Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "matchprobes".
2004 May 14
rma and gcrma do not work in R 1.9.0
I run R 1.9.0 on windows 2000, and have the following libraries installed:
1. The rma function (in affy library) always crashes.
2. When executing the sample code in gcrma function's document, the
following error occures:
Loading r...
2011 May 08
Error in AnnotationDbi package - makeProbePackage
...filters to analyse one specie or another.
I'm using the makeProbePackage available in the AnnotationDbi (for a
R-2.13.0) but I got the following error message:
Error in rep(NA, max(pm1, mm1, pm2, mm2)) : invalid 'times' argument
I already tried an old version of R-2.9.1 with a package matchprobes (that
is no longer update for R-2.13.0)
but the same error occurs.
Does anyone knows how could I overcome this problem?
Thank you very much for your attention.
Best Regards,
Helga Garcia
PhD student
Applied and Environmental Mycology Lab/Molecular Thermodynamics Lab
2010 Jan 29
combine 3 affybatches
Im trying to combine 3 affybatches (1x hgu133+2 array and 2x hgu133a array)
Im useing this script:
u133p2 = ReadAffy() # reading hgu133 +2 cel file into affybatch
u133a1 = ReadAffy() # reading hgu133a cel file into affybatch
u133a2 = ReadAffy() # reading hgu133a cel file into affybatch
2008 Jun 19
Installation Error with Bioconductor on R
...ot; "annaffy" "annotate"
[6] "Biobase" "Biostrings" "DynDoc" "gcrma" "genefilter"
[11] "geneplotter" "hgu95av2.db" "limma" "marray" "matchprobes"
[16] "multtest" "ROC" "vsn" "xtable" "affyQCReport"
Anything that I install after this gives me the same error. I tried uninstalling R 2.7.0 and installing R 2.6.2, and performing the same commands, as above, bu...
2003 Oct 23
Accessing data files w/ --use-zip-data
I have encountered an issue while preparing some of the Bioconductor
packages for our upcoming release, and Duncan Murdoch suggested that I
bring one of the related points up here.
The background is that we are building our packages under Windows with
"Rcmd install --build" which will flag the zip options. When the total
size of files in <pkg>\data are over a certain threshold of
2008 Jul 15
counting number of "G" in "TCGGGGGACAATCGGTAACCCGTCT"
Any better solution than this ?
sum(strsplit("TCGGGGGACAATCGGTAACCCGTCT", "")[[1]] == "G")
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 23
can't load just saved R object "ReadItem: unknown type 65"
...[7] "tools" "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
multtest rat2302cdf affycoretools annaffy xtable
"1.13.1" "1.15.0" "1.7.8" "1.7.3" "1.4-3"
gcrma matchprobes biomaRt RCurl XML
"2.7.3" "1.7.4" "1.9.21" "0.8-0" "1.6-0"
GOstats Category Matrix lattice genefilter
"2.1.13" "2.1.20" "0.9975-1...
2007 Mar 23
can't load just saved R object "ReadItem: unknown type 65"
...[7] "tools" "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
multtest rat2302cdf affycoretools annaffy xtable
"1.13.1" "1.15.0" "1.7.8" "1.7.3" "1.4-3"
gcrma matchprobes biomaRt RCurl XML
"2.7.3" "1.7.4" "1.9.21" "0.8-0" "1.6-0"
GOstats Category Matrix lattice genefilter
"2.1.13" "2.1.20" "0.9975-1...
2006 Aug 11
[BioC] problem loading affycoretools (more details)
...ith 'help(Biobase)'.
> For details on reading vignettes, see the openVignette help page.
