like to generate
2003 Sep 03
glmmPQL probelm
Dear listers, First let me appologize if the same mail arrives multiple times. Recently I had some probelms sending my e-mails to the list. I encountered a problem when running glmmPQL procuedure doing multilevel modeling with a dichotomous outcome. Those are the two error messages I usually get: Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3)
2005 Nov 30
How to solve allocation problem in lme() analysis?
Hello! I am running analysis on the data from 4 experiments, with approximately 4600 rows (cases). My working model is: fitA1 = lme(RT~F1+F2+L,random=~1|Experiment/Subject,data=data) Model works very fine, but if I try to check whether the effect of L depends on Experiments/Subjects with: fitA2 = lme(RT~F1+F2+L,random=~1+L|Experiment/Subject,data=data) [with the idea to make: anova(fitA1,fitA2)]
2007 May 22
[Nut-upsdev] Belkin USB UPSes
...erson to > trip over this, too.) Take care that there is difference depending on udev version and libusb. As ther was changes around the access to /proc in the kernel, this is changed in the udev. So now it makes devices under /dev/bus/usb/xxx And for libusb, Quote: * Fri Jan 27 2006 Jindrich Novy <jnovy at> 0.1.11-2 - change device search order, /dev/bus/usb is tried first, then /proc/bus/usb, and never try /sys/bus/usb (#178994) Unquote This was released in libusb 0.1.12 so now the device is /dev/bus/usb/00x/00x The /proc/bus/usb/xxx/xxx is setup to belong to root:usb...
2011 Jun 03
Checking and building package
Hello! I am truing to compile an R-package having c-code. I put foo.c in src/ folder and useDynLib("foo") in NAMESPACE file. When trying R CMD check, I got an error message that shared object 'foo' is not found. Then I did R CMD SHLIB foo.c first. However, after that, I got warnings from R CMD check that there is an object file in /src folder. Even worse is if I run R CMD
2009 Jun 22
Request for Wiki edit permission - booting into kickstart from all-in-one USB flash drive
I'm currently testing a process very similar to that found here: And would like to update that doc with my observations once confirmed. Preliminary notes (not all relevant to that specific WikiPage - suggestions for where to put the non-kickstart info? First boot partition on USB is FAT32 and uses GRUB to chainload to the second ext2
2003 Sep 30
FW: error predicting values from the LME
HI all, I might add some more information in order to possibly solve my problem. I'm really stuck and no obvious solutions do the trick. I'm using R 1.7.1 on Windows 2000 with the packages regurarly updated. I'm using hypothetical data constructed as a pseudo population conforming to a certain Var-Cov structure. I might add that just > predict(level2) works. But when I add the
2003 Jun 25
within group variance of the coeficients in LME
Dear listers, I can't find the variance or se of the coefficients in a multilevel model using lme. I want to calculate a Chi square test statistics for the variability of the coefficients across levels. I have a simple 2-level problem, where I want to check weather a certain covariate varies across level 2 units. Pinheiro Bates suggest just looking at the intervals or doing a rather
2005 Dec 31
Problems with updating R-packages
Dear Helpers, I am new in Linux and R, trying to update packages I need in my work, but repeatedly I failed for reasons I do not understand. First, I use: > update.packages() Then, I choose nearest mirror and accept update of 'Design' package: > Design : > Version 2.0-9 installed in /usr/lib/R/site-library > Version 2.0-12 available at > Update
2006 Jun 01
8xx, p4M800, sis661FX mobo success
Hi, I would like to ask if anyone had a success running Windows as VMX guest on a motherboard with Intel 8xx, Sis 661FX or Via P4M800 or P4M800 Pro chipsets for socket 775. I briefly succeded running Windows XP on PCChips P21G motherboard with Pentium D 930 but now starting WMX guest freezes the machine. I think it has something to do with the motherboard becaue I was not able to boot from IDE
2003 Sep 29
predicting values from the LME
Dear listers, I experinced a problem prdicting the values using the LME with multilevel data. I have NA's in my dependent variable and the model is fitted only on the completed cases. I want to estimate the predicted values for the rest of the data (those cases with missing dep. variable) I extracted a subset from the original file containing the variables used in the model as well as the
2003 Oct 25
memory optimization and use of recursion
Hi listers, In light with the recent discussion on the optimizing the use of memory in straneous proceudres i present you m problem, and hope to some additional ideas. I'm running a simualtion that in each step uses quite an amount of memory (but not exceedingly) - just to give you an idea - I create a pseudo population (n=1000, m=3) run lme and lm model and multiply impute (M=5) and do the
2004 Feb 08
bootstrap estimates for lme
Dear listers, I would like to get the bootstrap estimates form my lme model. I have an HLM (multillevel) 2-level model with the dichotomous outcome. I used glmmPQL procedure. However I have a problem since I have a rather unbalanced proportion (90-99% of events, i.e. ones and only 1-10% of nonevents - zeros) although sample sizes are not that small between 500 and 1000 I get pretty weird and