search for: litehttp

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "litehttp".

2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...LBC87B503245 ups.status: OL ups.timer.reboot: 65535 ups.timer.shutdown: 65535 ups.timer.start: 65535 ups.vendorid: 09ae ups.watchdog.status: 0 :/etc/nut$ Tom: Let me know if this helps you. List in general: would this help solve general 3024 issues? Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Nut-upsuser < at> on behalf of David Zomaya Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:49 AM To: Tom Cooper Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] Re: Hel...
2020 May 21
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...n Wed, 20 May 2020 20:03:06 -0400 David Zomaya <David_Zomaya at> wrote ---- No, it's not. I'd defer to the list for tips on that one. First thing I'd try if no one else has ideas is checking lsusb and restarting the service. Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Tom Cooper <mailto:tom at> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 7:00 PM To: David Zomaya Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: Re: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U   I'm not seeing this in the log. ...
2020 May 21
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...--- On Wed, 20 May 2020 19:49:27 -0400 David Zomaya <David_Zomaya at> wrote ---- Glad to hear it's working, thanks Tom. Network UPS Tools team: is fixing this as simple as me telling you what new UPS protocols are HID-PDC compliant?  Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Tom Cooper <mailto:tom at> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 2:42 PM To: David Zomaya Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: Re: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U   The fix: Was following a howto he...
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...LBC87B503245 ups.status: OL ups.timer.reboot: 65535 ups.timer.shutdown: 65535 ups.timer.start: 65535 ups.vendorid: 09ae ups.watchdog.status: 0 :/etc/nut$ Tom: Let me know if this helps you. List in general: would this help solve general 3024 issues? Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Nut-upsuser < at> on behalf of David Zomaya Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:49 AM To: Tom Cooper Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] Re: He...
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...C87B503245 ups.status: OL ups.timer.reboot: 65535 ups.timer.shutdown: 65535 ups.timer.start: 65535 ups.vendorid: 09ae ups.watchdog.status: 0 :/etc/nut$ Tom: Let me know if this helps you. List in general: would this help solve general 3024 issues? Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Nut-upsuser < at> on behalf of David Zomaya Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:49 AM To: Tom Cooper Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL]...
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...C87B503245 ups.status: OL ups.timer.reboot: 65535 ups.timer.shutdown: 65535 ups.timer.start: 65535 ups.vendorid: 09ae ups.watchdog.status: 0 :/etc/nut$ Tom: Let me know if this helps you. List in general: would this help solve general 3024 issues? Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Nut-upsuser < at> on behalf of David Zomaya Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:49 AM To: Tom Cooper Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL]...
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
...LBC87B503245 ups.status: OL ups.timer.reboot: 65535 ups.timer.shutdown: 65535 ups.timer.start: 65535 ups.vendorid: 09ae ups.watchdog.status: 0 :/etc/nut$ Tom: Let me know if this helps you. List in general: would this help solve general 3024 issues? Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Nut-upsuser < at> on behalf of David Zomaya Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:49 AM To: Tom Cooper Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: [POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] Re: He...
2020 May 21
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
No, it's not. I'd defer to the list for tips on that one. First thing I'd try if no one else has ideas is checking lsusb and restarting the service. Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite<> ________________________________ From: Tom Cooper <tom at> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 7:00 PM To: David Zomaya Cc: nut-upsuser
2020 May 20
[EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
I'm running Raspbian Buster, but given that the error seems to be "higher order" than a hardware issue - one of parsing the protocol?  I suspect that Ubuntu would be a decent "lookalike" to model the issue.  ---- On Tue, 19 May 2020 22:31:56 -0400 David Zomaya <David_Zomaya at> wrote ---- If I installed and tested against Ubuntu, how useful would
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
Tested a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS virtual machine with NUT 2.7.4 and a 3024 protocol Tripp Lite UPS (mine is a INTERNET550U, but same protocol) :/etc/nut$ lsusb | grep Tripp Bus 002 Device 004: ID 09ae:3024 Tripp Lite I it got generally working (outputting reasonable responses to upsc, although there are some issues with variables like frequency) by adding productid=3024 to my ups.conf. Like this:
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
"Can't claim USB device [09ae:3024]: could not detach kernel driver from interface 0: Operation not permitted" Is probably an issue with NUT grabbing the UPS... can you disconnect and reconnect the USB cable and try again? If that fails, maybe a udev rule will help. Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite <> ________________________________ From:
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
My thoughts for a test: * Just have MODE=standalone in nut.conf * Put [tripplite] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto productid=3024 desc = "Tripp Lite Internet600U" In ups.conf * Put LISTEN 3493 LISTEN ::1 3493 [tripplite] driver = usbhid-ups port = auto in upsd.conf That may be suboptimal but will probably work for a test. Side
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
Glad to hear it's working, thanks Tom. Network UPS Tools team: is fixing this as simple as me telling you what new UPS protocols are HID-PDC compliant? Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite<> ________________________________ From: Tom Cooper <tom at> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 2:42 PM To: David Zomaya Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: Re:
2020 May 20
[POSSIBLE FRAUD] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U
Borrowing from our friends at Ask Ubuntu ( ) there is. I've modified it for use with a Tripp Lite UPS and 3024 protocol below. Try disconnect/reconnect after and see what happens. :/etc/nut$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/90-nut-ups.rules # /etc/udev/rules.d/90-nut-ups.rules ACTION=="add", \ SUBSYSTEM=="usb", \ ATTR{idVendor}=="09ae",
2020 May 20
[EXTERNAL] Re: Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U let me know. ---- On Wed, 20 May 2020 08:51:14 -0400 David Zomaya <David_Zomaya at> wrote ---- I'm still working remotely, but I should be able to get something set up soon. I'll reply all here once I have something to report. Thank you, David Zomaya Tripp Lite   From: Tom Cooper <mailto:tom at> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 7:48:32 AM To: David Zomaya Cc: nut-upsuser Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Nut-upsuser] Help with Tripp Lite Internet600U   I'm running Raspbian Buster, but given that the err...