Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "nistnls".
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2005 Apr 06
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to test the accurracy of R on the Eckerle4 dataset from NIST and
I don't understand how the control option of the nls function works.
I tought nls(...) was equivalent to nls(...control=nls.control()) i.e nls.control() was the default value of control, but here is the error I get :
> n2=nls(V1~(b1/b2) *
2001 Oct 11
Where's MVA?
...OPYING), except for ./src/muin2ser.f and ./misc which are free for non-commercial purposes. See file README for details.
URL: http://www.r-project.org
Index of Contents (Text)
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Package Sources
AnalyzeFMRI CoCoAn Devore5 EMV GLMMGibbs GenKern GeneSOM KernSmooth Matrix NISTnls Oarray PHYLOGR PTAk RArcInfo RMySQL RODBC RPgSQL RandomFields RmSQL Rstreams Rwave SASmixed SuppDists VR XML acepack adapt akima ash bindata blighty boot bootstrap bqtl car cclust cfa chron cluster cmprsk coda conf.design cramer date diamonds dse e1071 ellipse event.chart exactRankTests fastICA fdi...
2011 Mar 02
power regression: which package?
Dear R users and R friends,
I have a little problem... I don't know anymore which package to use if
I want to perform a power regression analysis.
To be clear, I want to fit a regression model like this:
fit <- ....(y ~ a * x ^ b + c)
where a, b and c are coefficients of the model.
The R Site does not have the answer I want...
Thanks in advance and with kind regards,
2013 Feb 20
NLS results different from Excel
The idea that the Excel solver "has a good reputation for being fast and
accurate" does not withstand an examination of the Excel solver's
ability to solve the StRD nls test problems. Solver's ability is
abysmal. 13 of 27 "answers" have zero accurate digits, and three more
have fewer than two accurate digits -- and this is after tuning the
solver to get a good
1999 Nov 01
outdated PACKAGES in CRAN
I just installed the new R 0.65.1
The fonctionnality to upgrade and install packages is a very great idea.
But the file PACKAGES at http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at:80/R/src/contrib/
is outdated : 3 of the 4 packages i try to install failed with a 404 not found :
the package version are newer than the entry in the PACKAGES file :
survival4 survival4_1.4-0.tar.gz Version: 1.1-0
rpart rpart_1.0-7.tar.gz
1999 Jun 02
lme problem ?
Dear friends. I tried the session below with 10 MB in both vsize and nsize but didn't get the
example work. Is this a problem in LME or in me or both or somewhere else or undefined ?
R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.64.0 Patched (May 3, 1999)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
1999 Jun 02
Sv: lme problem ?
>installed. Many of the enhancements to nls for S were written as part
>of the NLME library and the R version of NLME is the lme package.
>(Now that I write this all out it doesn't make as much sense as it
>seemed to earlier but ...)
>There is also a package for R called NISTnls. This package includes
>the data and models for the nonlinear least squares examples at the
>U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). By
>running the examples in that package you can check the nls function
1999 Nov 02
discrepancy between PACKAGES file and contents of the contrib directory (PR#309)
OS: not applicable
Submission from: (NULL) (
Here's the listing of difference in version and existence between the PACKAGES
file found in the contrib directory and the content of the directory.
This cause a problem with the automatic install (and upgrade) of packages
bats not found in /R/src/contrib
VR_5.3pl037-2.tar.gz not found in PACKAGES
Package: mclust
nnet not found in /R/src/contrib
ppr not found in /R/src/contrib
ratetables_1.0-2.tar.gz not found in PACKAGES
2008 May 15
Inconsistent linear model calculations
...Experimental Data
JGR JGR - Java Gui for R
lmtest Testing Linear Regression Models
locfit Local Regression, Likelihood and Density
mvtnorm Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
NISTnls Nonlinear least squares examples from NIST
nlme Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
nlstools Tools for nonlinear regression diagnostics
nlt A nondecimated lifting transform for signal
2006 Jul 30
NIST StRD linear regression
NIST maintains a repository of Statistical Reference Datasets at
http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/strd/. I have been working through the
datasets to compare R's results to their references with the hope that
if all works well, this could become a validation package.
All the linear regression datasets give results with some degree of
accuracy except one. The NIST model includes 11 parameters,
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once