>Loading required package: affyio
>Loading required package: affydata
>Loading required package: Biobase
>Loading required package: gcrma
>Loading required package: matchprobes
>Loading required package: reposTools
>Loading required package: simpleaffy
>Loading required package: genefilter
>Loading required package: survival
>Loading required package: splines
>Welcome to 'affyQCReport' V 1.6-1
>Further information available at: www.bifix.org
2009 Nov 16
No Visible Binding for global variable
While building a package, I see the following:
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
cheat.fit: no visible binding for global variable 'Zobs'
plot.jml: no visible binding for global variable 'Var1'
I see the issue has come up before, but I'm having a hard time discerning how solutions applied elsewhere would apply here. The entire code for both functions is below,
2003 Oct 30
Release of Bioconductor 1.3
...ngle channel
normalization, support for import of exprSet and marrayNorm data
objects, improved support for design and contrast matrices, new
fitted model object class, within-gene multiple testing, Venn
diagrams and generally a move to a simpler command style at the
user level.
--- matchprobes:
A new package providing tools for working with probe sequence
information: calculate ATCG content, reverse, complement, mismatch
sequences; fast exact sequence matching; combine AffyBatches of
different chip types; create probe data packages.
--- Measurement.cor:
A package to f...
2003 Oct 30
Release of Bioconductor 1.3
...ngle channel
normalization, support for import of exprSet and marrayNorm data
objects, improved support for design and contrast matrices, new
fitted model object class, within-gene multiple testing, Venn
diagrams and generally a move to a simpler command style at the
user level.
--- matchprobes:
A new package providing tools for working with probe sequence
information: calculate ATCG content, reverse, complement, mismatch
sequences; fast exact sequence matching; combine AffyBatches of
different chip types; create probe data packages.
--- Measurement.cor:
A package to f...
2007 Mar 23
can't load just saved R object using R-devel "ReadItem: unknown type 65"
...[7] "tools" "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
multtest rat2302cdf affycoretools annaffy xtable
"1.13.1" "1.15.0" "1.7.8" "1.7.3" "1.4-3"
gcrma matchprobes biomaRt RCurl XML
"2.7.3" "1.7.4" "1.9.21" "0.8-0" "1.6-0"
GOstats Category Matrix lattice genefilter
"2.1.13" "2.1.20" "0.9975-1...
2008 Aug 18
exonmap question: rma (or justplier) crashes
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: ?????? ?? ????????.
URL: <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20080818/dcaa0623/attachment.pl>
2007 Nov 02
loading installes package including all needed subpackages
...croarray Data
makecdfenv CDF Environment Maker
MAQCsubset Experimental Data Package: MAQCsubset
marray Exploratory analysis for two-color spotted
microarray data
MASS Main Package of Venables and Ripley's MASS
matchprobes Tools for sequence matching of probes on arrays
Matrix A Matrix package for R
methods Formal Methods and Classes
mgcv GAMs with GCV smoothness estimation and GAMMs
MLInterfaces Uniform int...
2007 Feb 28
problem with help.start and ?somefunction
..." "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
made4 scatterplot3d ade4 affycoretools annaffy
"1.8.0" "0.3-24" "1.4-2" "1.7.5" "1.6.1"
xtable gcrma matchprobes biomaRt RCurl
"1.4-3" "2.6.0" "1.6.0" "1.8.1" "0.8-0"
XML GOstats Category genefilter survival
"1.4-0" "2.0.4" "2.0.3" &...
2008 Dec 01
[BioC] BioC 2.3 standard installation
...ages(pkgs = pkgs, repos = repos, dependencies =
>> dependencies, ... :
>> installation of package 'Biostrings' had non-zero exit status
>> 7: In install.packages(pkgs = pkgs, repos = repos, dependencies =
>> dependencies, ... :
>> installation of package 'matchprobes' had non-zero exit status
>> 8: In install.packages(pkgs = pkgs, repos = repos, dependencies =
>> dependencies, ... :
>> installation of package 'vsn' had non-zero exit status
>> 9: In install.packages(pkgs = pkgs, repos = repos, dependencies =
>> dependen...
2007 Oct 30
trouble installing building packages from source using R 2.6.0 on Ubuntu Gutsy AMD64
I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu Gutsy and, for the first time, am
using a 64-bit installation. After failing miserably to install R from
source, not a problem for me in the past with a 32-bit install, I went
the route of using the Debian Etch build. This went smoothly, but I am
unable to update my numerous R and BioConductor packages, getting
non-zero exit status errors on each package. Is